1,353 research outputs found

    Does South Africa Have the Potential and Capacity to Grow at 7 Per Cent?: A Labour Market Perspective

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    Facing the challenge to adjust, the question is to what extent South African markets, specifically labour and investment markets, are flexible enough to enhance its global competitiveness, without having to revert to inward domestic protectionism. In investigating the level of flexibility in this regard, we need to determine the adjustment potential or capacity of the South African economy. However, modelling potential output and/or capacity is problematic. Building on previous research, this paper’s estimation of potential output for South Africa is based on a structural production function relationship with the maximum level of output consistent with stable inflation, supported by a full-scale macro-econometric model which is primarily supply-side driven, with capacity utilisation (or the output gap) as one of the key drivers of economic activity. The extent to which capacity is utilised in the economy is determined (defined) by the actual output (gross domestic product) relative to the potential of the economy to generate gross domestic product. Following this approach, South Africa’s potential employment needs to be determined. Does the entire labour force of working age have the potential and necessary skills to fill the available vacancies in the job market? On the contrary, our belief is that there exist certain constraints/rigidities in the labour market, which reduce the ranks of the potentially employable. In order to capture this effect, we assume that some “equilibrium or natural rate of unemployment” exists. Therefore, we presuppose a NAWRU − a natural rate of unemployment consistent with stable wage inflation. Ideally speaking, the NAWRU of an economy should be stable and not trending. However, the estimate we obtain for the NAWRU of the South African economy is increasing at a steady rate, suggesting severe structural problems in the economy, in particular, the labour market. Using this calculated NAWRU, we obtain estimates for potential output based on the structural production function approach. Our results indicate that the capacity of the South African economy is lower than conventionally expected. This reveals the essence of the impediments on the South African economy, primarily due to the sizeable constraint posed by rising labour market disequilibrium.capacity utilisation, potential output, NAWRU, macro-econometric model

    The mature female clothing shopper : profiles and shopping behaviour

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    The original publication is available at http://www.sajip.co.zaCITATION: Visser, E.M., Du Preez, R. & Du Toit, J.B. 1996. The mature female clothing shopper : profiles and shopping behaviour. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 22(2):1-6, doi:10.4102/sajip.v22i2.603.This study was designed to profile the mature female clothing shopper. More specifically certain variables that could be attributed to differences in consumer behaviour were investigated. Mature female clothing shoppers were segmented as clothing moderates, clothing enthusiasts and the clothing unconcerned. These three cluster groups significantly differed regarding clothing involvement, clothing orientation, activities, interests, opinions, family orientation, needs and media usage. No significant differences were found among the three groups regarding evaluative criteria for clothing and clothing store attributes. Profiles of the clusters were developed, along with applicable marketing implications. Recommendations for further research are made.Hierdie studie is onderneem ten einde die vroulike kledingverbruikers van 55 en ouer te tipeer. Die veranderlikes wat 'n bydrae kon lewer ten opsigte van die verskille in verbruikersgedrag is ondersoek. Die verbruikers is gesegmenteer as die kledinggematigdes, kleding- entoesiaste en die kleding-onbetrokkenes. Die drie groeperings verskil beduidend van mekaar ten opsigte van die volgende veranderlikes naamlik: kleding-betrokkenheid, kleding-oriëntasie, aktiwiteite belangstellings, opinies, familie oriëntasie, behoeftes en media gebruik. Geen beduidende verskille kon gevind word tussen die drie groeperings ten opsigte van die veranderlikes evalueringskriteria van klere en winkeleienskappe nie. Profiele van die verskillende trosse is ontwikkel en die bemarkingsimplikasies is uitgewys. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gedoen.Publishers' Versio

    A comparison of soil moisture relations between standing and clearfelled plots with burnt and unburnt harvest residue treatments of a clonal eucalypt plantation on the Zululand Coastal Plain, South Africa

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    The effects of clearfelling and subsequent residue retention or burning on water and nutrient balances needs to be understood and quantified on forest sites that are sensitive to loss, so that the long-term sustainable productivity of such sites can be maintained and promoted. An  experimental site was established in a clonal eucalypt compartment on the Zululand Coastal Plain, to compare changes in water fluxes through the mature undisturbed eucalypt stand with those after felling and re-planting, under 2 conditions: burning, and retention of the harvesting residues. The study was located in an area of high rainfall and high stand productivity, with sandy soils and low soil carbon and nutrient status; chosen so that the effects of intensive demands on water and nutrient fluxes on a potentially sensitive site could be investigated. This paper presents only the hydrological component of the study. Data collection included weekly determination of rainfall, throughfall, stemflow and soil moisture fluxes from the surface to a depth of 1 m. Drainage rates through the profile were established using time domain reflectometry probes while water drainage volumes were assessed using shallow plate lysimeters. Despite slow growth in the unfelled crop during the monitoring period (attributed to a pest infestation), soil moisture depletion remained rapid and drainage below 1 m remained low. Soil moisture was recharged within a few months after clearfelling, but became rapidly depleted as the canopy of new crop developed and approached canopy closure. A decreased wetting-front velocity and a marginally higher field capacity were proposed as evidence of pore clogging that appeared to occur during the inter-rotation period. The soil profile under the unburnt residue maintained a marginally higher soil moisture status and lower drainage than the soil profile under the burnt residue. Although soil moisture and drainage in the burnt and unburnt residue treatments became similar to the unfelled crop from canopy closure onwards, rainfall additions to soil moisture were depleted faster under the new crop during the first few months after canopy closure. Small differences in soil moisture status between the burnt and unburnt residue treatments presented here may not be sufficient to influence residue management decisions. The length of the inter-rotation period and practice of residue burning may, however, need consideration where soil carbon and nutrient loss or displacement may negatively affect the sustainability of the site.Keywords: Soil moisture drainage, residue burning, post felling, inter-rotatio

