10,542 research outputs found

    Complex Curve of the Two Matrix Model and its Tau-function

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    We study the hermitean and normal two matrix models in planar approximation for an arbitrary number of eigenvalue supports. Its planar graph interpretation is given. The study reveals a general structure of the underlying analytic complex curve, different from the hyperelliptic curve of the one matrix model. The matrix model quantities are expressed through the periods of meromorphic generating differential on this curve and the partition function of the multiple support solution, as a function of filling numbers and coefficients of the matrix potential, is shown to be the quasiclassical tau-function. The relation to softly broken N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories is discussed. A general class of solvable multimatrix models with tree-like interactions is considered.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, TeX; final version appeared in special issue of J.Phys. A on Random Matrix Theor

    Insulin promoter DNA methylation correlates negatively with insulin gene expression and positively with HbA1c levels in human pancreatic islets

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    Aims/hypothesis: Although recent studies propose that epigenetic factors influence insulin expression, the regulation of the insulin gene in type 2 diabetic islets is still not fully understood. Here, we examined DNA methylation of the insulin gene promoter in pancreatic islets from patients with type 2 diabetes and non-diabetic human donors and related it to insulin expression, HbA levels, BMI and age. Methods: DNA methylation was analysed in 25 CpG sites of the insulin promoter and insulin mRNA expression was analysed using quantitative RT-PCR in pancreatic islets from nine donors with type 2 diabetes and 48 non-diabetic donors. Results: Insulin mRNA expression (p = 0.002), insulin content (p = 0.004) and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (p = 0.04) were reduced in pancreatic islets from patients with type 2 diabetes compared with non-diabetic donors. Moreover, four CpG sites located 234 bp, 180 and 102 bp upstream and 63 bp downstream of the transcription start site (CpG -234, -180, -102 and +63, respectively), showed increased DNA methylation in type 2 diabetic compared with non-diabetic islets (7.8%, p = 0.03; 7.1%, p = 0.02; 4.4%, p = 0.03 and 9.3%, p = 0.03, respectively). While insulin mRNA expression correlated negatively (p < 1 × 10), the level of HbA correlated positively (p ≤ 0.01) with the degree of DNA methylation for CpG -234, -180 and +63. Furthermore, DNA methylation for nine additional CpG sites correlated negatively with insulin mRNA expression (p ≤ 0.01). Also, exposure to hyperglycaemia for 72 h increased insulin promoter DNA methylation in clonal rat beta cells (p = 0.005). Conclusions/interpretations: This study demonstrates that DNA methylation of the insulin promoter is increased in patients with type 2 diabetes and correlates negatively with insulin gene expression in human pancreatic islets

    The Burst and Transient Source Experiment Earth Occultation Technique

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    An Earth orbiting detector sensitive to gamma ray photons will see step-like occultation features in its counting rate when a gamma ray point source crosses the Earth's limb. This is due to the change in atmospheric attenuation of the gamma rays along the line of sight. In an uncollimated detector, these occultation features can be used to locate and monitor astrophysical sources provided their signals can be individually separated from the detector background. We show that the Earth occultation technique applied to the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) is a viable and flexible all-sky monitor in the low energy gamma ray and hard X-ray energy range (20 keV - 1 MeV). The method is an alternative to more sophisticated photon imaging devices for astronomy, and can serve well as a cost-effective science capability for monitoring the high energy sky. Here we describe the Earth occultation technique for locating new sources and for measuring source intensity and spectra without the use of complex background models. Examples of transform imaging, step searches, spectra, and light curves are presented. Systematic uncertainties due to source confusion, detector response, and contamination from rapid background fluctuations are discussed and analyzed for their effect on intensity measurements. A sky location-dependent average systematic error is derived as a function of galactic coordinates. The sensitivity of the technique is derived as a function of incident photon energy and also as a function of angle between the source and the normal to the detector entrance window. Occultations of the Crab Nebula by the Moon are used to calibrate Earth occultation flux measurements independent of possible atmospheric scattering effects.Comment: 39 pages, 24 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement

    Correlation Function of Superclusters of Galaxies

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    We present a study of the two-point correlation function of superclusters of galaxies. The largest catalogs are used. The results show negligible correlation less than 0.1-0.2 for separations up to 500-600 h^{-1} Mpc. Small correlations are obtained using various estimates and samples. Seemingly there are no structures of superclusters of galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. To appear in 1998 ApJ, 506, No. 2 (Oct 20

    A Graph Theoretic Approach for Object Shape Representation in Compositional Hierarchies Using a Hybrid Generative-Descriptive Model

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    A graph theoretic approach is proposed for object shape representation in a hierarchical compositional architecture called Compositional Hierarchy of Parts (CHOP). In the proposed approach, vocabulary learning is performed using a hybrid generative-descriptive model. First, statistical relationships between parts are learned using a Minimum Conditional Entropy Clustering algorithm. Then, selection of descriptive parts is defined as a frequent subgraph discovery problem, and solved using a Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle. Finally, part compositions are constructed by compressing the internal data representation with discovered substructures. Shape representation and computational complexity properties of the proposed approach and algorithms are examined using six benchmark two-dimensional shape image datasets. Experiments show that CHOP can employ part shareability and indexing mechanisms for fast inference of part compositions using learned shape vocabularies. Additionally, CHOP provides better shape retrieval performance than the state-of-the-art shape retrieval methods.Comment: Paper : 17 pages. 13th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2014), Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-12, 2014, Proceedings, Part III, pp 566-581. Supplementary material can be downloaded from http://link.springer.com/content/esm/chp:10.1007/978-3-319-10578-9_37/file/MediaObjects/978-3-319-10578-9_37_MOESM1_ESM.pd

