338 research outputs found

    Prevalence of skin infections, infestations, and papular urticaria among adolescents in secondary schools in Calabar, Nigeria

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    Background: Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the pilosebaceous gland, and the most common dermatosis in adolescents globally. Infectious dermatoses are common in the tropics, but due to the paucity of epidemiologic surveys, not much is known about the prevalence and common types found in different sub-populations including adolescents.It is however presumed that the prevalence will be high and the pattern diverse. We therefore conducted a school-based survey to ascertain the prevalence and pattern of infectious dermatoses, infestations, and papular urticaria (insect bite reactions) in teenage adolescents in Calabar, Nigeria.Methods: A cross sectional observational survey of adolescents aged 13-19 years attending randomly selected secondary schools in Calabar, Nigeria. It involved the use of  questionnaires and subsequent whole body examination.Results: A total of 1447 senior secondary school students were examined. Infectious dermatoses, infestations, and papular urticaria (IDIP) were observed in 505 (34.9%) persons, among whom were 269 (53.3%) males, and 236 (46.7%) females (X2=34.87, p=<0.001). Fungal dermatoses constituted more than 90% of the diseases, the bulk of which was contributed by pityriasis versicolor [430 (79.6%)]. The six most common dermatoses in descending order of frequencies were Pityriasis versicolor, tinea, papular urticaria, candidiasis, furuncles, and viral warts.Conclusion: A high prevalence of cutaneous infections exists among teenage adolescents in Calabar, Nigeria. Males have a higher predisposition to fungal dermatoses. Control of the predominant cause of cutaneous infections – pityriasis versicolor, will significantly affect the prevalence of infectious dermatoses, and invariably, the burden of skin disorders in adolescents in Calabar, Nigeria.Keywords: Dermatoses, Infections, Adolescents, Nigeria, PrevalenceFunding: Self sponsore

    Campus design and symbolic Order in Contemporary Nigeria: A Case Study of Covenant University Campus, Ota. Nigeria

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    Many researches in Africa particularly after their independents exert lots of thrust in capital cities and housing development more than any other areas of physical planning. However, some few years ago a new trend of development in university education, (including campus) and other related activities have began to emerge. About a decade ago, Covenant University was established among others as a reformer to offer a more holistic education which addresses man’s totality and provide a befitting campus environment that command international admiration. The study in its review of existing literature focuses on the uniqueness of Campus land-uses planning with the aim to dissect Covenant University campus design which is symbolic in all intent. The authors employ the data from calibrations of spatial situation of existing structures, street density and accessibility factors to determine the degree of coordination of the campus and the graph network or connectivity’s of the campus. In the analysis of the entire campus built form and agglomeration, the study observed a loose coordination in the campus spatial structure. Moreover there is need for additional pedestrian walkways with plant shade in the campus. The study recommends compact development and beef up in the pedestrian paths as a measure to reducing long travel (walk) within the campus; equally it is to minimize continuous interference of vehicular traffic with pedestrians and cyclists alike. Larger open spaces in the campus should be filled with structures that are akin to the activity dominating the area. This becomes imperative in order that the unique design is not thrown out as a ‘romantic nonsense’ entity that can no longer magnetize attention or that which has lost its convenience attribute to the detriment of the community dwellers. The corrective measure is a proposition that can still be accommodate

    Conductivity and Chemiresistive H2S Gas Sensitivity of Graphene (75 wt%)/ Cu (25 wt%) Composite Thin Film

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    This paper studies the conductivity and chemiresistive H2S gas sensitivity of graphene(75wt%)-Cu(25wt%) composite thin film, using self-made chamber and common laboratory apparatus. The method adopted involves mixture of 2 drops of ethanol with the synthesized composite and prepared on a glass substrate by tape casting method. Two small copper metal sheets were used as electrodes for clipping of crocodile which were also connected to digital meter for resistance readings and its changes. The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) shows that annealing temperature reduced the crystallite sizes. The Fourier Transform Infrared Radiation (FTIR) spectra show the functional groups present to be transition metal carbonyls or aromatic combination bands, terminal alkyne (monosubstituted), isothiocyanate and that between 2300 and 2400 cm-1 indicates N=C=S functional group and evidence of CO2 interaction with external surface of the material or intercalating in the interlayer of the host material Also, increase in the conductivity was observed due to decrease in resistivity. The response/sensitivity peak of the sensor to hydrogen sulfide was seen to rise proportionally as temperature rose with percentage 3.97% for as grown, annealed at 200°C is at 12.98% while the annealed at 400°C is at 27.34%

