100 research outputs found

    Streamlining collection of training samples for object detection and classification in video

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    Poznavanje korelacija između različitih svojstava kod kukuruza može biti od velike pomoći oplemenjivaču u izboru najučinkovitijeg selekcijskog postupka. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti korelaciju između različitih agronomskih svojstava tijekom drugog ciklusa rekurentne selekcije u FAOSYNFR1B populaciji kukuruza. U 1995. godini provedeni su selekcijski pokusi koji su uključivali 167 S1 potomstava, kao i 167 njima pripadajućih test-križanaca s inbred linijom BcA632N. Pokusi su postavljeni prema shemi 13x13 nepotpunog bloka na tri lokacije. Ukupno gledano pronađeno je više signifikantnih korelacija između proučavanih svojstava u pokusima sa S1 potomstvima nego u pokusima s test-križancima. Većina korelacija kretala se u rasponu od vrlo slabe (r= 0.15*) do osrednje (r= 0.49**). Jedine dvije korelacije koje su u svim pokusima bile jake do potpune bile su korelacija između metličanja i svilanja (r= 0.85** do r= 0.96**), te korelacija između visine biljke i visine do klipa (r= 0.72** do r= 0.81**). Korelacija za trulež stabljike između S1 potomstava i test-križanaca kretala se u rasponu od slabe (r= 0.34**) do osrednje (r= 0.40**). Za prinos zrna niti na jednoj lokaciji nije pronađena signifikantna korelacija između S1 potomstava i test-križanaca. Ukupno je pronađen manji broj signifikantnih korelacija između različitih lokacija za isto svojstvo kod test-križanaca nego kod S1 potomstava. Stoga se može zaključiti da su rezultati S1 potomstava manje varirali s okolinom u usporedbi s test-križancima, što je omogućilo bolju procjenu vrijednosti kod S1 potomstava nego kod test-križanaca za svojstva na koja se vršila selekcija.Information on correlations among different traits in maize could help plant breeders to choose the most suitable selection procedure. The aim of this study was to estimate the correlation among different agronomic traits during the second cycle of recurrent selection in FAOSYNFR1B maize population. In 1995 the selection trials with 167 S1 progenies as well as with their 167 corresponding testcrosses with inbred line BcA632N were set up as 13x13 incomplete block design at three locations. On average, more significant correlations among studied traits were found in the trials including S1 progenies than in those including testcrosses. Most correlations ranged from very weak (r= 0.15*) to intermediate (r= 0.49**). The highest correlations at all locations for both S1 progenies and testcrosses were between pollen shed and silking (r= 0.85** to r= 0.96**), and between ear and plant height (r= 0.72** to r= 0.81**). The correlation for stalk rot between S1 progenies and testcrosses ranged from weak (r= 0.34**) to intermediate (r= 0.40**). The correlations between S1 progenies and testcrosses for grain yield were not significant at all locations. Generally, less significant correlations among different locations for the same trait were found in testcrosses than in S1 progenies. Thus it can be concluded that the traits in S1 progenies varied to the lower extent with the environment compared to the testcrosses. This allowed a better estimate of S1 progeny performances than testcross performances for traits under selection

    Reliability and validity of organizational factors measurement in risk management of process industry equipment

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    In recent decades, process safety control and process safety risk assessment have become very attractive topics. The way control is carried out, using tools such as HAZOP, FMEA, FTA, and similar is not sufficient to adequately prevent or control accidents with serious consequences in the process industry. The need to analyze the causes of the causes themselves, with special emphasis on the impact of organizational factors has arisen. This research results in the development of an original, reliable, and valid measuring instrument for assessing organizational factors important for risk assessment methodologies in working with pressure equipment. The initial instrument was designed based on the previous research and then checked by statistical analysis, using the KaiserMeyerto-Olkin test, exploratory factor, and reliability analysis. The proposed instrument has reduced 71 to 48 dimensions, describing 10 organizational factors important for risk management of pressure equipment. Providing a valid and reliable measurement instrument is essential for a proactive approach, which enables managers employed in the organization to mitigate the risks of pressure equipment operation, and prevent accidents. The proposal of further research is the application of confirmatory factor analysis or/and structural equation modeling on data collected

    Influencia de la temperatura de almacenamiento sobre los parámetros de calidad, fenoles y compuestos volátiles de aceites de oliva vírgenes croatas

