41 research outputs found

    Reusing Human Resources Management Standards for Employment Services

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    Employment Services (ESs) are becoming more and more important for Public Administrations where their social implications on sustainability, workforce mobility and equal opportunities play a fundamental strategic importance for any central or local Government. The EU SEEMP project aims at improving facilitate workers mobility in Europe. Ontologies are used to model descriptions of job offers and curricula; and for facilitating the process of exchanging job offer data and CV data between ES. In this paper we present the methodological approach we followed for reusing existing human resources management standards in the SEEMP project, in order to build a common “language” called Reference Ontology

    Legal Ontologies for the spanish e-Government

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    The Electronic Government is a new field of applications for the semantic web where ontologies are becoming an important research technology. The e-Government faces considerable challenges to achieve interoperability given the semantic differences of interpretation, complexity and width of scope. In this paper we present the results obtained in an ongoing project commissioned by the Spanish government that seeks strategies for the e-Government to reduce the problems encountered when delivering services to citizens. We also introduce an e-Government ontology model; within this model a set of legal ontologies are devoted to representing the Real-estate transaction domain used to illustrate this paper

    Method for Reusing and Re-engineering Non-ontological Resources for Building Ontologies

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    This thesis is focused on the reuse and possible subsequent re-engineering of knowledge resources, as opposed to custom-building new ontologies from scratch. The deep analysis of the state of the art has revealed that there are some methods and tools in the literature for transforming non-ontological resources into ontologies, but with some limitations: _ Most of the methods presented are based on ad-hoc transformations for the resource type, and the resource implementation. _ Only a few take advantage of the resource data model, an important artifact for the re-engineering process [GGPSFVT08]. _ There is no any integrated framework, method or corresponding tool, that considers the resources types, data models and implementations identified in an unified way. _ With regard to the transformation approach, the majority of the methods perform a TBox transformation, many others perform an ABox transformation and some perform a population. However, no method includes the possibility to perform the three transformation approaches. _ Regarding to the degree of automation, almost all the methods perform a semi-automatic transformation of the resource. _ According to the explicitation of the hidden semantics in the relations of the resource components, we can state that the methods that perform a TBox transformation make explicit the semantics in the relations of the resource components. Most of those methods identify subClassOf relations, others identify ad-hoc relations, and some identify partOf relations. However, only a few methods make explicit the three types of relations. _ With respect to how the methods make explicit the hidden semantics in the relations of the resource terms, we can say that three methods rely on the domain expert for making explicit the semantics, and two rely on an external resource, e.g., DOLCE ontology. Moreover, there are two methods that rely on external resources but not for making explicit the hidden semantics, but for finding out a proper ontology for populating it. _ According to the provision of the methodological guidelines, almost all the methods provide methodological guidelines for the transformation. However these guidelines are not finely detailed; for instance, they do not provide information about who is in charge of performing a particular activity/task, nor when that activity/task has to be carried out. _ With regard to the techniques employed, most of the methods do not mention them at all. Only a few methods specify techniques as transformation rules, lexico-syntactic patterns, mapping rules and natural language techniques. In this thesis we have provided a method and its technological support that rely on re-engineering patterns in order to speed up the ontology development process by reusing and re-engineering as much as possible available non-ontological resources. To achieve this overall goal, we have decomposed it in the following objectives: (1) the definition of methodological aspects related with the reuse of non-ontolo-gical resource for building ontologies; (2) the definition of methodological aspects related with the re-engineering of non-ontological resources for building ontologies; (3) the creation of a library of patterns for re-engineering nonontological resources into ontologies; and (4) the development of a software library that implements the suggestions given by the re-engineering patterns. Having in mind these goals, in this chapter we present how the open research problems identified in Chapter 2 are solved by the main thesis contributions. Then, we discuss the verification of our hypotheses, and finally we provide an outlook for the future work in those topics

