24,389 research outputs found

    Mississippi 1817: A Sociological and Economic Analysis

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    W.B. Hamilton to Jim, 21 August 1957

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    Research to develop and define concepts for reliable control sensors - The solid state rate sensors Final report

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    Solid state device for sensing angular rate by detecting presence of coriolis force

    Relative Decompression Risks of Spacecraft Cabin Atmospheres - Comparision of Gases Using Miniature Pigs Final Report

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    Using miniature pigs for analysis of altitude decompression sickness and relative decompression hazards of various cabin atmospheres of inert gase

    Trypanosomes are monophyletic: evidence from genes for glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and small subunit ribosomal RNA.

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    The genomes of Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania major have been sequenced, but the phylogenetic relationships of these three protozoa remain uncertain. We have constructed trypanosomatid phylogenies based on genes for glycosomal glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) and small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA). Trees based on gGAPDH nucleotide and amino acid sequences (51 taxa) robustly support monophyly of genus Trypanosoma, which is revealed to be a relatively late-evolving lineage of the family Trypanosomatidae. Other trypanosomatids, including genus Leishmania, branch paraphyletically at the base of the trypanosome clade. On the other hand, analysis of the SSU rRNA gene data produced equivocal results, as trees either robustly support or reject monophyly depending on the range of taxa included in the alignment. We conclude that the SSU rRNA gene is not a reliable marker for inferring deep level trypanosome phylogeny. The gGAPDH results support the hypothesis that trypanosomes evolved from an ancestral insect parasite, which adapted to a vertebrate/insect transmission cycle. This implies that the switch from terrestrial insect to aquatic leech vectors for fish and some amphibian trypanosomes was secondary. We conclude that the three sequenced pathogens, T. brucei, T. cruzi and L. major, are only distantly related and have distinct evolutionary histories

    Ricci flows with unbounded curvature

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    We show that any noncompact Riemann surface admits a complete Ricci flow g(t), t\in[0,\infty), which has unbounded curvature for all t\in[0,\infty).Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; updated reference

    The Conference on High Temperature Electronics

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    The status of and directions for high temperature electronics research and development were evaluated. Major objectives were to (1) identify common user needs; (2) put into perspective the directions for future work; and (3) address the problem of bringing to practical fruition the results of these efforts. More than half of the presentations dealt with materials and devices, rather than circuits and systems. Conference session titles and an example of a paper presented in each session are (1) User requirements: High temperature electronics applications in space explorations; (2) Devices: Passive components for high temperature operation; (3) Circuits and systems: Process characteristics and design methods for a 300 degree QUAD or AMP; and (4) Packaging: Presently available energy supply for high temperature environment

    Non-ancient solution of the Ricci flow

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    For any complete noncompact Ka¨\ddot{a}hler manifold with nonnegative and bounded holomorphic bisectional curvature,we provide the necessary and sufficient condition for non-ancient solution to the Ricci flow in this paper.Comment: seven pages, latex fil

    Noncontacting devices to indicate deflection and vibration of turbopump internal rotating parts

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    Published report discusses feasibility of ultrasonic techniques; neutron techniques; X-radiography; optical devices; gamma ray devices; and conventional displacement sensors. Use of signal transmitters in place of slip rings indicated possible improvement and will be subject of futher study