132 research outputs found

    Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthes of donkeys and mules in and around Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

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    This study was conducted from October, 2010 to April, 2011 in and around Bahir Dar to identify the major gastrointestinal helminthes of donkeys and mules, to estimate prevalence of these parasites and their burden on equines. A total of 384 faecal samples (212 donkeys and 172 mules) were collected randomly for qualitative and quantitative faecal analyses. The overall prevalence of different parasites was found to be 88.21% in donkeys and 77.91% in mules. In the study area, 94.1% of donkeys and 84.33% of mules harbored two or more types of parasites (mixed infection). The parasites encountered in both donkeys and mules in the study period were strongyles species (65.09% and 66.28%), Trichostrongylus axei (42.45% and 31.97%), Triodontophorus spp. (36.32% and 33.72%), Trichonema spp.(34.91% and 37.79%), Parascaris equorum (13.68% and 10.46%), Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (22.17% and 8.14%), Anoplocephala (23.12% and 16.86%) and Fasciola spp.(17.92% and 13.95%), respectively. The prevalence of all identified parasites were statistically significant (p<0.05) between female and male donkeys. The prevalence of strongyles, T. axei, Triodontophorus, Trichonema, and P. equorum was statistically significant (p<0.05) among age groups of donkeys, but Anoplocephala and Fasciola was not. In mules, the prevalence of strongyles, Triodontophorus and Trichonema was statistically significant (p<0.05), but the prevalence of T. axei, P. equorum, D. arnfieldi, Anoplocephala, and Fasciola was not. The body condition score was negatively correlated (r=-0.664 for donkeys and r=-0.637 for mules, respectively) with total eggs per gram of faeces (EPG). The findings of the present study indicated a high prevalence of helminthic parasites compromising the health and welfare of equines. Sustainable prevention and control methods should be developed to prevent the burden of gastrointestinal helminthes of equines in and around Bahir Dar.Key words: Bahir Dar, donkeys, Ethiopia, gastrointestinal helminthes, mules, prevalenc

    Optimal transit corridors for Ethiopia

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    Background: Ethiopia has been landlocked since Eritrea, a former province, gained independence. Its imports and exports by sea are now sent via neighbouring coastal states, mainly Djibouti, and it needs to ensure sustainable access to multiple transit corridors. Objective: This article aims to evaluate alternative transit corridors to Ethiopia in terms of basic port infrastructure, and logistics costs. The findings provide insights to inform policy on securing reliable maritime access to the country. Method: This study adopts a case study approach by using secondary data to evaluate alternative transit corridors. Following a critical review of theoretical and empirical literature, descriptive statistics are presented using tables, graphs and charts. Results: Low-cost, high-capacity and high-frequency global maritime freight trade is easier through Djibouti than through Mombasa in Kenya or Port Sudan, owing to its better liner shipping connectivity. Thus, Ethiopia should continue to import containerised cargo through the Port of Djibouti. However, direct access to the sea is also important for national defence and security. Conclusion: Ethiopia should therefore secure access through multiple ports to safeguard national security, regardless of economic feasibility. This can be realised by directing break-bulk, dry bulk and petroleum products through ports in Sudan and Kenya. In addition, particular emphasis should be given to seaports closest to the country’s economic centre, such as Berbera in Somaliland and Asseb and Massawa in Eritrea. Keywords: landlocked; transit corridor; infrastructure development; container shipping; dry bulk shipping; logistics cost.publishedVersio

    Convergence theorems for common fixed point of the family of nonself and nonexpansive mappings in real Banach spaces

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    In this paper, we construct cyclic-Mann type of iterative method for approximating a common fixed point of the finite family of nonself and nonexpansive mappings satisfying inward condition on a non-empty, closed and convex subset of a real uniformly convex Banach space . We also construct the averaging algorithm to the class of nonexpansive mappings in 2-uniformly smooth Banach space. We prove weak and strong convergence results for the iterative method. The results of this work extend results in the literature