    One-dimensional spectral analysis techniques for multilevel PWM strategies

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    This paper presents a novel spectral analysis technique for multilevel modulation. Conventionally, such analyses use a double Fourier series technique, but this approach can become intractable when complex reference waveforms (e.g., multilevel space vector offsets) and regular sampling processes are considered. In contrast, the strategy proposed in this paper separates the multilevel pulse width modulation (PWM) waveform into a spectral image of the reference, and sideband basis functions which are then expanded using a one-dimensional Fourier series. The coefficients of this Fourier series are defined by a one-dimensional Fourier integral that is simpler in form compared to the corresponding double integral associated with the double Fourier series. This analysis technique naturally incorporates regular sampling, and a discrete formulation is developed that enables complex PWM reference waveforms, including centered space vector offsets, to be solved. Results of this analysis are validated against previously published multilevel inverter double Fourier series results and matching switched simulations

    South African discourse analysis in theory and practice

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    Discourse analysis should not be overly ambitious, but it can be a most helpful exegetical tool if it concentrates on the argumentative flow and thematic aspects of a discourse. A refined model of South African discourse analysis is presented. The different stages in this model are discussed and illustrated by means of Philippians 3:2-11. Special attention is given to problems regarding the dividing of the text into colons

    Plaasarbeiders : 'n sosiologiese studie van 'n groep kleurling-plaasarbeiders in die distrik Tulbagh

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    Proefskrif (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1947

    Vertaling van Romeine : ’n aantal hardnekkige hoofpyne

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    This article concentrates on some of the linguistic phenomena in Romans which continuously cause exegetes and translators alike headaches. Various translations are discussed and possible solutions are offered. It all too often happens that, when facing problems of translation, translators seek refuge in the safe harbour of traditional renderings, even if these only camouflage the real issues. Scientifically it is more responsible to continue wrestling with the text and, through trial and error, eventually make some progress than to resign to this type of false certitude.Hierdie artikel konsentreer op ’n aantal linguistiese manifestasies in Romeine wat voortdurend aan eksegete en vertalers hoofbrekens besorg. Verskillende vertalings word bespreek en moontlike oplossings aangebied. Wanneer vertalers gekonfronteer word met vertalingsprobleme is hulle geneig om al te gemaklik terug te val in die veiligheid van tradisionele vertalings, selfs al sou laasgenoemde die werklik kontensieuse punte bloot kamoefleer. Om met die teks te bly worstel, selfs al sou dit foutlopies insluit om daardeur mettertyd vordering te maak, is wetenskaplik meer verantwoord as valse sekerheid.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_skrif.htm

    Galatians and the περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου of Hermogenes : a rhetoric of severity in Galatians 1–4

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    After justifying the method applied, a brief characterisation of the rhetorical model of Hermogenes is presented. The prominence of harsh or severe styles in Hermogenes invites us to read Galatians, which is a strongly confrontational letter, through the eyes of Hermogenes. By applying severe language, Paul endeavours to bring his Galatian convertees to their senses and prevent them from succumbing to the pressures of the Judaisers. In scrutinising Galatians 1–4, it became clear that the model of Hermogenes can significantly aid our understanding of severe language in Galatians at a micro, as well as a macro level. The Hermogenic category of indignation, for example, provides the key towards solving the riddle of Galatians 4:12–20.http://www.hts.org.zaam201

    Revisiting the Sermon on the Mount : some major Issues

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    Without disregarding the value of a diachronic approach, priority is given to a synchronic understanding of the Sermon on the Mount in its present form. Emphasis on diachronics, or even a shuttling between the diachronic and the synchronic, tends to cloud the holistic message that the Sermon was intended to convey to its real-world Syriac audience. The situation of that audience and its bearing on the content of the Sermon on the Mount are discussed. Compositional and thematic aspects of the Sermon are highlighted, such as its position within the macro-structure of Matthew, the author’s predilection for triads, the inner structure and theme of the Sermon. It is proposed that the basic theme of the Sermon on the Mount is the very special identity of Jesus’s end-time community and that its main purpose is the shaping and affirming of that identity. Contrary to the normal view that there are presently nine beatitudes, stylistic as well as contentual considerations indicate that the so-called ninth beatitude is in reality an actualising and personalising amplification of the eighth. Aspects of the antitheses such as their significance, the Jesus of the antitheses, and, finally, the Lord’s Prayer also receive attention.http://ntwsa.co.za/neotestamentica.html2017-12-30am2017New Testament Studie