    Area Spectrum of Near Extremal Black Branes from Quasi-normal Modes

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    Motivated by the recent interest in quantization of black hole area spectrum, we consider the area spectrum of near extremal black 33-branes. Based on the proposal by Bekenstein and others that the black hole area spectrum is discrete and equally spaced, we implement Kunstatter's method to derive the area spectrum for the near extremal black 33-branes. The result for the area of event horizon although discrete, is not equally spaced.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in IJT

    Quantum Gravity, the Origin of Time and Time's Arrow

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    The local Lorentz and diffeomorphism symmetries of Einstein's gravitational theory are spontaneously broken by a Higgs mechanism by invoking a phase transition in the early Universe, at a critical temperature TcT_c below which the symmetry is restored. The spontaneous breakdown of the vacuum state generates an external time and the wave function of the Universe satisfies a time dependent Schrodinger equation, which reduces to the Wheeler-deWitt equation in the classical regime for T<TcT < T_c, allowing a semi-classical WKB approximation to the wave function. The conservation of energy is spontaneously violated for T>TcT > T_c and matter is created fractions of seconds after the big bang, generating the matter in the Universe. The time direction of the vacuum expectation value of the scalar Higgs field generates a time asymmetry, which defines the cosmological arrow of time and the direction of increasing entropy as the Lorentz symmetry is restored at low temperatures.Comment: 37 page

    Stabilnost amlodipin besilata i atenolola u jednoslojnim i dvoslojnim tabletama

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    Multi-drug tablets of amlodipine besylate and atenolol were prepared as either mono-layer (mixed matrix) or bi-layer tablets containing each drug in a separate layer by using similar excipients and processing. Each tablet batch was packed in strip and blister packs and kept under accelerated temperature and humidity conditions. The stability of two tablet and packaging types was compared by HPLC analysis after 0, 1, 3 and 4.5 months and expressed as the content of intact amlodipine and atenolol. The content of atenolol did not decline regardless of tablet and packaging type. Amlodipine content in bi-layer tablets decreased to about 95 and 88% when packed in strips and blisters, respectively. When prepared as mono-layer tablets, the content decreased to 72 and 32%, respectively. The study revealed that the bi-layer tablet formulation was more stable than the mono-layer type. Further, the stability was increased when the tablets were packed in aluminium strips as compared to PVC blisters.Tablete s amlodipinom i atenololom pripremljene su ili u obliku jednoslojne tablete (miješani matriks) ili kao dvoslojne tablete (lijekovi u zasebnim slojevima) koristeći slične pomoćne tvari i uvjete tabletiranja. Tablete su pakirane u dvije vrste pakiranja, aluminijske folije (strip) ili PVC (blister) i čuvane u uvjetima ubrzanog starenja. Stabilnost je određivana pomoću HPLC metode nakon 0, 1, 2, 3 i 4,5 mjeseci i izražena kao sadržaj intaktnog lijeka. Sadržaj atenolola nije se značajno promijenio bez obzira na tip tablete ili pakiranje. Sadržaj amlodipina u dvoslojnim tabletama smanjio se na 95 % (tablete u strip pakiranju) i 88 % (tablete u blister pakiranju). Istodobno, u jednoslojnom tipu kombiniranih tableta sadržaj se smanjio na 72 % (strip pakiranje) i 32 % (blister pakiranje). Rezultati pokazuju da su dvoslojne tablete s amlodipinom i atenololom stabilnije od jednoslojnih. Štoviše, pakiranje tableta u aluminijsku foliju u obliku strip pakiranja povećava njihovu stabilnost u usporedbi s PVC pakirnim materijalom (blister)

    Progress in the physics of massive neutrinos

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    The current status of the physics of massive neutrinos is reviewed with a forward-looking emphasis. The article begins with the general phenomenology of neutrino oscillations in vacuum and matter and documents the experimental evidence for oscillations of solar, reactor, atmospheric and accelerator neutrinos. Both active and sterile oscillation possibilities are considered. The impact of cosmology (BBN, CMB, leptogenesis) and astrophysics (supernovae, highest energy cosmic rays) on neutrino observables and vice versa, is evaluated. The predictions of grand unified, radiative and other models of neutrino mass are discussed. Ways of determining the unknown parameters of three-neutrino oscillations are assessed, taking into account eight-fold degeneracies in parameters that yield the same oscillation probabilities, as well as ways to determine the absolute neutrino mass scale (from beta-decay, neutrinoless double-beta decay, large scale structure and Z-bursts). Critical unknowns at present are the amplitude of \nu_\mu to \nu_e oscillations and the hierarchy of the neutrino mass spectrum; the detection of CP violation in the neutrino sector depends on these and on an unknown phase. The estimated neutrino parameter sensitivities at future facilities (reactors, superbeams, neutrino factories) are given. The overall agenda of a future neutrino physics program to construct a bottom-up understanding of the lepton sector is presented.Comment: 111 pages, 35 figures. Update