    The role of national trade logistics in the export trade of African countries

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    Background: This article critically examines the role of trade logistics in the exports of African countries. The performance of the trade logistics of African countries was analysed using the World Bank logistics performance index (LPI) and its components. The study was conducted based on the performance statistics of countries around the world in 2016. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify African countries’ inefficient trade logistics areas based on LPI components for future improvement; and to investigate the relevance of trade logistics performance of African countries on export values in order to boost the region’s merchandise export share in the global market. Method: The methodological approach employed in this study is a combination of both descriptive and inferential data analysis. The African countries’ logistics performance in international trade was summarised using LPI median values. The effect of the performance of trade logistics on exports was explored based on a gravity model of international trade. For the estimation, the Heckman selection approach was applied to incorporate zero bilateral trades. Results: On average, African countries experience the lowest LPI score, particularly in terms of quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure, and customs and border clearance. A successful improvement in these areas would enhance African countries’ supply chain deliveries including on-time delivery, tracking and tracing and international shipments in cross-border transactions. Conclusion: The evidence from the gravity model estimates of this study suggests that an improvement in any of the LPI components can lead to significant growth in the export of African countries. This could then increase the African merchandise export share in global trade. The gravity model results also show that landlocked countries have lower trade flows than their coastal neighbours. Keywords: African, logistics performance index, export, landlocked countries of Africa, global trade, gravity modelpublishedVersio

    The relevance of coordinated regional trade logistics for the implementation of regional free trade area of Africa

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    Background: Logistics will play a vital role in the process of boosting intra-regional trade among member states. Despite logistics integrating role in trade between countries, generally, African countries had faced with formidable challenges in logistics infrastructures development, and customs and border clearance. Objectives: The main objective of this article was to analyse the effect of trade logistics performance on the intra-regional trade of Africa. African countries’ logistics performance in international trade was measured using the World Bank Logistics Performance Index (LPI) and its components. The article emphasized examining the relevance of trade logistics for the implementation of the Continental Free Trade Area of Africa. Method: Descriptive analysis was undertaken to analyse African countries’ trade logistics performance, based on 2010–2018 LPI measures. The gravity model of international trade with Heckman maximum likelihood regression was used to explore the effect of trade logistics performance on the intra-regional trade of Africa. Results: African countries experience lowest average LPI score relative to its trading partner regions, particularly in terms of quality of trade- and transport-related infrastructures, customs, and border clearance, and competency and quality of logistics services. The study on gravity model estimates shows that improvement in any of LPI components, that is, infrastructures development, customs clearance, competence and logistics service quality, international shipments, tracking and tracing, and timeliness, can lead to significant growth on the trade between African countries. However, being geographically landlocked has a statistically significant negative effect on bilateral trade flow. Conclusion: Successful improvement in African countries’ trade logistics performance including logistics infrastructure, customs clearance, and logistics service quality will enhance trade between African countries. This, in turn, will have a paramount contribution to the effective implementation of the Continental Free Trade Area of Africa

    Visceral leishmaniasis patients display altered composition and maturity of neutrophils as well as impaired neutrophil effector functions

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    Immunologically, active visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is characterised by profound immunosuppression, severe systemic inflammatory responses and an impaired capacity to control parasite replication. Neutrophils are highly versatile cells, which play a crucial role in the induction as well as the resolution of inflammation, the control of pathogen replication and the regulation of immune responses. Neutrophil functions have been investigated in human cutaneous leishmaniasis, however, their role in human visceral leishmaniasis is poorly understood. In the present study we evaluated the activation status and effector functions of neutrophils in patients with active VL and after successful anti-leishmanial treatment. Our results show that neutrophils are highly activated and have degranulated; high levels of arginase, myeloperoxidase and elastase, all contained in neutrophils’ granules, were found in the plasma of VL patients. In addition, we show that a large proportion of these cells are immature. We also analysed effector functions of neutrophils that are essential for pathogen clearance and show that neutrophils have an impaired capacity to release neutrophil extracellular traps, produce reactive oxygen species and phagocytose bacterial particles, but not Leishmania parasites. Our results suggest that impaired effector functions, increased activation and immaturity of neutrophils play a key role in the pathogenesis of VL

    Livestock producers' knowledge, attitude, and behavior (KAB) regarding antimicrobial use in Ethiopia

