120 research outputs found

    Effet de l’incorporation de graines d’Hibiscus Sabdariffa (Oseille de GuinĂ©e) dans l’alimentation sur quelques paramĂštres d’ingestion et de croissance du poulet en aviculture traditionnelle amĂ©liorĂ©e au Burkina Faso

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    Une Ă©tude de l’effet de l’incorporation des graines d’Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. dans la ration alimentaire sur quelques paramĂštres d’ingestion et de croissance du poulet en aviculture traditionnelle amĂ©liorĂ©e a étĂ© conduite sur 120 animaux au Burkina Faso. Le maĂŻs, source habituelle d’énergie et de protĂ©ines de la ration, a Ă©tĂ© substituĂ© par la farine de graines crues de Hibiscus sabdariffa Ă  raison d’un taux d’incorporation de 0 % ; 10 % et 20 %. L’incorporation des graines crues d’Hibiscus sabdariffa s’est traduite par une rĂ©duction significative des paramĂštres de croissance, d’ingestion, d’efficience alimentaire des nutriments des aliments expĂ©rimentaux. Cette diminution s’est faite de maniĂšre proportionnelle au niveau d’incorporation. L’étude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les teneurs en substances anti nutritionnelles et de cellulose des graines crues d’Hibiscus sabdariffa pourraient constituer un facteur limitant pour leur incorporation dans les aliments des volailles. A cet effet le niveau maximal d’incorporation devrait ĂȘtre limitĂ© Ă  10 %.Mots clĂ©s: aviculture traditionnelle amĂ©liorĂ©e ; graines de Hibiscus sabdariffa ; poulets ; aliment non conventionnel, Burkina FasoEnglish Title:  The impact of intake of Hibuscus sabdariffa’s seeds (Guinea sorrel) in the feeding over some parameters of indigestion and growth of chickens in traditional improved poultry farming/ Aviculture in Burkina FasoEnglish AbstractA survey on the impact of in take of Hibuscus sabdariffa L. seeds (Guinea sorrel) in the feeding over some parameters of indigestion and growth of chickens in traditional improved poultry farming/ aviculture has been conducted on 120 chickens in Burkina Faso. Maize, which provides proteins in the food, is substituted by crude Hibuscus sabdariffa seeds’ flour in a ratio of intake of 0 %, 10 % and 20 %. Pecking crude Hibuscus sabdariffa seeds resulted in an important reduction of growth, indigestion and food efficiency parameters of nutriments. This reduction occurred proportionally to the intake level. The survey revealed that the Cellulose contents of anti-nutriments of Hibuscus sabdariffa’s seeds could a limitation factor in poultry food ; then the maximum level of intake should not exceed 10 %.Keywords: improved traditional poultry farming ; seeds of Hibiscus sabdariffa ; chickens ; non-conventional food ; Burkina Fas

    Activité anti-androgénique de Leptadenia hastata (Pers.) Decne : effet compétitif des extraits aqueux de la plante et du propionate de testostérone sur des rats impubÚres castrés

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    Anti-androgenic activity of Leptadenia hastata (Pers.) Decne: competitive effect of the aqueous extracts of the plant and the testosterone propionate on castrated immature rats. The anti-androgenic activity and the evaluation of competitiveness between the extracts of Leptadenia hastata and the testosterone propionate (TP) were studied on Wistar immature castrated rats. The first group received only 0.04; 0.4; 4; 40; 400 and 1,000 ”g.kg-1 of TP and the second group received simultaneously these different doses of TP and 200 mg.kg-1 of L. hastata. The various treatments showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) of the weight of androgeno-dependent organs and the level of plasmatic testosterone. At low dosis of TP, the dosis of 200 mg.kg-1 of L. hastata inhibited TP effects, whereas at high doses of TP L. hastata extracts potentiated TP effects. In conclusion, the anti-androgenic effect of the extract of L. hastata is expressed when the TP amounts are weak

    Effets de l’extrait aqueux de gomphrena celosioides (amaranthaceae) sur les enzymes hĂ©patiques

