29 research outputs found

    Convergence Radii for Eigenvalues of Tri--diagonal Matrices

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    Consider a family of infinite tri--diagonal matrices of the form L+zB,L+ zB, where the matrix LL is diagonal with entries Lkk=k2,L_{kk}= k^2, and the matrix BB is off--diagonal, with nonzero entries Bk,k+1=Bk+1,k=kα,0α<2.B_{k,{k+1}}=B_{{k+1},k}= k^\alpha, 0 \leq \alpha < 2. The spectrum of L+zBL+ zB is discrete. For small z|z| the nn-th eigenvalue En(z),En(0)=n2,E_n (z), E_n (0) = n^2, is a well--defined analytic function. Let RnR_n be the convergence radius of its Taylor's series about z=0.z= 0. It is proved that R_n \leq C(\alpha) n^{2-\alpha} \quad \text{if} 0 \leq \alpha <11/6.$

    Propulsion of a plasma ring in a rotary arc device at atmospheric pressure

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    A new form of electromagnetic plasma propulsion has been observed in experiments with high current electric arcs interacting with a magnetic field and a solid wall of particular configuration. It is shown that the post arc plasma acceleration is likely to be due to the excessive pressure at the wall that during earlier stages of arcing counteracts the Ampere force. An attempt is made to explain formation and motion of the plasma cloud taking into account wall ablation on the basis of a self-similar Sedov’s model

    On the Convexity of the KdV Hamiltonian

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    We prove that the nonlinear part H 17 of the KdV Hamiltonian Hkdv, when expressed in action variables I=(In)n 651, extends to a real analytic function on the positive quadrant \u21132+(N) of \u21132(N) and is strictly concave near 0. As a consequence, the differential of H 17 defines a local diffeomorphism near 0 of \u21132C(N)