174 research outputs found

    Participation Traders Separating Waste In Pasar Baru Tampan Sub District Pekanbaru City

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    Garbage is defined as something that is not used anymore, unused, or something that is thrown away, which is derived from human activities and does not happen by itself. The market is one of the human activities that produce large amounts of garbage every day, when the waste sorting system is not good, it will make it difficult to carry out waste management and will have an impact on health directly or indirectly. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the participation of traders in waste sorting in Tampan Sub district  Pasar Baru  Pekanbaru.This study is quantitative research with cross sectional design. This research was conducted April 2015, sample in this study is 79 merchants. Data were collected by using questionnaires and observation. Data analysis for bivariate with chi-square test with 95% confidence level with α = 0.05. The results showed that there is a relationship between education (OR = 2,60  ; CI: 1,08-3,67),  socialization  (OR = 3,10; CI: 2,58-5,99) availability of trash waste (OR = 8,25 ; CI: 2,98-7,55 with waste sorting participation

    Studi Efektivitas Penggunaan Jembatan Penyeberangan Orang (Jpo) di Kawasan Lapangan Merdeka Medan (Studi Kasus : Jl. Putri Hijau dan Jl. Guru Patimpus)

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    Pedestrian Over Pass is one part of the pedestrian path that functions as a pedestrian crossing facility. Pedestrian Over Pass are located on highways with high vehicle intensity and railway lines. As a facility designated for pedestrians, the Pedestrian Over Pass should be effectively used. However, the phenomenon that occurs at this time is that there are many Pedestrian Over Pass that are not used by pedestrians, and they prefer to cross directly. Aside from not being used, many Pedestrian Over Pass are damaged and do not meet the standards of provision. Likewise, what happened in the Merdeka Field area in Medan, there are several Pedestrian Over Pass that are not used and have been damaged and cannot even be accessed. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research related to the effectiveness of using the Pedestrian Over Pass in the Merdeka Field area of Medan (Case study: Jalan Putri Hijau and Jalan Guru Patimpus). This study found that the effectiveness of using the Pedestrian Over Pass in research are are Low

    Kajian Yii Framework Dalam Pengembangan Website Perguruan Tinggi

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    Along with the development of technology in building a website , usually in the PHP programming language , people tend to write the coding from scratch . It seems like Perguruan Tinggi Raharja website which has 4 ( four ) such problems in terms of appearance , contains , security and technology . Because the Perguruan Tinggi Raharja website is still under construction using conventional methods , which take a long time can eventually lead to problems such as complexity in the preparation of the program code . Where it can lead to the development of the website and the length of time it is difficult to perform more maintenance because the code of the compiled program does not have a good standard of application development . As a solution presented four (4 ) solution of the above problems is the infrastructure including a website , view websites , website content and dashboard system , this can be managed more easily by applying a PHP based frameworks like Yii Framework . Yii Framework is a framework that contains functions and classes using the MVC method contained therein . MVC is a method that separates the parts of a web application consists of a Model , View , and Controller . With the Yii Framework significant benefits obtained as easily perform all types of web application development because Yii is very light and comes with a caching solution that is satisfactory , and it is suitable for developing applications with high traffic . In terms of safety also has a pretty good level of security , including the prevention of cross- site scripting ( XSS ) , cross-site request forgery , and the prevention of attacks of cookies . With the construction of university websites using Yii Framework Prog  expected to improve the performance of a website as a future spotlight Pribadi Raharja information

    Peran Perempuan dalam Pengelolaan Sungai Sani di Kabupaten Pati

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    Mailisa ER, Yulianto B, Warsito B.  2020. Peran Perempuan dalam Pengelolaan Sungai Sani di Kabupaten Pati. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang  20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Clean water is an essential component needed to survive of living things, one of which can be obtained by processing river water. The awareness to participate in protecting the environment needs to be raised because in fact, there are still many people who do not understand the importance of protecting the surrounding environment and the impacts that will occur if the community is indifferent to environmental conditions. Women have a significant role in the process of children's character education and forming children's habits to respect the environment more, one of which is participating in the management of rivers around their homes. This study aims to determine the perceptions and forms of women's participation in managing the Sani River in Pati Regency. The research method used is descriptive analitic. Data collection techniques used were interviews, filling out questionnaires and field observations. The study results, found that about 80% of women living around the Sani River knew the Sani River’s functions and benefits and were involved in its management (63,33%). The form of participation carried out in river management attending meetings, providing advice and planning, also contributing food or energy in community service activities. Women’s role  in the household and public circles still needs to be improved to minimize the pollution that occurs the river so it can help to realize optimal management of the Sani River

    Aplikasi M-Commerce Berbasis Android Pada Phone Comp Service

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    Perkembangan bisnis di era modern ini memicu persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat. Sistem penjualan atau marketing pun ditingkatkan guna mempertahankan dan meningkatkan pemasaran produk. Sistem penjualan yang dengan teknologi modern akan menjadi alternatif penjualan yang baik. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi smartphone, sistem akan dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan dan pemrograman perangkat lunak yang berorientasi objek (OOP). Untuk pengembangannya digunakan aplikasi Eclipse Juno dan Dreamwever. Aplikasi ini berbasis Mobile Application (Android) menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dan MySQL sebagai databasenya dan PHP sebagai web servernya. Metode pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan Metode Prototype. Yang nantinya akan menghasilkan sebuah apliksi m-commerce dengan memanfaatkan sistem aplikasi android pada smartphone. Aplikasi ini nantinya akan sangat berguna untuk toko Phone Comp Service. Aplikasi yang dihasilkan ini berupa aplikasi mobile atau m-commerce yang akan dijalankan pada smartphone android. Dengan aplikasi nantinya akan memudahkan konsumen untuk melakukan pemesanan atau transaksi pada toko Phone Comp Service, sehingga akan lebih mudah efesiensi waktu. Aplikasi ini juga akan meningkatkan omset penjualan toko

