18,810 research outputs found

    Application of the Exact Muffin-Tin Orbitals Theory: the Spherical Cell Approximation

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    We present a self-consistent electronic structure calculation method based on the {\it Exact Muffin-Tin Orbitals} (EMTO) Theory developed by O. K. Andersen, O. Jepsen and G. Krier (in {\it Lectures on Methods of Electronic Structure Calculations}, Ed. by V. Kumar, O.K. Andersen, A. Mookerjee, Word Scientific, 1994 pp. 63-124) and O. K. Andersen, C. Arcangeli, R. W. Tank, T. Saha-Dasgupta, G. Krier, O. Jepsen, and I. Dasgupta, (in {\it Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.} {\bf 491}, 1998 pp. 3-34). The EMTO Theory can be considered as an {\it improved screened} KKR (Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker) method which is able to treat large overlapping potential spheres. Within the present implementation of the EMTO Theory the one electron equations are solved exactly using the Green's function formalism, and the Poisson's equation is solved within the {\it Spherical Cell Approximation} (SCA). To demonstrate the accuracy of the SCA-EMTO method test calculations have been carried out.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Models for energy and charge transport and storage in biomolecules

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    Two models for energy and charge transport and storage in biomolecules are considered. A model based on the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation with long-range dispersive interactions (LRI's) between base pairs of DNA is offered for the description of nonlinear dynamics of the DNA molecule. We show that LRI's are responsible for the existence of an interval of bistability where two stable stationary states, a narrow, pinned state and a broad, mobile state, coexist at each value of the total energy. The possibility of controlled switching between pinned and mobile states is demonstrated. The mechanism could be important for controlling energy storage and transport in DNA molecules. Another model is offered for the description of nonlinear excitations in proteins and other anharmonic biomolecules. We show that in the highly anharmonic systems a bound state of Davydov and Boussinesq solitons can exist.Comment: 12 pages (latex), 12 figures (ps

    Estimation of Capital Matrices for Multisectoral Models: An Application to Italy and Tuscany

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    This paper refers to the Tuscany case study which constitutes a systems analysis of integrated regional development in the Tuscany region. A core of this study is the development of applied models and methods undertaken by the Regional Development Group at IIASA, in collaboration with the Regional Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany (IRPET). A bi-regional input-output model has a central part in the system of model development. In order to capture the dynamic process of capacity creation and removal, the capital formation has to be included into the input-output framework in a systematic way. This presupposes an estimation of capacity change and of capital coefficient matrices. This paper presents a systematic approach to obtain these estimates, also in the case where only a limited set of data is available. In summary, the method combines a vintage type production theory and an estimation technique based on information theory

    Is the Mott transition relevant to f-electron metals ?

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    We study how a finite hybridization between a narrow correlated band and a wide conduction band affects the Mott transition. At zero temperature, the hybridization is found to be a relevant perturbation, so that the Mott transition is suppressed by Kondo screening. In contrast, a first-order transition remains at finite temperature, separating a local moment phase and a Kondo- screened phase. The first-order transition line terminates in two critical endpoints. Implications for experiments on f-electron materials such as the Cerium alloy Ce0.8_{0.8}La0.1_{0.1}Th0.1_{0.1} are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Average characteristic polynomials in the two-matrix model

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    The two-matrix model is defined on pairs of Hermitian matrices (M1,M2)(M_1,M_2) of size n×nn\times n by the probability measure 1Znexp(Tr(V(M1)W(M2)+τM1M2)) dM1 dM2,\frac{1}{Z_n} \exp\left(\textrm{Tr} (-V(M_1)-W(M_2)+\tau M_1M_2)\right)\ dM_1\ dM_2, where VV and WW are given potential functions and \tau\in\er. We study averages of products and ratios of characteristic polynomials in the two-matrix model, where both matrices M1M_1 and M2M_2 may appear in a combined way in both numerator and denominator. We obtain determinantal expressions for such averages. The determinants are constructed from several building blocks: the biorthogonal polynomials pn(x)p_n(x) and qn(y)q_n(y) associated to the two-matrix model; certain transformed functions n(w)\P_n(w) and \Q_n(v); and finally Cauchy-type transforms of the four Eynard-Mehta kernels K1,1K_{1,1}, K1,2K_{1,2}, K2,1K_{2,1} and K2,2K_{2,2}. In this way we generalize known results for the 11-matrix model. Our results also imply a new proof of the Eynard-Mehta theorem for correlation functions in the two-matrix model, and they lead to a generating function for averages of products of traces.Comment: 28 pages, references adde

    Molecular clouds in the centers of galaxies: Constraints from HCN and CO-13 line emission

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    We have searched for HCN J=1-0 line emission in the centers of 12 galaxies and have detected it in 10 of them. We have obtained complementary data on J=1-0 and 2-1 transitions of CO-12 and CO-13 in these systems. The ratio of integrated intensities, I(CO 1-0)/I(HCN 1-0) = 25 +/- 11 for this sample. We find that HCN emission of this strength can be produced under conditions of subthermal excitation. In combination with the line ratios in CO and CO-13, HCN puts constraints on the mean conditions of molecular clouds and on the mix of cloud types within the projected beam