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    The influence of low storage temperature (+4 °C and -20 °C) and conventional storage room temperature on the quality parameters, phenolic contents and volatile profiles of Buža, Črna and Rosinjola monovarietal virgin olive oils after 12 months of storage was investigated in this study. Virgin olive oils stored at low temperatures maintained better quality parameters than oils stored at room temperature. A negligible decrease in the total phenols was detected after 12 months of storage at all investigated temperatures. The total volatile compounds, aldehydes, alcohols and esters in almost all stored samples were unchanged compared to fresh oils. Total ketones increased after storage, although at a lower temperature these changes were less notable. An increase in the oxidation indicators hexanal and hexanal/E-2-hexenal ratio was the lowest in oils stored at +4 °C.Storage at temperatures lower than room temperature could help to prolong the shelf-life of extra virgin olive oil by maintaining high quality parameters and preserving the fresh oil’s volatile profile.Se ha estudiado la influencia, durante 12 meses, de temperaturas bajas (+4 °C y −20 °C) y convencional (ambiente), sobre los parámetros de calidad, contenido fenólico y perfil de volátiles de aceites de oliva vírgenes monovarietales Buža, Črna y Rosinjola. Los aceites de oliva vírgenes almacenados a bajas temperaturas mantienen mejores propiedades de calidad que los aceites almacenados a temperatura ambiente. Se encontró una disminución no significativa de los fenoles totales después de 12 meses de almacenamiento a todas las temperaturas estudiadas. Los compuestos volátiles totales, aldehídos, alcoholes y ésteres, en casi todas las muestras almacenadas, se mantuvieron sin cambios en comparación con los aceites frescos. Las cetonas totales incrementaron tras el almacenamiento, aunque a temperaturasmas bajas estos cambios fueron menos notables. El incremento de los indicadores de la oxidación hexanal y la relación hexanal/E-2-hexenal fue más bajo en los aceites almacenados a +4 °C. El almacenamiento a temperaturas inferiores a la temperatura ambiente ayuda a prolongar la vida útil de los aceites de oliva virgen extra, manteniendo la alta calidad y preservando el perfil de volátilesde un aceite fresco

    Antifungal activity of essential oil Hyssopus officinalis L. against micopathogen Mycogone perniciosa (Mang)

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    The most commonly cultivated mushroom species is the Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb). One of the major pathogenic diseases of the cultivated mushroom in Serbia is Mycogone perniciosa (Mang). Biological control systems are not much used in mushroom cultivation. Medical and aromatic plants have been placed in the focus of intense studies. Pure culture of the M. perniciosa was isolated from infected A. bisporus. The essential oil of Hyssopus officinalis L. is used as a potential antifungal agent. The most abundant components in oil are isopinocamphone (43.29%), pinocamphone (16.79%) and b-pinene (16.31%). Antifungal activity of Hyssop was investigated by the modified microatmosphere method. The minimal inhibitory quantity was 5 μL/mL and a minimal fungicidal quantity was 15-20 μL/mL. There is no report on the use of Hyssop essential oil in mushroom disease.Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb) je najčešće komercijalno gajena jestiva gljiva Različiti mikroorganizmi gljive, bakterije i virusi su izazivači bolesti u gajilištima šampinjona. Mycogone perniciosa (Mang) je izazivač bolesti poznate pod nazivom vlažni mehur i najčešći uzročnik gubitaka u gajilištima u Srbiji. Biološka kontrola, koja je uspešno primenjivana na nekim poljoprivrednim kulturama, nije korišćena prilikom uzgoja gljiva. Jedna od mogućnosti je primena biljnih sprejova. Lekovite i aromatične vrste biljaka se intenzivno istražuju kao mogući antifungalni agensi. Uzorci obolelih šampinjona su sakupljani u gajilištima u Srbiji. Kulture M. perniciosa su izolovane sa obolelih plodonosnih tela A. bisporus. Korišćeno je etarsko ulje Hyssopus officinalis. Najzastupljenije komponente ulja su izopinokamfon (43.29%) trans-pinokamfon (16.79%) i b-pinen (16.31%). Antifungalna aktivnost etarskog ulja izopa ispitivana je modifikovanom "mikroatmosfera"- metodom. Minimalna inhibitorna količina je bila 5 μL/mL, a minimalna fungicidna količina 15-20 μL/mL. Velik broj preparata je napravljen i primenjen za kontrolisanje oboljenja pečuraka: fungicidi, primena mikrotalasa ili dejstvo nekih antagonističkih bakterija. Dosad nije bilo saopštenja o primeni etarskog ulja izopa protiv izazivača bolesti gajenih gljiva.nul

    Novel risk management integrated model implementation: comparison between manufacturing and service companies

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    Till now a framework to define a common and unified standard model for integrated risk management systems, which is suitable to be used in all contingency factors settings, has not been found. For this reason, as the main objective of applying the standards of management systems in the organizations is to determine the risk that affects the ability of the organization to achieve its goals and desired results in addition to organizing and coordinating all operations and the optimal use of resources, the purpose is to develop an integrated risk management model for standardized management systems with growing trends such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 22000:2018 with the aim to allow organizations to manage their operations and risks appearing in a manner that reduces the use of available resources and improves the overall performance. Novel risk management integrated model in standardized management systems has three levels – correspondence, coordination and integration and putting in place a clear and structured approach to control of organizational risk. Proposed model has been checked empirically to survey contextual independence of proposed model using Mann-Whitney U*test and it has been proved that the model is context free and applicable to companies from different sectors – both in production and service companies

    Spatially-resolved potential measurement with ion crystals

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    We present a method to measure potentials over an extended region using one-dimensional ion crystals in a radio frequency (RF) ion trap. The equilibrium spacings of the ions within the crystal allow the determination of the external forces acting at each point. From this the overall potential, and also potentials due to specific trap features, are calculated. The method can be used to probe potentials near proximal objects in real time, and can be generalized to higher dimensions.Comment: 7 pages (double spaced), 3 figure