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    Gomphrena celosioides est une plante utilisĂ©e en mĂ©decine traditionnelle dans le traitement des maladies hĂ©patiques. Le tĂ©trachlorure de carbone (CCl4) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour induire une hĂ©pato toxicitĂ© chez les rats. Ce hĂ©patotoxique provoque une montĂ©e significative des taux des enzymes hĂ©patiques et de la bilirubine. Les diffĂ©rents traitements avec l’extrait aqueux de Gomphrena celosioides (EAG) Ă  la dose de 500 mg/kg de Poids Vif (PV) et de la silymarine (SIL) reconnue pour ses propriĂ©tĂ©s hĂ©patotoxiques, Ă  la dose de 300 mg/kg PV entrainent une baisse des taux de ces paramĂštres. Les traitements prĂ©ventifs des animaux avec l’EAG et la SIL ont entraĂźnĂ© une baisse du taux des transaminases sĂ©riques, des phosphatases alcalines et de la bilirubine avec une protection de 65,06 % pour l’EAG et 78,34 % pour la SIL en ce qui concerne l’Alanine amino transfĂ©rase (ALAT). Les traitements curatifs des animaux Ă  l’EAG et Ă  la SIL ont donnĂ© une protection de 56,35 % pour l’EAG contre 70,45% pour la SIL en ce qui concerne l’ALAT. L’activitĂ© hĂ©pato protectrice de l’EAG est donc plus protective que curative. Cette activitĂ© est comparable à celle de la SIL. Les mĂ©canismes possibles de cette activitĂ© peuvent ĂȘtre dus Ă  l’action des antioxydants contenus dans les flavonoĂŻdes, prĂ©sents dans l’EAG.Mots-clĂ©s : affections hĂ©patiques, silymarine, mĂ©decine traditionnelle, hĂ©pato toxicitĂ©, flavonoĂŻdes.The aqueous extract effect of Gomphrena celosioides in liver enzymes Gomphrena celosioides is a plant used in traditional medicine in the treatment of liver disease. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) was used to induce hepatotoxicity in rats. This hepatotoxic causes a significant rise in liver enzymes and bilirubin. The various treatments with the aqueous extract of Gomphrena celosioides (EAG) at a fixed dose of 500 mg/kg body weight (bw) and silymarin (SIL), which is known for its hepatoprotective properties, at a fixed dose of 300 mg/kg bw, decrease the activity of these parameters. Preventive treatments of animals with EAG and SIL resulted in a decrease in serum transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin with the protection of 65, 06 % for EAG and 78, 34 % for SIL in Alanine Amino Transferase (ALT) respectively. With regards to ALT, curative treatments with EAG and SIL gave a protection of 56, 35 % for EAG against 70, and 45 % for SIL. The activity of EAG is more protective than curative. This activity is comparable to that of SIL. Possible mechanisms of this activity may be due to the action of antioxidants in flavonoids, whose presence is known in EAG.Keywords : liver disease, silymarin, traditional medicine, hepatotoxicity, flavonoids

    Etude ethnobotanique des plantes hĂ©patotropes et de l’usage traditionnel de Gomphrena celosioides Mart. (Amaranthaceae) au BĂ©nin

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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude ethnobotanique rĂ©alisĂ©e sur les plantes hĂ©patotropes et particuliĂšrement sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques de Gomphrena celosioides a eu pour objectif de rĂ©pertorier les plantes hĂ©patotropesutilisĂ©es par les tradithĂ©rapeutes au BĂ©nin et d’apporter davantage d’informations sur l’usage de Gomphrena celosioides. Pour cela, des enquĂȘtes ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans 13 localitĂ©s du BĂ©nin. Une synthĂšse des rĂ©sultats en comparaison avec les donnĂ©es bibliographiques concernant l’utilisation des plantes dans le traitement des affections hĂ©patiques est rĂ©alisĂ©e. Au total, 214 plantes ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es avec des indications sur leur utilisation. Les feuilles, la dĂ©coction et la boisson sont les plus sollicitĂ©es parmi les parties utilisĂ©es dans la prĂ©paration des drogues, les modes de prĂ©paration et d’administration. Gomphrena celosioides est largement utilisĂ© par les tradithĂ©rapeutes du BĂ©nin avec 43 recettes dont 10 pour les affections hĂ©patiques. Les effets thĂ©rapeutiques de cette plante sont certainement induits par des composĂ©s chimiques qui devront ĂȘtre identifiĂ©s pour confirmer les propriĂ©tĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques de celle-ci.Mots clĂ©s : Gomphrena celosioides, ethnobotanique, hĂ©patotrope, affections hĂ©patiques, tradithĂ©rapeute, BĂ©nin

    Effets oestrogéniques du macéré aqueux des feuilles de Holarrhena floribunda (G. Don) Dur & Schinz chez la rate ovariectomisée

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    Oestrogenic effects of macerated aqueous extracts of the leaves of Holarrhena fl oribunda (G. Don) Dur & Schinz on ovariectomized rat. Estrogenic effects of aqueous extracts of leaves of Holarrhena fl oribunda have been evaluated by uterotrophic assay. Ovariectomized mice were used and treated subcutaneously during seven days with 50, 100, 200 mg.kg-1 doses of Holarrhena fl oribunda and with 100, 200 mg.kg-1 doses of Holarrhena fl oribunda plus 25 mg.kg-1 of oestradiol 17-ÎČ. Estrogenic activity was analysed by uterine dry and wet weight, surrenal gland wet weight, vaginal opening, protein and cholesterol level in uteri horn. Administration of extracts to the doses of 100 and 200 mg.kg-1 exhibits increase of uterine dry and wet weight, surrenal gland wet weight, vaginal opening, protein levels and decrease of level of cholesterol in uterine horn. The results suggest that, aqueous extracts of Holarrhena fl oribunda possesses estrogenic type effect. But when 100 and 200 mg.kg-1 of Holarrhena fl oribunda were given alone with 25 mg.kg-1 of estradiol 17-ÎČ, the estrogenic effect was slight. These results supposed that H. fl oribunda is a weak phytoestrogen and the aqueous extracts of the leaves behad as partial agonisti

