119 research outputs found

    Exploring Predicate Based Access Control for Cloud Workflow Systems

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    Authentication and authorization are the two crucial functions of any modern security and access control mechanisms. Authorization for controlling access to resources is a dynamic characteristic of a workflow system which is based on true business dynamics and access policies. Allowing or denying a user to gain access to a resource is the cornerstone for successful implementation of security and controlling paradigms. Role based and attribute based access control are the existing mechanisms widely used. As per these schemes, any user with given role or attribute respectively is granted applicable privileges to access a resource. There is third approach known as predicate based access control which is less explored. We intend to throw light on this as it provides more fine-grained control over resources besides being able to complement with existing approaches. In this paper we proposed a predicate-based access control mechanism that caters to the needs of cloud-based workflow systems

    Stability-indicating RP-HPLC method for determination of Eprosartan in pure and pharmaceutical formulation

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    A simple, sensitive and specific RP-HPLC method was developed for the determination of Eprosartan in pure and tablet forms. The method showed a linear response for concentrations in the range of 20-120 ?g/mL using Methanol: Acetonitrile: Buffer solution (Dissolve 0.02 M potassium di-hydrogen orthophosphate in water. Adjust pH of solution to 6.85 with orthophosphoric acid) in the ratio (45:35:20) as the mobile phase with detection at 232 nm using photodiode array (PDA) detector and a flow rate of 1 mL/min and retention time 7.1 min. The value of correlation coefficient, slope and intercept were, 0.9998, 1661.8 and 114.82, respectively. The method was validated as per ICH guidelines for precision, recovery, ruggedness and robustness. The specificity of the method was investigated under different stress conditions including acidic, basic, photochemical and thermal as recommended by ICH guidelines. The drug undergoes degradation under acidic, basic, photochemical and thermal degradation conditions. All the peaks of degraded product were resolved from the active pharmaceutical ingredient with significantly different retention time. As the method could effectively separate the drug from its degradation product, it can be employed as a stability-indicating one

    Diurnal variation in the catches of demersal fishes In the north west region of Bay of Bengal during 1959-60

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    During the pericxl November 1959-Ootober 1960, the Government of India trawler M. T. Ashok carried out exploratory trawling for demersal fishes, both during day and night, off the coasts of Andhra and Orissa between latitudes 17°-40' to 20°-10' N and in depths ranging from 5 to 64 metres. Six major groups of fishes viz., sharks and skates, rays, catflshes miscellaneous big and small fishes and prawns in the catches showed diurnal variations. The catches of sharks, skates, miscellaneous fish and catfish were heavier during the day than night, irrespective of the area of capture and depth. Prawns and rays, however, yielded better catches at night


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    Abstract This paper presents several fundamental results concerning the controllability and observability criteria for Δ-differential matrix Sylvester system X Δ (t) = A(t) X(t) + X(t) B(t) + F 1 (t) U(t) F 2 * (t), X(t 0 ) = X 0 , with output signal Y(t)= K 1 (t)X(t)K 2 * (t) and control U(t). First, we convert the system into a corresponding Kronecker product system with the help of Kronecker product technique, and its general solution is presented in terms of two transition matrices of the systems X Δ (t) = A(t)X(t) and X Δ (t) = B * (t)X(t). Then, a set of necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for the complete controllability and complete observability of the Δ-differential Kronecker product system. 2000 Mathematics subject classification. 93B05, 93B07, 49K15

    Controllability and Observability of Kronecker Product Sylvester System on Time Scales

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    The main objective in this paper is to present the necessary and sufficient conditions for complete controllability, complete observability associated with kronecker product Sylvester system on time scales.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 93B05,93B07,49K15

    Long Term Variations of Ionospheric Horizontal Drift and Anisotropy of E-region Irregularities at Waltair

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    The study of long term variation of drift and anisotropy parameters of E region irregularities is particularly important because of the fact that D1 method measures movements of ionization that corresponds with neutral air motion in this region and facilitates a comparison with other methods of measuring winds in this region. The study of horizontal movements of small scale ionospheric irregularities at Waltair (17.70 N; 83.30 E) using D1 technique was started as early as I.G.Y.period. In this paper we present the results of observations of the drift and anisotropy parameters of ionospheric irregularities during equinox season over a span of about 10 years from 1957 to 1966 covering both the I.G.Y.and I.Q.S.Y.periods.About 140 midday (10-14 hrs) E-region drift records taken on frequency of 2.4 MHz are selected for the present study. There is an overall increase observed in the velocity parameters Va, V and Vc with the increase of sunspot number. The structure size, a of the irregularities shows a negative variation with sunspot number, decreasing magnitude with increase in sunspot number. There seem to be seasonal variation in the long term variation of some of the drift parameters with respect to solar epoch at Waltair.           

    Development of a perfect prognosis probabilistic model for prediction of lightning over south-east India

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    A prediction model based on the perfect prognosis method was developed to predict the probability of lightning and probable time of its occurrence over the south-east Indian region. In the perfect prognosis method, statistical relationships are established using past observed data. For real time applications, the predictors are derived from a numerical weather prediction model. In the present study, we have developed the statistical model based on Binary Logistic Regression technique. For developing the statistical model, 115 cases of lightning that occurred over the south-east Indian region during the period 2006–2009 were considered. The probability of lightning (yes or no) occurring during the 12-hour period 0900–2100 UTC over the region was considered as the predictand. The thermodynamic and dynamic variables derived from the NCEP Final Analysis were used as the predictors. A three-stage strategy based on Spearman Rank Correlation, Cumulative Probability Distribution and Principal Component Analysis was used to objectively select the model predictors from a pool of 61 potential predictors considered for the analysis. The final list of six predictors used in the model consists of the parameters representing atmospheric instability, total moisture content in the atmosphere, low level moisture convergence and lower tropospheric temperature advection. For the independent verifications, the probabilistic model was tested for 92 days during the months of May, June and August 2010. The six predictors were derived from the 24-h predictions using a high resolution Weather Research and Forecasting model initialized with 00 UTC conditions. During the independent period, the probabilistic model showed a probability of detection of 77% with a false alarm rate of 35%. The Brier Skill Score during the independent period was 0.233, suggesting that the prediction scheme is skillful in predicting the lightning probability over the south-east region with a reasonable accuracy

    Seroprevalence of syphilis in human immunodeficiency virus patients

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    Background: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by, Treponema pallidum. Syphilis facilitates the transmission and acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and causes transient increase in the viral load. Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are 3-5 times more likely to acquire HIV infection, if exposed to the virus through sexual contact. Aim of the study was to estimate the seroprevalence of Syphilis in HIV patients.Methods: A total of 920 blood samples were collected from HIV patients attending ART (Antiretroviral therapy) centre and were tested for Syphilis by using Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) and Treponema pallidum Hemagglutination Assay (TPHA). A total of 100 HIV non-reactive individuals were taken as a control group.Results: Out of 920 samples, 102 (11.1%) were positive for Syphilis. Out of 102 Syphilis seropositive patients, males (76.5%) were more commonly affected in age group of 21-40 years. Both RPR and TPHA were reactive in 46% of cases and only TPHA reactive in 53.9% of cases. Out of 100 HIV non-reactive patients, 5% of patients are reactive for Syphilis.Conclusions: In the present study, prevalence of Syphilis was more in HIV patients compared to HIV non-reactive persons. Persons with HIV infection acquired through sexual route should be screened for Syphilis by one nonspecific test along with specific test to confirm the diagnosis. This will help in proper management of the patients having Syphilis and HIV co-infection