60 research outputs found

    Determination of the Antiferroquadrupolar Order Parameters in UPd3

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    By combining accurate heat capacity and X-ray resonant scattering results we have resolved the long standing question regarding the nature of the quadrupolar ordered phases in UPd_3. The order parameter of the highest temperature quadrupolar phase has been uniquely determined to be antiphase Q_{zx} in contrast to the previous conjecture of Q_{x^2-y^2} . The azimuthal dependence of the X-ray scattering intensity from the quadrupolar superlattice reflections indicates that the lower temperature phases are described by a superposition of order parameters. The heat capacity features associated with each of the phase transitions characterize their order, which imposes restrictions on the matrix elements of the quadrupolar operators.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Structural, electronic, and magnetic characteristics of Np_2Co_(17)

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    A previously unknown neptunium-transition-metal binary compound Np_2Co_(17) has been synthesized and characterized by means of powder x-ray diffraction, ^(237)Np Mössbauer spectroscopy, superconducting-quantum-interference-device magnetometry, and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The compound crystallizes in a Th_2Ni_(17)-type hexagonal structure with room-temperature lattice parameters α=8.3107(1) Å and c=8.1058(1) Å. Magnetization curves indicate the occurrence of ferromagnetic order below T_C>350 K. Mössbauer spectra suggest a Np^(3+) oxidation state and give an ordered moment of μ_(Np)=1.57(4) μ_B and μ_(Np)=1.63(4) μ_B for the Np atoms located, respectively, at the 2b and 2d crystallographic positions of the P6_3/mmc space group. Combining these values with a sum-rule analysis of the XMCD spectra measured at the neptunium M_(4,5) absorption edges, one obtains the spin and orbital contributions to the site-averaged Np moment [μ_S=−1.88(9) μ_B, μ_L=3.48(9) μ_B]. The ratio between the expectation value of the magnetic-dipole moment and the spin magnetic moment (m_(md)/μS=+1.36) is positive as predicted for localized 5f electrons and lies between the values calculated in intermediate-coupling (IC) and jj approximations. The expectation value of the angular part of the spin-orbit-interaction operator is in excellent agreement with the IC estimate. The ordered moment averaged over the four inequivalent Co sites, as obtained from the saturation value of the magnetization, is μ_(Co)≃1.6 μ_B. The experimental results are discussed against the predictions of first-principles electronic-structure calculations based on the spin-polarized local-spin-density approximation plus the Hubbard interaction

    Probing magnetism in the vortex phase of PuCoGa5 by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

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    We have measured X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectra at the Pu M4;5 absorption edges from a newly-prepared high-quality single crystal of the heavy fermion superconductor 242PuCoGa5, exhibiting a critical temperature Tc = 18.7 K. The experiment probes the vortex phase below Tc and shows that an external magnetic field induces a Pu 5f magnetic moment at 2 K equal to the temperature-independent moment measured in the normal phase up to 300 K by a SQUID device. This observation is in agreement with theoretical models claiming that the Pu atoms in PuCoGa5 have a nonmagnetic singlet ground state resulting from the hybridization of the conduction electrons with the intermediate-valence 5f electronic shell. Unexpectedly, XMCD spectra show that the orbital component of the 5f magnetic moment increases significantly between 30 and 2 K; the antiparallel spin component increases as well, leaving the total moment practically constant. We suggest that this indicates a low-temperature breakdown of the complete Kondo-like screening of the local 5f moment.JRC.G.I.5-Advanced Nuclear Knowledg

    Organometallic neptunium(III) complexes

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    Studies of transuranic organometallic complexes provide a particularly valuable insight into covalent contributions to the metal–ligand bonding, in which the subtle differences between the transuranium actinide ions and their lighter lanthanide counterparts are of fundamental importance for the effective remediation of nuclear waste. Unlike the organometallic chemistry of uranium, which has focused strongly on UIII and has seen some spectacular advances, that of the transuranics is significantly technically more challenging and has remained dormant. In the case of neptunium, it is limited mainly to NpIV. Here we report the synthesis of three new NpIII organometallic compounds and the characterization of their molecular and electronic structures. These studies suggest that NpIII complexes could act as single-molecule magnets, and that the lower oxidation state of NpII is chemically accessible. In comparison with lanthanide analogues, significant d- and f-electron contributions to key NpIII orbitals are observed, which shows that fundamental neptunium organometallic chemistry can provide new insights into the behaviour of f-elements
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