    Simulasi Manajemen Penempatan Barang pada Gudang Berbasis 3D Menggunakan Metode Block Stacking

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    Gudang merupakan salah satu prasarana yang sangat penting dalam dunia industri yang berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan sementara dalam hal distribusi barang. Penempatan barang secara teratur dan efisien di dalam sebuah gudang merupakan sebuah kewajiban yang harus dilakukan oleh sebuah Perusahaan ritel, manufaktur atau jasa ekspedisi untuk mempercepat proses pengiriman dan penerimaan barang. Permasalahan yang muncul antara lain terkait dengan efisiensi penataan barang di dalam gudang sehingga mengakibatkan lamanya waktu keluar masuk barang. Untuk membantu menyelesaikan kesulitan tersebut, maka dibuat sebuah perangkat lunak yang mampu memberikan simulasi bagaimana proses penempatan barang pada gudang secara optimal. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yang akan digunakan adalah metode Prototype, sedangkan algoritma yang akan diimplementasikan di dalam aplikasi adalah Block Stacking. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan perangkat lunak yang mampu membuat visualisasi 3 dimensi dari simulasi penempatan jumlah barang secara maksimal pada gudang dan secara efisien dari sisi optimasi pemanfaatan ruang

    The Medical Waste Management in Health Centers as the City of Pekanbaru

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    The amount of medical waste comes from health facilities are expected more increasing. Based on Indonesia Health Profile 2008, amount of health centers reached 8,548 units. Management of medical waste from hospitals, health centers, clinics and medical laboratories in Indonesia is still under professional standards. In Pekanbaru city does not have accurate data on medical waste management in health centers, and therefore it necessary related research to see the extent of medical waste management health centers. This study aims to determine the medical waste management in health centers as the city of Pekanbaru. Type of research is descriptive qualitative, study was conducted in 20 health centers in Pekanbaru. The number of informants in this study were 21 people consisting of 20 holders of environmental health programs each health center and 1 holder of the environmental sanitation program at the City Health Office. Instrument research using in-depth interviews and observation sheets. Results reveal that a health center of Pekanbaru city has done a medical waste management ranging from segregation, collection, storage, transportation, yet at the stage of annihilation still less than the maximum. Constraints faced was funding the operation and maintenance personnel as well as there is no incinerator machine is not functioning properl

    Factors Associated with the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Health Center Islands Selatpanjang Meranti

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    Incidence og dengue in the region of the district health center island Selatpanjang Meranti as 129 cases. Of 2 and 6 rural villages, urban villages, especially the city Selatpanjang RW 09 and RW 10 and RW particular village east Selatpanjang 01 and RW 02 includes areas with the highest cases of health centers in the region of Selatpanjang. The purpose of the study to determine the factors associated with the incidence of dengue in Selatpanjang Meranti Islands. Quantitative research conducted with cross-sectional research design. The sample in the study of 167 respondents. The sampling technique using simple random sampling. Data collection using questionnaires and direct observation. Test statistics with chi square test at 95% confidence level. The results showed no relationship between respondents knowledge of dengue, the presence of aedes aegypti larvae in containers, the shelter is closed on the availability of water and frequency of draining water reservoirs daily use with the incidence of dengue in the district health center island Meranti Selatpanjang 2012. While the habit of hanging clothes no association with the incidence of dengue in the district health center island Selatpanjang Meranti of 2012. It is expected that further intensify the health center larva periodic inspection activities, as well as for the community to pay more attention to the activities and the implementation of PSN plus 3M-DBD independently and regularl

    Stratеgi Pеmasaran dalam Upaya Mеningkatkan Volumе Pеnjualan pada еKspor Urеa (Studi pada PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, Bontang)

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    This rеsеarch aims to analyzе thе factors that еncouragе PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur doing thе еxport activitiеs, find out thе markеting stratеgiеs appliеd to thе company. Analysis tеchniquе data usеd in this rеsеarch in thе SWOT analysis by using a Matix IFAS, ЕFAS, IЕ and TOWS matrix in ordеr to makе somе altеrnativе stratеgiеs. Thе rеsult of this rеsеarch shows thе factors of thе company еntеring urеa еxport markеt bеcausе PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur has a surplus in urеa production. Thе SWOT analysis shows, thе company strеngth liеs on thе guarantееd produc quality, and thе company wеaknеss is limitеd production capacity for еxport. Thе biggеst opportunity for thе company is thе dеmand of еxport urеa markеt still high, and thе biggеst thrеat is thе fluctuation of intеrnational pricеs of urеa. Basеd on matrix IE analysis, thе company is locatеd in Growth and Build. Thе altеrnativе stratеgy that can bе givеn arе finding othеr sourcе bеsidе using thе natural gas, doing markеt pеnеtration through coopеration with forеign distribution, dеfеnding thе quality of thе company's product, divеrsifiеd product, improving promotional activitiеs by doing coopеration with forеign distributor and constructеd storagе shеds in that country. Kеyword: Еxport, Markеting Stratеgy, Urea, Analisis SWO