12,877 research outputs found

    Characterization of erosion of metallic materials under cavitation attack in a mineral oil

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    Cavitation erosion and erosion rates of eight metallic materials representing three crystal structures were studied. The erosion experiments were conducted with a 20-kHz ultrasonic magnetostrictive oscillator in a viscous mineral oil. The erosion rates of the metals with an fcc matrix were 10 to 100 times higher than that of an hop-matrix titanium alloy. The erosion rates of iron and molybdenum, with bcc matrices, were higher than that of the titanium alloy but lower than those of those of the fcc materials. Studies with scanning electron microscopy indicated that the cavitation pits were initially formed at the grain boundaries and precipitates and that the pits formed at the junction of grain boundaries grew faster than the others. Transcrystalline craters formed by cavitation attack over the surface of grains and roughened the surfaces by multiple slip and twinning. Surface roughness measurements showed that the pits that formed over the grain boundaries deepened faster than pits. Computer analysis revealed that a geometric expression describes the nondimensional erosion curves during the time period 0.5 t (sub 0) t 2.5 t (sub 0), where t (sub 0) is the incubation period. The fcc metals had very short incubation periods; the titanium alloy had the longest incubation period

    Cavitation Erosion of Copper, Brass, Aluminum and Titanium Alloys in Mineral Oil

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    The variations of the mean depth of penetration, the mean depth rate of penetration, MDRP, the pit diameter 2a and depth h due to cavitation attack on Al 6061-T6, Cu, brass of composition Cu-35Zn-3Pb and Ti-5A1-2.5Sn are presented. The experiments are conducted in a mineral oil of viscosity 110 CS using a magnetostrictive oscillator of 20 kHz frequency. Based on MDRP on the materials, it is found that Ti-5Al-2.5Sn exhibits cavitation erosion resistance which is two orders of magnitude higher than the other three materials. The values of h/a are the largest for copper and decreased with brass, titanium, and aluminum. Scanning electron microscope studies show that extensive slip and cross slip occurred on the surface prior to pitting and erosion. Twinning is also observed on copper and brass

    Characterization of erosion of metallic materials under cavitation attack in a mineral oil

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    Cavitation erosion and erosion rates of eight metallic materials representing three crystal structures were studied using a 20-kHz ultrasonic magnetostrictive oscillator in viscous mineral oil. The erosion rates of the metals with an fcc matrix were 10 to 100 times higher than that of an hcp-matrix titanium alloy. The erosion rates of iron and molybdenum, with bcc matrices, were higher than that of the titanium alloy but lower than those of the fcc metals. Scanning electron microscopy indicates that the cavitation pits are initially formed at the grain boundaries and precipitates and that the pits that formed at the triple points grew faster than the others. Transcrystalline craters formed by cavitation attack over the surface of grains and roughened the surfaces by multiple slip and twinning. Surface roughness measurements show that the pits that formed over the grain boundaries deepended faster than other pits. Computer analysis revealed that a geometric expression describes the nondimensional erosion curves during the time period 0.5 t(0) t 2.5 t(0), where t(0) is the incubation period. The fcc metals had very short incubation periods; the titanium alloy had the longest incubation period

    The mechanism of erosion of metallic materials under cavitation attack

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    The mean depth of penetration rates (MDPRs) of eight polycrystalline metallic materials, Al 6061-T6, Cu, brass, phosphor bronze, Ni, Fe, Mo, and Ti-5Al-2.5Sn exposed to cavitation attack in a viscous mineral oil with a 20 kHz ultrasonic oscillator vibrating at 50 micron amplitude are reported. The titanium alloy followed by molybdenum have large incubation periods and small MDPRs. The incubation periods correlate linearly with the inverse of hardness and the average MDPRs correlate linearly with the inverse of tensile strength of materials. The linear relationships yield better statistical parameters than geometric and exponential relationships. The surface roughness and the ratio of pit depth to pit width (h/a) increase with the duration of cavitation attack. The ratio h/a varies from 0.1 to 0.8 for different materials. Recent investigations (20) using scanning electron microscopy to study deformation and pit formation features are briefly reviewed. Investigations with single crystals indicate that the geometry of pits and erosion are dependent on their orientation

