79 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Condom Use Behaviour Among Injecting Drug Users (Idus) in Semarang, Central Java

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    Latar Belakang: Hubungan seks telah diidentifikasi sebagai sumber utama penularan HIV dari pengguna narkoba suntik (penasun) untuk pasangan seksual mereka. Studi sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kondom di kalangan IDU masih rendah. Tujuan: Penggunaan kondom telah diidentifikasi sebagai salah satu metode paling efektif untuk mencegah HIV dan AIDS melalui kontak seksual. Metode: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan kondom di kalangan IDU penelitian explenalory dan 64 IDU dipilih menggunakan teknik accidental sampling.Hasil: menunjukkan bahwa hanya 40,6% dari penasun sering tidak menggunakan kondom selama hubungan seks pasangan mereka dalam periode enam bulan terakhir. Kesimpulan: Beberapa variabel seperti melihat hambatan dan isyarat eksternal untuk bertindak secara signifikan terkait dengan penggunaan kondom di kalangan IDU Analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa persepsi yang baik pada isyarat eksternal untuk tindakan adalah prediktor penggunaan kondom di kalangan IDU

    Pengaruh Perilaku Menggosok Gigi Terhadap Plak Gigi Pada Siswa Kelas IV Dan V Di SDN Wilayah Kecamatan Gajahmungkur Semarang

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    Effect of tooth brushing behavior toward Dental Plaque In Class IV and V on SDN Gajahmungkur Regency of Semarang; dental plaque was the primary agent of dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Prevention of dental caries by mechanically plaque cleaning the brush. Research purposes to analyze what factors were related to the behavior of brushing teeth with dental plaque on Class IV and V students at State Elementary School of Gajahmungkur District Region. This type of research was the survey method and analytic cross-sectional design. A sample of 400 students conducted by proportional random sampling. Data collection methods are interviews, examinations and observations. Bivariate data analysis using Chi square test and multivariate Logistic Regression Test. The results Dental Plaque score classes IV and V students in elementary Gajahmungkur District of Semarang was still bad. Bivariate analysis there was a relation with plaque score of knowledge about brushing your teeth (p=0,001), attitudes about brushing your teeth (p=0,001), practice brushing (p=0,001), the parent's role (p=0,001) (p=0,001), means brushing your teeth (p=0,001), and pH of saliva >6,8 (p=0,001). Logistic regression test result performed on six potential variables obtained one variable which affect to plaque score was knowledge about brushing teeth OR= 7.88 ( 95% CI: 4.39 to 14.14)

    Kajian Metode Ekstraksi Konvensional dan Ultrasonik Dalam Purifikasi Glukomanan Dari Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) Dalam Upaya Menghasilkan Produk Bahan Tambahan Pangan dan Pangan Fungsional