    West Africa Climate-Smart Villages AR4D sites: 2016 Inventory

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    Inventory of CSA practices in West Africa's Climate-Smart Villages

    Methodological guide: Community participatory inventory and prioritization of climate-smart crop-livestock agroforestry technologies / practices

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    This guide addresses the issue of identifying priority interventions for communities in the face of climate change. The manual is about participatory approach of inventorizing and prioritizing climate-smart crop-livestock-agroforestry and social technologies / practices. The guide provides a step by step guidance on how project/extension workers can work with communities and other development stakeholders in the target sites to identify practices that can help local communities to better adapt to climate variability in production. The guide was developed within the framework of a project “Building resilient agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in West Africa through participatory action research” (BRAS-PAR)” which is one ofthe flagship 2 projects funded by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). The flagship 2 of CCAFS, which is about climate-smart technologies and practices, addresses the challenge of how to transition to a climate-smart agriculture (CSA) at a large scale for enabling agricultural systems to be transformed and reoriented to support food security under the new realities of climate change. Led by ICRAF-WCA/Sahel, the BRAS-PAR project is being implemented by a consortium of National research institutes in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger and Senegal, IUCN, and ILRI

    Guide methodologique: MĂ©thode communautaire participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture Ă©levage-agroforesterie climato-intelligentes

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    Ce guide traite des questions d’identification des interventions prioritaires pour les communautés dans le contexte du changement climatique. Il s’agit d’une approche participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture-élevage-agroforesterie et sociales climato-intelligentes. Le guide fournit aux agents de terrain un accompagnement et́ape par et́ape pour travailler avec les acteurs clédans les sites cibles, pour identifier les pratiques prometteuses qui aideraient ces derniers às’adapter aux variabilités climatiques dans leurs activités de production. Le guide a étéproduit dans le cadre d’un projet “Building resilient agro-sylvopastoral systems in West Africa through participatory action research” (BRASPAR)” qui est l’un des projets de la Composante 2 financée par le programme de recherche du CGIAR sur les Changements Climatiques, l’Agriculture etla Seć urité Alimentaire (CCAFS). La composante 2 du CCAFS, quitraite des pratiques ettechnologies climato-intelligentes, s’attaque aux défis de comment passer àune agriculture climato-intelligente (ACI) àplus grande échelle pour permettre aux system̀ es agricoles d’et̂re transformeś et reó rienteś pour soutenir la seć uritéalimentaire dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique. Pilotépar l’ICRAFWCA/Sahel, le projet BRAS- PAR est mis en Ɠuvre au Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger et Seń eǵ al par un consortium d’institutions nationales de recherche (INERA, SARI, INRAN et ISRA), IUCN et ILRI

    Combining soil fertilization, cropping systems and improved varieties to minimize climate risks on farming productivity in northern region of Burkina Faso

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    Background In search of options to cope with climate change and variability, a trial combining fertilization and improved varieties of millet and cowpea (intercropped or as sole crop) was conducted on three sites (Lemnogo, Tibtenga and Ramdolla) in the northern region of Burkina Faso. The application of cattle manure (3 t ha−1), micro-dose (3 g hole−1 equivalent to 62 kg ha−1) of a mineral fertilizer composed of 14 % N, 23 % P2O5 and 14 % K2O (NPK), their combination and a control (no manure and no NPK) as four soil fertilization options, two improved varieties of millet (SOSAT-C88 and IKMP5), two varieties of cowpea (KVX 396-4-5-2D and KVX 61-1) and two cropping systems (millet–cowpea intercropping, sole crop) were tested on-farm for two seasons (2013 and 2014). During the third season a survey was conducted on the acceptability by farmers of the tested combinations as a way of buffering or coping with rainfall variability. Results Two-year trial revealed that the combination of manure and NPK applied to the intercropping of millet and cowpea significantly increased crop production (land equivalent ratio = 1.83 ± 0.18 and 1.78 ± 0.20, intercropping millet variety IKMP5 with cowpea KVX 61-1 and intercropping millet variety SOSAT-C88 with cowpea KVX 396-4-5-2D, respectively). During erratic rainfall year, intercropping millet IKMP5 and cowpea KVX 61-1 performed the best, while under well-distributed rainfall conditions, intercropping millet SOSAT-C88 with cowpea KVX 396-4-5-2D displayed higher production, respectively, for millet and cowpea. Some varieties were not well accepted by most farmers (based on a survey of 36 farmers) mainly because of loss in grains before harvest for millet IKMP5 (97 %) and high grain attacks by insects in storage for cowpea KVX 61-1 (89 %). The alternative for farmers rejecting these varieties could be the intercropping of millet SOSAT-C88 and cowpea KVX 396-4-5-2D fertilized with manure. Conclusions Making weather forecasts and related agronomic advices available to farmers in this region will allow them to better plan their agricultural practices such as mineral fertilizer application and will also be a great move toward climate-smart agriculture. Developing more performant storage measures that drastically reduce insect attacks for some of the tested varieties (cowpea KVX 61-1, for instance) could contribute to promoting their adoption