    Effects of Neem Aqueous Extract (Azadirachta indica) against Aphids and Aphid-borne Virus in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp)

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    Pests and diseases are among the major factors limiting plant growth and yields. Pests are known vectors of pathogens including viruses. Proper management of plant pests is an indirect means of controlling viral diseases in plants. This study aimed at comparing the potential of neem extract and a synthetic insecticide (lambda cyhalothrin) for the management of aphids and Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) in five different cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotypes and to determine the residual effects of the insecticide in the cowpea grains. The experimental field was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replicates. Treatments included; spraying of cowpea plots with aqueous neem extract and lambda cyhalothrin (LC) twice at foliage stage, once at flowering and podding stages. Control plots were left unsprayed. Data were obtained on growth and yields of cowpea genotypes as well as the pest and virus disease traits. Results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed that variations attributable to genotypes were significant (p ≤ 0.01) for cowpea yields and virus disease traits. Treatments applied influenced the occurrence of pests and virus diseases. Neem extract reduced aphid infestations and virus diseases as much as the insecticide. Ife BPC accumulated a very high level of LC (1.14 ppm) in its grain when compared with the maximum residue level (MRL) for lambda cyalothrin in cowpea seeds. The study concludes that the use of eco-friendly bio-pesticide such as neem aqueous extract is effective for the management of aphids and aphid-borne virus in cowpea fields. Keywords: Aphids; aqueous extract; cowpea; neem; pesticide; viru

    Molecular Characterization of Potential Crop Pathogens Associated with Weeds as Endophytes in Uniilorin Plantations, Nigeria

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    عادة ما تحدث أمراض المحاصيل عن طريق لقاح من مسببات الأمراض التي قد توجد على عوائل بديلة أو حشائش مثل عائل نباتي داخلي. عادة ما تمنح هذه العوائل النباتية الداخلية ، مسببات الأمراض ، بعض السمات المفيدة لهذه الأعشاب أو المضيفات البديلة من الحماية ضد العواشب ، ومقاومة الأمراض ، وتحمل الإجهاد لإنتاج مركبات الايض الثانوية. لذلك أجريت هذه الدراسة لعزل مسببات الأمراض المحتملة التي توجد كعوائل نباتية داخلية في أنواع الادغال في مزارع جامعة إيلورين. جمعت الأوراق الخضراء عديمة الأعراض من 10 أنواع من الادغال عبر المزارع ، وتم معالجتها لعزل الفطريات من العائل النباتي الداخلي. تم تنقية العزلات إلى مستنبتات نقية واستخدمت في التعريف الجزيئي باستخدام منطقة المباعد المنسوخة الداخلية (ITS) للحمض النووي الريبوسومي. كشف التحليل الوراثي للتسلسل الفطري باستخدام برنامج MEGA عن 9 أجناس فطرية تنتمي إلى 13 نوعًا ، مع وجود أنواع في الأجناس Curvularia و Epicoccum و Daldinia في أكثر من نوع واحد من الادغال ، بينما توجد أجناس أخرى مثل Alternaria و Fusarium و Chaetomium و Macrophomina و Arthrinium و Phomopsis في نوع واحد فقط من الادغال لكل منهما. تم عزل Daldinia eschscholtzii في هذه الدراسة باعتباره عائل نباتي داخلي من Loudetia arundinacea لأول مرة. هذا النبات متوفر بكثرة في نيجيريا وإفريقيا حيث يتم استخدامه بشكل رئيسي بتغطية السقوف بالقش وتغذية المواشي. يمثل هذا أيضًا أول فطريات في عائل نباتي داخلي من جنس Loudetia.. تمت مناقشة العلاقة المحتملة بين حدوث هذه الفطريات باعتبارها عائل نباتي داخلي ومسببات الأمراض. تمثل هذه الاكتشافات أول تحديد جزيئي واسع النطاق والعديد من التقارير الأولية عن عوائل نباتات داخلية من هذه الأنواع من الادغال. تمثل هذه النتائج أيضًا التسجيل الأولي لبعض هذه الفطريات في نيجيريا.Crop diseases are usually caused by inoculum of pathogens which might exist on alternate hosts or weeds as endophytes. These endophytes, cum pathogens, usually confer some beneficial attributes to these weeds or alternate hosts from protection against herbivores, disease resistance, stress tolerance to secondary metabolites production. This study was therefore carried out to isolate potential crop pathogens which exist as endophytes on weed species in the University of Ilorin plantations. Green asymptomatic leaves were collected from 10 weed species across the plantations, and processed for their endophytic fungi isolation. Isolates were purified into pure cultures and used for molecular identification using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA. Phylogenetic analysis of the fungal sequences using MEGA software revealed 9 fungal genera belonging to 13 species, with species in the genera Curvularia, Epicoccum and Daldinia occurring in more than one weed species, while other genera such as Alternaria, Fusarium, Chaetomium, Macrophomina, Arthrinium and Phomopsis occurred in just one weed species each. Daldinia eschscholtzii was isolated in this study as an endophyte from Loudetia arundinacea for the first time. This plant is very abundant in Nigeria and Africa where it is used majorly for thatching and feeding livestocks. This also represents the first endophytic fungi from the genus Loudetia. Potential relationship between the occurrences of these fungi as endophytes and as pathogens are discussed. These discoveries represent the first large-scale molecular identification and several first reports of endophytes from these weed species. These results also represent the first records of some of these fungi in Nigeria