    Cavitation pitting and erosion of aluminum 6061-T6 in mineral oil water

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    Cavitation erosion studies of aluminum 6061-T6 in mineral oil and in ordinary tap water are presented. The maximum erosion rate (MDPR, or mean depth of penetration rate) in mineral oil was about four times that in water. The MDPR in mineral oil decreased continuously with time, but the MDPR in water remained approximately constant. The cavitation pits in mineral oil were of smaller diameter and depth than the pits in water. Treating the pits as spherical segments, we computed the radius r of the sphere. The logarithm of h/a, where h is the pit depth and 2a is the top width of the pit, was linear when plotted against the logarithm of 2r/h - 1

    Electrical Tuning of Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Optical Transitions Enhanced by Photoinduced Fields

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    We demonstrate precise control over the zero-phonon optical transition energies of individual nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond by applying multiaxis electric fields, via the dc Stark effect. The Stark shifts display surprising asymmetries that we attribute to an enhancement and rectification of the local electric field by photoionized charge traps in the diamond. Using this effect, we tune the excited-state orbitals of strained NV centers to degeneracy and vary the resulting degenerate optical transition frequency by >10 GHz, a scale comparable to the inhomogeneous frequency distribution. This technique will facilitate the integration of NV-center spins within photonic networks.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Size scale effect in cavitation erosion

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    An overview and data analyses pertaining to cavitation erosion size scale effects are presented. The exponents n in the power law relationship are found to vary from 1.7 to 4.9 for venturi and rotating disk devices supporting the values reported in the literature. Suggestions for future studies were made to arrive at further true scale effects

    Measurement and Control of Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Spins above 600 K

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    We study the spin and orbital dynamics of single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond between room temperature and 700 K. We find that the ability to optically address and coherently control single spins above room temperature is limited by nonradiative processes that quench the NV center's fluorescence-based spin readout between 550 and 700 K. Combined with electronic structure calculations, our measurements indicate that the energy difference between the 3E and 1A1 electronic states is approximately 0.8 eV. We also demonstrate that the inhomogeneous spin lifetime (T2*) is temperature independent up to at least 625 K, suggesting that single NV centers could be applied as nanoscale thermometers over a broad temperature range.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, and 14 pages of supplemental material with additional figures. Title change and minor revisions from previous version. DMT and DJC contributed equally to this wor

    Local majority dynamics on preferential attachment graphs

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    Suppose in a graph GG vertices can be either red or blue. Let kk be odd. At each time step, each vertex vv in GG polls kk random neighbours and takes the majority colour. If it doesn't have kk neighbours, it simply polls all of them, or all less one if the degree of vv is even. We study this protocol on the preferential attachment model of Albert and Barab\'asi, which gives rise to a degree distribution that has roughly power-law P(x)1x3P(x) \sim \frac{1}{x^{3}}, as well as generalisations which give exponents larger than 33. The setting is as follows: Initially each vertex of GG is red independently with probability α<12\alpha < \frac{1}{2}, and is otherwise blue. We show that if α\alpha is sufficiently biased away from 12\frac{1}{2}, then with high probability, consensus is reached on the initial global majority within O(logdlogdt)O(\log_d \log_d t) steps. Here tt is the number of vertices and d5d \geq 5 is the minimum of kk and mm (or m1m-1 if mm is even), mm being the number of edges each new vertex adds in the preferential attachment generative process. Additionally, our analysis reduces the required bias of α\alpha for graphs of a given degree sequence studied by the first author (which includes, e.g., random regular graphs)

    Discriminating spin through quantum interference

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    Many of the proposed solutions to the hierarchy and naturalness problems postulate new `partner' fields to the standard model particles. Determining the spins of these new particles will be critical in distinguishing among the various possible SM extensions, yet proposed methods rely on the underlying models. We propose a new model-independent method for spin measurements which takes advantage of quantum interference among helicity states. We demonstrate that this method will be able to discriminate scalar particles from higher spin states at the ILC, and discuss application to higher spins and possible uses at the LHC.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure