604 research outputs found

    Cluster structures for 2-Calabi-Yau categories and unipotent groups

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    We investigate cluster tilting objects (and subcategories) in triangulated 2-Calabi-Yau categories and related categories. In particular we construct a new class of such categories related to preprojective algebras of non Dynkin quivers associated with elements in the Coxeter group. This class of 2-Calabi-Yau categories contains the cluster categories and the stable categories of preprojective algebras of Dynkin graphs as special cases. For these 2-Calabi-Yau categories we construct cluster tilting objects associated with each reduced expression. The associated quiver is described in terms of the reduced expression. Motivated by the theory of cluster algebras, we formulate the notions of (weak) cluster structure and substructure, and give several illustrations of these concepts. We give applications to cluster algebras and subcluster algebras related to unipotent groups, both in the Dynkin and non Dynkin case.Comment: 49 pages. For the third version the presentation is revised, especially Chapter III replaces the old Chapter III and I

    Auslander-Buchweitz approximation theory for triangulated categories

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    We introduce and develop an analogous of the Auslander-Buchweitz approximation theory (see \cite{AB}) in the context of triangulated categories, by using a version of relative homology in this setting. We also prove several results concerning relative homological algebra in a triangulated category \T, which are based on the behavior of certain subcategories under finiteness of resolutions and vanishing of Hom-spaces. For example: we establish the existence of preenvelopes (and precovers) in certain triangulated subcategories of \T. The results resemble various constructions and results of Auslander and Buchweitz, and are concentrated in exploring the structure of a triangulated category \T equipped with a pair (\X,\omega), where \X is closed under extensions and ω\omega is a weak-cogenerator in \X, usually under additional conditions. This reduces, among other things, to the existence of distinguished triangles enjoying special properties, and the behavior of (suitably defined) (co)resolutions, projective or injective dimension of objects of \T and the formation of orthogonal subcategories. Finally, some relationships with the Rouquier's dimension in triangulated categories is discussed.Comment: To appear at: Appl. Categor. Struct. (2011); 22 page

    Azumaya Objects in Triangulated Bicategories

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    We introduce the notion of Azumaya object in general homotopy-theoretic settings. We give a self-contained account of Azumaya objects and Brauer groups in bicategorical contexts, generalizing the Brauer group of a commutative ring. We go on to describe triangulated bicategories and prove a characterization theorem for Azumaya objects therein. This theory applies to give a homotopical Brauer group for derived categories of rings and ring spectra. We show that the homotopical Brauer group of an Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum is isomorphic to the homotopical Brauer group of its underlying commutative ring. We also discuss tilting theory as an application of invertibility in triangulated bicategories.Comment: 23 pages; final version; to appear in Journal of Homotopy and Related Structure

    Cluster structures on strata of flag varieties

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    We introduce some new Frobenius subcategories of the module category of a preprojective algebra of Dynkin type, and we show that they have a cluster structure in the sense of Buan-Iyama-Reiten-Scott. These categorical cluster structures yield cluster algebra structures in the coordinate rings of intersections of opposed Schubert cells.Comment: 31 pages, v.2 : a comment about the relation to Muller-Speyer conjecture on positroid varieties is added in 7.3. v.3. final version, to appear in Advances in Mat

    Strict polynomial functors and coherent functors

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    We build an explicit link between coherent functors in the sense of Auslander and strict polynomial functors in the sense of Friedlander and Suslin. Applications to functor cohomology are discussed.Comment: published version, 24 pages. Section 2.7 reorganized, and notational distinction between left and right tensor product reinstalle

    Universal deformation rings for the symmetric group S_4

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    Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2, and let W be the ring of infinite Witt vectors over k. Let S_4 denote the symmetric group on 4 letters. We determine the universal deformation ring R(S_4,V) for every kS_4-module V which has stable endomorphism ring k and show that R(S_4,V) is isomorphic to either k, or W[t]/(t^2,2t), or the group ring W[Z/2]. This gives a positive answer in this case to a question raised by the first author and Chinburg whether the universal deformation ring of a representation of a finite group with stable endomorphism ring k is always isomorphic to a subquotient ring of the group ring over W of a defect group of the modular block associated to the representation.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Applications of BGP-reflection functors: isomorphisms of cluster algebras

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    Given a symmetrizable generalized Cartan matrix AA, for any index kk, one can define an automorphism associated with A,A, of the field Q(u1,>...,un)\mathbf{Q}(u_1, >..., u_n) of rational functions of nn independent indeterminates u1,...,un.u_1,..., u_n. It is an isomorphism between two cluster algebras associated to the matrix AA (see section 4 for precise meaning). When AA is of finite type, these isomorphisms behave nicely, they are compatible with the BGP-reflection functors of cluster categories defined in [Z1, Z2] if we identify the indecomposable objects in the categories with cluster variables of the corresponding cluster algebras, and they are also compatible with the "truncated simple reflections" defined in [FZ2, FZ3]. Using the construction of preprojective or preinjective modules of hereditary algebras by Dlab-Ringel [DR] and the Coxeter automorphisms (i.e., a product of these isomorphisms), we construct infinitely many cluster variables for cluster algebras of infinite type and all cluster variables for finite types.Comment: revised versio

    Quivers from Matrix Factorizations

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    We discuss how matrix factorizations offer a practical method of computing the quiver and associated superpotential for a hypersurface singularity. This method also yields explicit geometrical interpretations of D-branes (i.e., quiver representations) on a resolution given in terms of Grassmannians. As an example we analyze some non-toric singularities which are resolved by a single CP1 but have "length" greater than one. These examples have a much richer structure than conifolds. A picture is proposed that relates matrix factorizations in Landau-Ginzburg theories to the way that matrix factorizations are used in this paper to perform noncommutative resolutions.Comment: 33 pages, (minor changes