    Retrospective Study on the Prevalence of Surgical Wound Infections in Specialist Hospital Sokoto – North West Nigeria

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    Introduction: Nosocomial surgical site infections remain a key drawback in health care facilities, resulting in extended length of stay, significant morbidity and mortality, elevated excess of cost, and less regular basis of death in the surgical patient. Aim: The objective of the study is to determine the rate of occurrence of surgical site nosocomial infections in surgical patients in Specialist Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria. Study Design: Retrospective study. Place and Duration of Study: A 2-year retrospective study of nosocomial surgical site infections (June 2011 to May 2013) was carried out in Specialist Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria. Methodology: Patients' folders and microbiology laboratory records were used for the determination of prevalence of nosocomial infections in. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: Result of the retrospective study of surgical site infection in the hospital showed that surgical site nosocomial infections are frequent in the hospital, with a prevalence rate of 4.7% (2011/2012) and 7.6% (2012/2013). Conclusion: Despite the fact that this study is limited to nosocomial surgical site infections in three surgical wards only, surgical site infection exists as a major problem hospital. The results of this study are consistent with reports of similar studies in Nigeria and other parts of the world

    Comparative Biodiversity Assessment of Weed Species in Monocropping Plantations of University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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    The present study investigates the weed species diversity in four plantations of university of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria using quadrat method. The survey revealed two major life cycles (annual and perennial) and recorded a total of 88 weed species belonging to 32 families. Four species (Azadirachta indica, Daniellia oliveri, Desmodium tortuosum, and Tridax procumbens) were common in all the surveyed plantations while the family Fabaceae was the most dominant. The abundant weed species analysis showed a high importance value index and were more adapted to the plantations. Diversity analysis revealed high species richness in the sugarcane plantation. The non-canopy nature of the plantation, soil structure as well as ability to coexist with many other species may underscore the reasons for this pattern of diversity. The evenness and similarity indices between and across the plantations were generally low, thus, indicating varying diversity. As a result of the recorded variation in weed composition between and across the plantations, the study has provided an insight on the pattern of weed diversity in the studied plantations. The study recommended that the most abundant weed species populations be checked for the plantations to thrive. Finally, there is an urgent need to conserve weed species that are not only rare in abundance but also showed great social and economic values

    Design and Construction of an Arduino - Based Solar Power Parameter-Measuring System with Data Logger

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    Accurate monitoring and measurement of solar photovoltaic panel parameters are important for solar power plant analysis to evaluate the performance and predict the future energy generation. There are always challenges of getting such data readily available due to huge amount of money to be spent on state of the art equipment or the purchase of reliable satellite weather data. This study aimed at the development of a cost-effective parameter-measuring system for a solar photovoltaic panel using Arduino microprocessor board. The systems measure five parameters, including voltage, current, light intensity, temperature, and pressure. The hardware circuit was designed to link different sensors with the Arduino board and the measured data were in turn were documented into a computer for further analysis. The accuracy of the constructed device was ascertained by comparing the measured parameters with that of conventional standard measuring instruments which shows good agreement. The measured parameters show that the output energy generation from solar photovoltaic panel largely depends on the solar irradiance and temperatur