5,023 research outputs found


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    The need of system of tools development for the introduction of "green" technologies has been proved. A strategic toolkit for rationalizing energy consumption has been proposed to ensure the  transition of the state and its regions to sustainable development. An economic model has been developed for introducing unconventional renewable energy sources.Доказана необходимость разработки системы инструментов по внедрению «зеленых» технологий. Предложен стратегический инструментарий рационализации энергопотребления для обеспечения перехода государства и его регионов к устойчивому развитию. Разработано экономическую модель внедрения нетрадиционных возобновляемых источников энергии.Доведено необхідність розробки системи інструментів щодо запровадження «зелених» технологій. Запропоновано стратегічний інструментарій раціоналізації енергоспоживання задля забезпечення переходу держави та її регіонів до сталого розвитку. Розроблено економічну модель впровадження нетрадиційних відновних джерел енергії


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    The system of interconnections between state executive authorities in Ukraine regarding the financing of environmental projects has been analyzed. "Green" projects allow to improve the environment, reduce emissions and provide environmentally friendly products for thepopulation. The main directions of indicators improvement of implementation of "green" projects on the example of Rivne regionhave been proposed.Проанализирована система взаимосвязей между органами государственной власти в Украине по финансированию проектов сохранения окружающей среды. «Зеленые» проекты позволяют улучшить состояние окружающей среды, сокращение выбросов и обеспечивать экологически чистую продукцию для населения. Предложенные перспективные направления улучшения показателей внедрения «зеленых» проектов на примере Ровенской области.Проаналізовано систему взаємозв’язків між органами державної виконавчої влади в Україні щодо фінансування проектів зі збереження довкілля. «Зелені» проекти дозволяють покращити стан навколишнього середовища, зменшувати викиди й забезпечувати екологічно чисту продукцію для населення. Запропоновані перспективні напрями покращання показників впровадження «зелених» проектів на прикладі Рівненської області

    Theory of AC Josepson Effect in Superconducting Constrictions

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    We have developed a microscopic theory of ac Josephson effect in short ballistic superconducting constrictions with arbitrary electron transparency and in constrictions with diffusive electron transport. The theory is valid for arbitrary miscroscopic structure of the superconducting electrodes of the constriction. As applications of the theory we study smearing of the subgap current singularities by pair-breaking effects and also the structure of these singularities in the constrictions between the composite S/N electrodes with the proximity-induced gap in the normal layer.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, 3 figures available on reques


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    We show that germs of local real-analytic CR automorphisms of a real-analytic hypersurface M in C 2 at a point p ∈ M are uniquely determined by their jets of some finite order at p if and only if M is not Levi-flat near p. This seems to be the first necessary and sufficient result on finite jet determination and the first result of this kind in the infinite type case. If M is of finite type at p, we prove a stronger assertion: the local real-analytic CR automorphisms of M fixing p are analytically parametrized (and hence uniquely determined) by their 2-jets at p. This result is optimal since the automorphisms of the unit sphere are not determined by their 1-jets at a point of the sphere. The finite type condition is necessary since otherwise the needed jet order can be arbitrarily high [Kow1,2], [Z2]. Moreover, we show, by an example, that determination by 2-jets fails for finite type hypersurfaces already in C3. We also give an application to the dynamics of germs of local biholomorphisms of C 2.

    Thermo-oxidative Oligomerization of Aromatic Diamine

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    Molecular spectroscopy (electronic, FT-IR, NMR), methods of thermal and elemental analysis were used for the first time to describe the process of thermo-oxidative oligomerization of 1,3-bis-(4-aminophenoxy)benzene. Introduction of this monomer into linear and network copolymers makes it possible to improve processability, mechanical strength and heat resistance of materials. The structures of copolymers obtained by thermo-oxidation of the diamine in various thermal regimes were studied. It was demonstrated that during prolonged heating of this diamine in air in the temperature range from 220 to 320°C, oligomeric aromatic diamines were formed; these products contained fragments of benzenoid and quinoid types

    Contributions of spontaneous phase slippage to linear and non-linear conduction near the Peierls transition in thin samples of o-TaS_3

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    In the Peierls state very thin samples of TaS_3 (cross-section area \sim 10^{-3} mkm^2) are found to demonstrate smearing of the I-V curves near the threshold field. With approaching the Peierls transition temperature, T_P, the smearing evolves into smooth growth of conductance from zero voltage interpreted by us as the contribution of fluctuations to the non--linear conductance. We identify independently the fluctuation contribution to the linear conductance near T_P. Both linear and non-linear contributions depend on temperature with close activation energies \sim (2 - 4) x 10^3 K and apparently reveal the same process. We reject creep of the {\it continuous} charge-density waves (CDWs) as the origin of this effect and show that it is spontaneous phase slippage that results in creep of the CDW. A model is proposed accounting for both the linear and non-linear parts of the fluctuation conduction up to T_P.Comment: 6 pages, 5 Postscript figure, RevTeX, accepted for publication in PR

    Odd triplet superconductivity in a superconductor/ferromagnet structure with a spiral magnetic structure

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    We analyze a superconductor-ferromagnet (S/F) system with a spiral magnetic structure in the ferromagnet F for a weak and strong exchange field. The long-range triplet component (LRTC) penetrating into the ferromagnet over a long distance is calculated for both cases. In the dirty limit (or weak ferromagnetism) we study the LRTC for conical ferromagnets. Its spatial dependence undergoes a qualitative change as a function of the cone angle \theta. At small angles the LRTC decays in the ferromagnet exponentially in a monotonic way. If the angle \theta exceeds a certain value, the exponential decay of the LRTC is accompanied by oscillations with a period that depends on \theta. This oscillatory behaviour leads to a similar dependence of the Josephson critical current in SFS junctions on the thickness of the F layer. In the case of a strong ferromagnet the LRTC decays over the length which is determined by the wave vector of the magnetic spiral and by the exchange field.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. B 73 (10) (2006

    The phase-dependent linear conductance of a superconducting quantum point contact

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    The exact expression for the phase-dependent linear conductance of a weakly damped superconducting quantum point contact is obtained. The calculation is performed by summing up the complete perturbative series in the coupling between the electrodes. The failure of any finite order perturbative expansion in the limit of small voltage and small quasi-particle damping is analyzed in detail. In the low transmission regime this nonperturbative calculation yields a result which is at variance with standard tunnel theory. Our result predicts the correct sign of the quasi-particle pair interference term and exhibits an unusual phase-dependence at low temperatures in qualitative agreement with the available experimental data.Comment: 12 pages (revtex) + 1 postscript figure. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let