    EGO Ontology Model: law and regulation approach for E-Government

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    The Electronic Government is a new field of applications for the semantic web where ontologies are becoming an important research technology. The e-Government faces considerable challenges to achieve interoperability given the semantic differences of interpretation, complexity and width of scope. In this paper we present the initial state of an e-Government ontology model called EGO. First as a part of a project commissioned by the Spanish government that seeks strategies for the e-Government and second for an ongoing project commissioned by the Mexican government. A set of ontologies (component of EGO), are used to illustrate this paper. Brief applications of this model on an Information Retrieval and on a Semantic Peer-to-Peer within the e-Government context are show

    Pattern for Re-engineering a Classification Scheme, which Follows the Adjacency List Data Model, to a Taxonomy

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    This pattern for re-engineering non-ontological resources (pr-nor) fits in the schema re-engineering category proposed by [3]. The pattern defines a procedure that transforms the classification scheme components into ontology representational primitives. This pattern comes from the experience of ontology engineers in developing ontologies using classification schemes in several projects (seemp 1 , neon 2 , and knowledge web 3 ). The pattern is included in a pool of patterns, which is a key element of our method for re-engineering non-ontological resources into ontologies [2]. The patterns generate the ontologies at a conceptualization level, independent of the ontology implementation language

    EgoIR: ontology-based information retrieval intended for eGovernment

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    The eGovernment is a field of applications for the Semantic Web. The eGovernment also is becoming an important research area and faces considerable challenges to achieve interoperability because of the semantic differences of interpretation, complexity and width of scope. It is however an open question how to apply these techniques fruitfully in the eGovernment domain. This paper addresses the importance of providing a semantic application that, within the eGovernment domain, is capable of dealing with the issue of the retrieval of government documentation in a timely and accurate way. In this paper, we present an approach ontology-based for retrieving government information

    An Ontology for Modelling Human Resources Management based on Standards

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    Employment Services (ES) are becoming more and more important for Public Administrations where their social implications on sustainability, workforce mobility and equal opportunities play a fundamental strategic importance for any central or local Government. The EU SEEMP (Single European Employment Market-Place) project aims at improving facilitate workers mobility in Europe. Ontologies are used to model descriptions of job offers and curricula; and for facilitating the process of exchanging job offer data and CV data between ES. In this paper we present the methodological approach we followed for reusing existing human resources management standards in the SEEMP project, in order to build a common “language” called Reference Ontology

    NOR2O: a Library for Transforming Non-Ontological Resources to Ontologies

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    With the goal of speeding up the ontology development pro- cess, ontology engineers are starting to reuse and transform as much as possible available non-ontological resources, such as classication schemes, thesauri, lexicons, etc. Within the NeOn project we propose a method for re-engineering non-ontological resources into ontologies. This method is based on the so-called re-engineering patterns. This paper presents the description of the software library, that implements the transformations suggested by the patterns

    Semantic based P2P System for local e-Government

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    The Electronic Government is an emerging field of applications for the Semantic Web where ontologies are becoming an important research technology. The e-Government faces considerable challenges to achieve interoperability given the semantic differences of interpretation, omplexity and width of scope. This paper addresses the importance of providing an infrastructure capable of dealing with issues such as: communications between public administrations across government and retrieval of official and non official documents in a timely, secure and accurate way at the back office. A semantic peer-to-peer approach is proposed to enhance the information management at the e-Government domain; this approach is integrated with a Government Information Retrieval system and it reuses the EGO Model which can be deployed within the e-Government context

    Methodology for Reusing Human Resources Management Standards

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    Employment Services (ESs), Public ones (PESs) and Private ones (PrEAs), are becoming more and more important for Public Administrations where their social implications on sustainability, workforce mobility and equal opportunities play a fundamental strategic importance for any central or local Government. The EU SEEMP (Single European Employment Market-Place) project aims at improving facilitate workers mobility in Europe. Ontologies are used to model descriptions of job offers and curricula; and for facilitating the process of exchanging job offer data and CV data between ES. In this paper we present the methodological approach we followed for reusing existing human resources management standards like NACE, ISCO-88 (COM) and FOET, among others, in the SEEMP project, in order to build a common “language” called Reference Ontology