36 research outputs found

    Detección del ahuecado interno en sandía sin semillas usando métodos acústicos.

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    Hollow heart is a problem quite specific to seedless watermelon, affecting to all varieties. Percentage of fruits affected range from nil to up to more than 50% of the fruits. The acoustic impulse response of 158 watermelons was measured using a prepolarized free-field microphone. After carrying out a fast Fourier transformation on the time signal of the generated sound several acoustic parameters were evaluated. Values of spectral density were significantly different between 'good watermelons' and 'hollow heart watermelons'

    Métodos no destructivos para la determinación de firmeza. Sensores de Aceleración. Impactadores.

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    Impact techniques can be used to evaluate firmness on fruit. Chen and Ruiz-Altisent developed and used a 50,4 g impactor with a 19 mm diameter spherical tip, dropping from different heights onto the fruit. Another impactor device is a semispherical impacting tip attached to the end of a pivoting arm. In both devices a small accelerometer is mounted behind the impacting tip. Prototype lateral impactor on-line sorting system for high-speed firmness sorting of fruits has been developed and tested. Preliminary results shows that is possible its use on-line. The last version of an impact device has new elements that improve the data resolution, the signal-noise ratio and the precision

    Monitoring of firmness evolution of peaches during storage by combining acoustic and impact methods

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    Firmness is a very important quality property in peach. The storage of peach affects its subsequent softening process and shelf life. The temperature and duration of storage mainly influence the firmness of stored fruit, and monitoring the evolution of fruits enables producers to manage its commercial life. The objective of the present study was to use non-destructive acoustic and impact tests to estimate firmness of peaches and to elucidate the influence of storage temperature and of time on the softening process of peach. Continuous and classification models based on variables obtained from non-destructive methods were developed. Parameters obtained from non-destructive methods were compared to destructive reference tests. The maximum force in ball compression correlated well with the maximum acceleration from impact test (r2 = 0.75), and with a band magnitude parameter from acoustic test (r2 = −0.71). Combining impact and acoustic parameters, the multiple correlation coefficient increases up to 0.91 (adjusted R2 = 0.82) in the prediction of the maximum force in ball compression. Classification models based on both non-destructive parameters and sorting peaches into two classes of firmness, showed scores of well classified higher than 90%

    New version of a laboratory impact device for firmness sensing of fruits.

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    Results of previous studies conducted by different researchers have shown that impact techniques can be used to evaluate firmness (Delwiche et al., 1989; Delwiche et al.;1996; Jaren et al., 1992; Ruiz Altisent et al., 1996). To impact the fruit with a small spherical impactor of known mass and radius of curvature and measure the acceleration of the impactor is a technique described by Chen et al. (1985) and used by several researchers for sensing fruit firmness (Jaren et al., 1992; Correa et al.; 1992). The advantages of this method vs. a force sensor that measures the force as a function of time is that the measured impact-acceleration response is independent of the fruit mass and is less sensitive to the variation in the radius of curvature of the fruit (Chen et al., 1996). Ruiz Altisent et al. (1993) developed and used a 50 g impactor with a 19 mm diameter spherical tip, dropping from different height for fruits (apples, pears, avocados, melons, peaches ...). Another impact device for firmness sensing of fruits was developed by Chen and Ruiz Altisent (1996). They designed and fabricated an experimental low-mass impact sensor for high-speed sensing of fruit firmness. The impactor consisted of a semi-spherical impacting tip attached to the end (near the centre of percussion) of a pivoting arm. Impact is done by swinging the impactor to collide with the fruit. It has been implemented for on-line use. In both devices a small accelerometer is mounted behind the impacting tip. Lateral impactor and vertical impactor have been used in laboratory and the results from non-destructive impact tests have contributed to standardise methods to measure fruit firmness: Barreiro (1992) compared impact parameters and results of Magness-Taylor penetration tests for apples, pears, apricots [and peaches; Agulheiro (1994) studied the behaviour of the impact parameters during seven weeks of cold storage of two melon varieties; Ortiz (1998) used low energy impact and NIR procedures to segregate non crispy, non firm and soft peaches. Steinmetz (1996) compared various non-destructive firmness sensors, based on sound, impact and micro-deformation

    Calibración de una nariz electrónica tipo QCM y relación con las especificaciones para la calidad de la pera.

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    Las microbalanzas de cristal de cuarzo (QCM), son mecanismos piezoeléctricos, para transformarlos en sensores químicos es necesario recubrirlos con una capa de material capaz de capturar las moléculas del ambiente. Cuando una masa es adsorbida sobre la superficie del cristal, la frecuencia de oscilación cambia en proporción a la cantidad de masa (Di Natale et al. 1997). La respuesta de los sensores depende de numerosos factores que pueden ser difíciles de controlar, tales como la temperatura y la humedad del gas portador. Todos estos factores producen cambios en la selectividad de los sensores que afectan a la reproducibilidad de las medidas. A pesar de la existencia de numerosos estudios no existe ningún procedimiento establecido para la calibración de las QCM en relación con la sensibilidad necesaria en los sensores para el aseguramiento de la calidad en pera o en otras frutas

    Dispositivo impactador de laboratorio para la determinación de la firmeza en fruta: una nueva versión.

