2,068 research outputs found

    A fixed point theorem for generalized metric spaces

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    In this paper we prove two fixed point theorems for the generalized metric spaces introduced by Dhage

    On absolute normal double matrix summability methods

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    It is shown that, if T is a row finite nonnegative double summability matrix satisfying certain conditions, then |T|k summability is stronger than |N, pn|k summability, for k 1. As special summability methods T we consider weighted mean and double Cesaro, (C, 1, 1), methods

    A fixed fuzzy point for fuzzy mapping in complete metric spaces

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    In this paper, we prove a fixed fuzzy point theorem for fuzzy mappings over a complete metric space

    Common fixed point theorems for occasionally weakly compatible mappings satisfying a generalized contractive condition

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    We obtain several fixed point theorems for a class of operators called occasionally weakly compatible maps defined on a symmetric space satisfying a generalized contractive condition. These results establish some of the most general fixed point theorems for four maps. Our theorem generalizes Theorem 1 of [A. Aliouche, A common fixed point theorem for weakly compatible mappings in symmetric spaces satisfying a contractive condition of integral type, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 322(2006),796-802] and Theorem 1 of [X. Zhang, Common fixed point theorems for some new generalized contractive type mappings, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333(2007), 780-786] and those contained therein

    Some E-J Generalized Hausdorff Matrices Not of Type

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    We show that there exists a regular E-J generalized Hausdorff matrix which has no zero elements on the main diagonal and which is not of type and establish several other related theorems

    Characterization for the Convergence of Krasnoselskij Iteration for Non-Lipschitzian Operators

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    We establish the convergence of Krasnoselskij iteration for various classes of non-Lipschitzian operators

    A generalization of some fixed point theorems of K. M. Ghosh

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    This note establishes the following result. Let T be a selfmap of a normed linear space E. For 0<λ≤1, define Tλx=λx+(1−λ)Tx for each x in E. If, in addition, S=TTλ satisfies any contractive definition strong enough to guarantee that S has a unique fixed point u in E, and, if TTλu=TλTu, then u is the unique fixed point for T

    Convergence theorems for I

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    We establish the weak convergence of a sequence of Mann iterates of an I-nonexpansive map in a Banach space which satisfies Opial's condition