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    Tanaman porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) adalah tanaman asli Indonesia, tumbuh liar di hutan-hutan Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Timur telah banyak dibudidayakan dan di Jepang dikenal sebagai *Jawa Mukago Konyaku". Masyarakat awam mengenalnya sebagai iles iles (Amorphophallusvariabilis). Umbi porang mengandung glucomannan sangat tinggi, digunakan sebagai bahan baku makanan dan industri sejak 10.000 tahun yang lalu di Jepang dan China. Glukomanan merupakan serat pangan larut air yang bersifat hidrokoloid kuat dan rendah kalori yang banyak digunakan dalam industri pangan baik sebagai pangan fungsional maupun bahan tambahan pangan dan non pangan. Masalah utama dalam penelitian pemurnian tepung porang oleh tim penelitian Universitas Brawijaya, sejak tahun 2008-2009 adalah: belum ditemukan optimasi proses pemurnian tepung porang menggunakan larutan hydrogen peroksida dalam larutan etanol secara bertingkat baik dalam metode maserasi maupun ultrasonic. Usaha mencari teknik pemurnian tepung porang dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan tepung porang murni, yang memiliki sifat kelarutan yang sama dengan tepung porang kasar, yakni: mudah larut dalam. Namun aman bagi konsumsi manusia. Diharapkan proses pemurnian yang diteliti dapat menghasilkan tepung yang lebih putih, rendah kadar oksalat, tinggi kadar glukomanan dan viskositas larutan tepung porang murni yang di buat masih kekentalan yang sesuai dengan standart produk tepung porang yang ada. Tujuan penelitian: Tahap 1: mencari perlakuan terbaik untuk konsentrasi larutan peroksida yang digunakan dalam proses pencucian dengan larutan alkohol secara bertingkat. Tahap 2 mencari optimasi proses pemurnian secara maserasi dengan penambahan larutan hidrogen peroksida dalam larutan etanol secara bertingkat. Tahap 3 mencari optimasi proses pemurnian secara ultrasonik dengan penambahan larutan hidrogen peroksida dalam larutan etanol secara bertingkat. Penelitian tahap 1, dimana kegiatan meliputi pemurnian tepung porang dengan larutan etanol secara bertingkat menggunakan tehnik maserasi dengan perlakuan konsentrasi larutan peroksida yang ditambahkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi terbaik adalah: konsentrasi larutan peroksida 0.5% dengan pertimbangan meningkatkan kadar glukomanan, viskositas dan demist warna putih tepung porang murni dan menurunkan kadar oksalat secara nyata, sera residu peroksida paling rendah, sehingga tepung porang murni aman untuk dikonsumsi, dibandingkan perlakuan konsentrasi larutan peroksida lainnya Penelitian tahap 2, optimasi proses pencucian tepung porang dengan etanol secara bertingkat dan penambahan larutan H 2 O 2 1% metode maserasi adalah sebagai berikut: waktu pencucian 4,16 jam. kecepatan pengadukan 434,04 rpm dan rasio pelarut etanol: tepung porang kasar adalah: 9,35:1. Optimasi proses ini menghasilkan respon kadar glukomanan 79,36%, viskositas sebesar 9701,09 cPs, residu oksalat 0,076% dan derajat warna putih 53,94, dengan desirability 0,936. Pada penelitian tahap 2 den 3, konsentrasi larutan hidrogen peroksida, yang digunakan adalah 1%, bukan 0.5% dengan pertimbangan, perlakuan ini menghasilkan tepung porang yang lebih putih, dengan residu hidrogen peroksida yang tidak berbeda dengan perlakuan konsentrasi larutan hidrogen peroksida 0.5%. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan tingkat ketepatan pada respon yang diuji sebesar 9901% untuk kadar glukomanan, 98,65% untuk viskositas, 98,7% untuk kadar oksalat den 99,12% untuk derajat warna putih. Perbedaan nilai prediksi dengan nilai penelitian tidak lebih dari 5% mengindikesikan bahwa model tersebut cukup tepat untuk proses ekstraksi tepung porang dengan metode maserasi . Ponelitian tahap 3, optimasi proses pencucian tepung porang dengan etanol secara bertingkat dan penambahan larutan H 2 O 2 1% metode ultrasonik adalah sebagai berikut waktu pencucian 25,10 menit, dan rasio pelarut etanol tepung porang kasar adalah: 8,65:1. Optimasi proses ini menghasilkan respon kadar glukomanan 85,74%, viskositas sebesar 13970,7 cPs, residu oksalat 0,044% dan derajat warna putih 59,78 dengan desirability 0,843. Hasil] verifikasi menunjukkan tingkat ketepatan pada respon yang diuji sebesar 99,38% untuk kadar glukomanan, 99,42% untuk viskositas, 81,68% untuk kadar oksalat dan 98,7% untuk derajat warna putih. Perbedaan nilai prediksi dengan nilai penelitian tidak lebih dari 5% mengindikasikan bahwa model tersebut cukup tepat untuk proses ekstraksi tepung porang dengan metode maserasi

    Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Nilai Hidup, Kemandirian, dan Dukungan Keluarga terhadap Perilaku Sehat Lansia di Kelurahan Medono Kota Pekalongan

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    Background: The number of elderly people has been increasing from 6.8% in 2002 to 7.15% in 2003 in Medono village Pekalongan. Nearly 98% of them are still living with their own family. Therefore, the role of family members in maintaining and motivating positive value of life as well as improving positive health behaviour of their elderly has been increasingly important. This study examines the factors of the elderly value of life, their independency and their family supports which influence their positive health behaviour in Medono village.Method : A survey method using a structured-scheduled questionnaire and a face to face interview which involved 60 sample has been employed in this study. Likewise, an observation method using a check list technique has also been used to observe the independency and personal hygine behaviour factors of the respondents. The data was analyzed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate (particularly logistic regression) analyses.Results : The study found that there were significant correlations between age, education level, value of life and family support factors of the elderly and their positive health behaviour since Chi-square test shows p<0.05. However, there was no correlation between gender and the elderly behaviour. Likewise, multivariate analysis also shows that positive value of life is a dominant factor which predict the elderly positive health behaviour