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    Introduction: Inappropriate antimicrobial use (AMU) in livestock production is an important aspect of the global burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In Ethiopia, a low-income country with a large and increasing livestock population, AMU in food animals is not properly regulated. Hence, farmers are fully free to use antimicrobials to their (perceived) benefit. Therefore, understanding farmers' mindsets is important to improve antimicrobial stewardship in the livestock sector. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted to assess livestock disease management practices and knowledge, attitude, and behavior (KAB) among livestock producers regarding AMU, residues, and resistance, as well as factors potentially explaining differences in KAB. We determined the KAB of livestock owners of three selected districts of central and western Ethiopia (n = 457), using a pretested questionnaire administered through face-to-face interviews. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between potential explanatory variables and the KAB scores of the respondents. Results: The results showed that 44% of the farmers used antimicrobials in the past few years, where antibiotics (21%) and trypanocides (11%) were most widely used to manage livestock diseases. Furthermore, most farmers showed poor knowledge about AMU, residues, and AMR (94%) and unfavorable attitudes (<50% correct answers) toward contributing factors for AMR (97%). On the contrary, 80% of the respondents had overall good behavior scores (≥50% correct answers) related to AMU. Multivariate analysis results showed that having good knowledge, keeping ≥2 animal species, and the occurrence of ≥4 livestock diseases on the farm in a year were strong predictors of bad behavior scores (p < 0.05). The findings of the current investigation also revealed that the incidence of livestock diseases on the farm and a higher level of formal education significantly contributed to better knowledge and desirable attitudes but bad AMU behavior. Conclusion: A low level of awareness about and undesirable attitudes toward AMU and AMR could potentially affect farmers' behavior toward judicious AMU, thus requiring awareness creation efforts on livestock disease management practices

    Burden of podoconiosis in poor rural communities in Guliso woreda, western Ethiopia

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    Background. Podoconiosis is an environmental lymphoedema affecting people living and working barefoot on irritant red clay soil. Podoconiosis is relatively well described in southern Ethiopia, but remains neglected in other parts of the Ethiopian highlands. This study aimed to assess the burden of podoconiosis in rural communities in western Ethiopia. Methodology/Principal Findings. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Gulliso woreda (district), west Ethiopia. A household survey in the 26 rural kebeles (villages) of this district was conducted to identify podoconiosis patients and to measure disease prevalence. A more detailed study was done in six randomly selected kebeles to describe clinical features of the disease, patients’ experiences of foot hygiene, and shoe wearing practice. 1,935 cases of podoconiosis were registered, giving a prevalence of 2.8%. The prevalence was higher in those aged 15 – 64 years (5.2%) and in females than males (prevalence ratio 2.6:1). 90.3% of patients were in the 15 – 64 year age group. In the detailed study, 335 cases were interviewed and their feet assessed. The majority of patients were farmers, uneducated, and poor. Two-third of patients developed the disease before the age of thirty. Almost all patients (97.0%) had experienced adenolymphangitis (ALA - red, hot legs, swollen and painful groin) at least once during the previous year. Patients experienced an average of 5.5 ALA episodes annually, each of average 4.4 days, thus 24 working days were lost annually. The incidence of ALA in podoconiosis patients was higher than that reported for filariasis in other countries. Shoe wearing was limited mainly due to financial problems. Conclusions. We have documented high podoconiosis prevalence, frequent adenolymphangitis and high disease-related morbidity in west Ethiopia. Interventions must be developed to prevent, treat and control podoconiosis, one of the core neglected tropical diseases in Ethiopia

    Two-Thirds of Smear-Positive Tuberculosis Cases in the Community Were Undiagnosed in Northwest Ethiopia: Population Based Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) case detection rate remains low in Ethiopia. One of the underlying reasons is the emphasis on passive case finding strategy which may seriously underestimate the burden of the disease. Estimating the prevalence of smear-positive pulmonary TB through active case finding at population level can help assessing the degree to which passive case detection is successful. Methods and findings: This is population based cross-sectional study. The study population was all individuals aged 14years.Interviewsusingauniformquestionnaireweredoneinitiallytoidentifyindividualswithchroniccough(14 years. Interviews using a uniform questionnaire were done initially to identify individuals with chronic cough (15 days) and the two sputum (spot and morning) samples were gathered for standard smear microscopy. A total of 23,590 individuals aged 14yearswereinterviewedand984hadachroniccoughfor14 years were interviewed and 984 had a chronic cough for 15 days. Of 831 individuals who provided two sputum samples for acid fast bacilli (AFB), 41 had positive smears. A total of 22 smear-positive TB cases detected through passive case finding were on anti-TB treatment. The prevalence of new smear-positive TB was 174 per 100,000 in persons aged 14years(9514 years (95 % CI: 121–227).The ratio of active to passive case finding was 2:1. Higher rates of smear-positivity were observed among females [AOR: 3.28, 95 % CI (1.54–6.77)], and in the age group 45 years [AOR: 2.26, 95 % CI (1.12–4.59). Conclusions: The study revealed that about two-thirds of patients with active TB remain undiagnosed and thus untreated. This may indicate the need for strengthening case detection at the community level. Furthermore, the high burden of T
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