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    Se ha desarrollado una nueva versión de un dispositivo impactador para obtener un sistema versátil y de fácil manejo. La resolución, la precisión y la relación señal-ruido son mayores en el nuevo sistema que en prototipos anteriores. Se ha realizado un diseño de experimentos con diferentes materiales usando el nuevo y el antiguo impactador para comprobar las mejoras conseguidas

    Hyperspectral imaging to evaluate the effect of irrigation water salinity in lettuce

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    International audienceSalinity is one of the most important stress factors in crop production, particularly in arid regions. This research focuses on the effect of salinity on the growth of lettuce plants; three solutions with different levels of salinity were considered and compared (S1 = 50, S2 = 100 and S3 = 150 mM NaCl) with a control solution (Ct = 0 mM NaCl). The osmotic potential and water content of the leaves were measured, and hyperspectral images of the surfaces of 40 leaves (10 leaves per treatment) were taken after two weeks of growth. The mean spectra of the leaves (n = 32,000) were pre-processed by means of a Savitzky-Golay algorithm and standard normal variate normalization. Principal component analysis was then performed on a calibration set of 28 mean spectra, yielding an initial model for salinity effect detection. A second model was subsequently proposed based on an index computing an approximation to the second derivative at the red edge region. Both models were applied to all the hyperspectral images to obtain the corresponding artificial images, distinguishing between the 28 that were used to extract the calibration mean spectra and the rest that constituted an external validation. Those virtual images were studied using analysis of variance in order to compare their ability for detecting salinity effects on the leaves. Both models showed significant differences between each salinity level, and the hyperspectral images allowed observations of the distribution of the salinity effects on the leaf surfaces, which were more intense in the areas distant from the veins. However, the index-based model is simpler and easier to apply because it is based solely on the reflectance at three different wavelengths, thus allowing for the implementation of less expensive multispectral devices

    Teaching precision farming and entrepreneurship for European students: Sparkle online course

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    Within the framework of the European project named ‘SPARKLE’, an online course was created after studying educational needs on precision agriculture (PA), state of the art of technologies and a prospective study of the commercial sector. Five educational and research institutions, high-tech farms and enterprises specializing in technology transfer created the syllabus of the course and the platform contents. The course was designed to provide 30 h of student dedication, via online presentations, documents and videos for each topic. A free pilot course started in April 2020 and 385 students from Italy, Portugal, Greece & Spain enrolled. To trace performance and acquisition of competences, questionnaires were completed by students for each topic and a final overall test. Students’ opinions about the course were also registered using anonymous polls, and results evaluated, to be able to enhance the Sparkle course for subsequent editions. Students also took part in a business model competition, to solve real challenges proposed by farms, related to the use of these technologies

    The Phase Space as a New Representation of the Dynamical Behaviour of Temperature and Enthalpy in a Reefer monitored with a Multidistributed Sensors Network

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    The study of temperature gradients in cold stores and containers is a critical issue in the food industry for the quality assurance of products during transport, as well as forminimizing losses. The objective of this work is to develop a new methodology of data analysis based on phase space graphs of temperature and enthalpy, collected by means of multidistributed, low cost and autonomous wireless sensors and loggers. A transoceanic refrigerated transport of lemons in a reefer container ship from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Cartagena (Spain) was monitored with a network of 39 semi-passive TurboTag RFID loggers and 13 i-button loggers. Transport included intermodal transit from transoceanic to short shipping vessels and a truck trip. Data analysis is carried out using qualitative phase diagrams computed on the basis of Takens?Ruelle reconstruction of attractors. Fruit stress is quantified in terms of the phase diagram area which characterizes the cyclic behaviour of temperature. Areas within the enthalpy phase diagram computed for the short sea shipping transport were 5 times higher than those computed for the long sea shipping, with coefficients of variation above 100% for both periods. This new methodology for data analysis highlights the significant heterogeneity of thermohygrometric conditions at different locations in the container

    Prognostic indicators and outcomes of hospitalised COVID-19 patients with neurological disease: An individual patient data meta-analysis

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    Background Neurological COVID-19 disease has been reported widely, but published studies often lack information on neurological outcomes and prognostic risk factors. We aimed to describe the spectrum of neurological disease in hospitalised COVID-19 patients; characterise clinical outcomes; and investigate factors associated with a poor outcome. Methods We conducted an individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis of hospitalised patients with neurological COVID-19 disease, using standard case definitions. We invited authors of studies from the first pandemic wave, plus clinicians in the Global COVID-Neuro Network with unpublished data, to contribute. We analysed features associated with poor outcome (moderate to severe disability or death, 3 to 6 on the modified Rankin Scale) using multivariable models. Results We included 83 studies (31 unpublished) providing IPD for 1979 patients with COVID-19 and acute new-onset neurological disease. Encephalopathy (978 [49%] patients) and cerebrovascular events (506 [26%]) were the most common diagnoses. Respiratory and systemic symptoms preceded neurological features in 93% of patients; one third developed neurological disease after hospital admission. A poor outcome was more common in patients with cerebrovascular events (76% [95% CI 67–82]), than encephalopathy (54% [42–65]). Intensive care use was high (38% [35–41]) overall, and also greater in the cerebrovascular patients. In the cerebrovascular, but not encephalopathic patients, risk factors for poor outcome included breathlessness on admission and elevated D-dimer. Overall, 30-day mortality was 30% [27–32]. The hazard of death was comparatively lower for patients in the WHO European region. Interpretation Neurological COVID-19 disease poses a considerable burden in terms of disease outcomes and use of hospital resources from prolonged intensive care and inpatient admission; preliminary data suggest these may differ according to WHO regions and country income levels. The different risk factors for encephalopathy and stroke suggest different disease mechanisms which may be amenable to intervention, especially in those who develop neurological symptoms after hospital admission