    Partisipasi Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) Ibu Rumah Tangga pada Program Prevention Of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) di Kota Semarang

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    Participation Of Mother Hiv On Programme Prevention Of Mother To Child HIV Transmission In Semarang City; The purpose of the research is to describe the programme Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods. Subjects were mother HIV and stakeholders in the PMTCT Programme. Subjectswere taken by purposive. Data collection techniques were used questioners and in-depthinterviews. The results showed mother HIV basically supported the programme, but thisprogram was not the priority yet. Aids Prevention Commission as holder of the control in the implementation of the programme has limitations on both the trained personnel nor theWorking Group ofaids commission on health services. It is suggested the particition ofstakeholders actively to create the issue of mother HIV as a case that must be addressed and be one of the target areas of development in accordance with the MDG's. In addition, the commitment of all elements in implementing the regulation remain important

    Phytochemical and acute toxicity studies of ethanol extract from Pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris) fruit flour (PFF)

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    Studies on the phytochemical and acute toxicity of pedada fruit flour (PFF) were carried out. In acute toxicity test, oral administration of the extract to Swiss albino mice at four levels dose, i.e. 0, 10.50; 15.75 and 21.00 g/kg body weight.  Phytochemical analysis of the ethanol extract of PFF showed the presence of saponins, sapogenins, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins,  polyphenols. Phytochemicals such as alkaloids were not detected. The results of acute toxicity (LD50) showed that the ethanol extract of PFF in mice was found more than 21.00 g/kg body weight. It could be concluded that the PFF belongs to relatively less dangerous category ‘non toxic’ and ‘safe’ for food products

    The Content of Total Phenols and Antioxidant Activity Three Types Sea Algae Taken at the North Sulawesi Waters

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    This research aims to study the total content of phenolic and antioxidant activity in fractions of hexane, ethyl acetate and water at sea Caulerpa sertularoides sea algae, Laurencia tronoi and Padina australis. The content of total phenols were measured using the method Fholin-Chiocalteau, while the measurement of antioxidant activity using free radical scavengers 1,1-diphenl-2-picryhidrazyl (DPPH), reducing power, and ferrous ion chelating (FIC). Mass fraction of water is highest on Caulerpa sertularoides fraction (12.3 g), and the lowest Padina australis hexane fraction (0.44 g). Caulerpa sertularoides ethyl acetate fraction was found have the highest content of total phenols 123.87 ± 2.67 mg GAE / g extract and reducing the highest power is 36.45 ± 0.27 mg GAE / g, whereas the water fraction of Laurencia tronoi have the lowest total phenol content that is 5,92 mg GAE / g extract and lowest FRAP is 1.33 mg GAE / g extract. Highest activity of free radicals found in the hexane fraction tronoi Laurencia is 82.62 ± 1.54%, the highest FIC at a concentration of 1000 ppm, 1500 ppm and 2000 ppm was found in the water fraction Caulerpa sertularoides respectively 93.76 ± 0.4% ; 94.65 ± 0.74% and 96.50 ± 0.26%. FIC value of three factions in the three types of marine algae increased with increasing concentration of the sample. Keywords: marine algae; total phenol; antioxidant activit

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Praktik Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Siswa Putri di SD Islam Hidayatullah Semarang

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    Currently Indonesia is in emergency situations of sexual violence, coupled with the high reproductive problems especially on female. One of the reaseon is the low reproductive health education on children in Indonesia. Reproductive health education in Hidayatullah Primary School has not according with the curriculum that being used. This research aims to analyze any factors relating to the reproductive health practice on female students in Hidayatullah.This research is a quantitative with cross sectional approach. Using total sampling on all of female students (49 students) on 6th grade in Hidayatullah. The data was collected by interview using a questionnaire. This research use univariate and bivariate analysis.The research showed that the most respondents are 12 years old (51%) and already puberty (59,2%). Most of the respondents have a good reproductive health practices (51%). The chi-square test showed that attitudes about reproductive health practice (p=0,007) and the infrastructure that support practice of reproductive health (p=0,009) are significantly related to reproductive health practices. While the variables of puberty (p=0,644), knowledge (p=0,889), methodes of education (p=0,644) teacher's role (p=0,146), parent's role (p=0,84) are not significantly related to reproductive health practice of female students in Hidayatullah.The research concluded the importance of the role of school in providing reproductive health education at an early age. This research recommended to increase the knowledge of children about reproductive health, support infrastructure of school about reproductive organs needed, modify the method of reproduction health education, and optimize the role of teacher as counselors about reproductive organs
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