342 research outputs found

    Consensus formation on coevolving networks: groups' formation and structure

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    We study the effect of adaptivity on a social model of opinion dynamics and consensus formation. We analyze how the adaptivity of the network of contacts between agents to the underlying social dynamics affects the size and topological properties of groups and the convergence time to the stable final state. We find that, while on static networks these properties are determined by percolation phenomena, on adaptive networks the rewiring process leads to different behaviors: Adaptive rewiring fosters group formation by enhancing communication between agents of similar opinion, though it also makes possible the division of clusters. We show how the convergence time is determined by the characteristic time of link rearrangement. We finally investigate how the adaptivity yields nontrivial correlations between the internal topology and the size of the groups of agreeing agents.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures,to appear in a special proceedings issue of J. Phys. A covering the "Complex Networks: from Biology to Information Technology" conference (Pula, Italy, 2007

    Transmitting Communication Skills Through Imitation in Autonomous Robots

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    Language structure in the n-object naming game

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    We examine a naming game with two agents trying to establish a common vocabulary for n objects. Such efforts lead to the emergence of language that allows for an efficient communication and exhibits some degree of homonymy and synonymy. Although homonymy reduces the communication efficiency, it seems to be a dynamical trap that persists for a long, and perhaps indefinite, time. On the other hand, synonymy does not reduce the efficiency of communication, but appears to be only a transient feature of the language. Thus, in our model the role of synonymy decreases and in the long-time limit it becomes negligible. A similar rareness of synonymy is observed in present natural languages. The role of noise, that distorts the communicated words, is also examined. Although, in general, the noise reduces the communication efficiency, it also regroups the words so that they are more evenly distributed within the available "verbal" space.Comment: minor change

    Extreme osmotolerance and halotolerance in food-relevant yeasts and the role of glycerol-dependent cell individuality

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    Osmotolerance and halotolerance are used to describe resistance to sugars and salt, respectively. Here, a comprehensive screen of more than 600 different yeast isolates revealed that osmosensitive species were equally affected by NaCl and glucose. However, the relative toxicity of salt became increasingly prominent in more osmoresistant species. We confirmed that growth inhibition by glucose in a laboratory strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurred at a lower water activity (Aw) than by salt (NaCl), and pre-growth in high levels of glucose or salt gave enhanced cross-resistance to either. Salt toxicity was largely due to osmotic stress but with an additive enhancement due to effects of the relevant cation. Almost all of the yeast isolates from the screen were also noted to exhibit hetero-resistance to both salt and sugar, whereby high concentrations restricted growth to a small minority of cells within the clonal populations. Rare resistant colonies required growth for up to 28 days to become visible. This cell individuality was more marked with salt than sugar, a possible further reflection of the ion toxicity effect. In both cases, heteroresistance in S. cerevisiae was strikingly dependent on the GPD1 gene product, important for glycerol synthesis. In contrast, a tps1? deletant impaired for trehalose showed altered MIC but no change in heteroresistance. Effects on heteroresistance were evident in chronic (but not acute) salt or glucose stress, particularly relevant to growth on low Aw foods. The study reports diverse osmotolerance and halotolerance phenotypes and heteroresistance across an extensive panel of yeast isolates, and indicates that Gpd1-dependent glycerol synthesis is a key determinant enabling growth of rare yeast subpopulations at low Aw, brought about by glucose and in particular salt

    Dragging a polymer chain into a nanotube and subsequent release

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    We present a scaling theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results for a flexible polymer chain slowly dragged by one end into a nanotube. We also describe the situation when the completely confined chain is released and gradually leaves the tube. MC simulations were performed for a self-avoiding lattice model with a biased chain growth algorithm, the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method. The nanotube is a long channel opened at one end and its diameter DD is much smaller than the size of the polymer coil in solution. We analyze the following characteristics as functions of the chain end position xx inside the tube: the free energy of confinement, the average end-to-end distance, the average number of imprisoned monomers, and the average stretching of the confined part of the chain for various values of DD and for the number of monomers in the chain, NN. We show that when the chain end is dragged by a certain critical distance xx^* into the tube, the polymer undergoes a first-order phase transition whereby the remaining free tail is abruptly sucked into the tube. This is accompanied by jumps in the average size, the number of imprisoned segments, and in the average stretching parameter. The critical distance scales as xND11/νx^*\sim ND^{1-1/\nu}. The transition takes place when approximately 3/4 of the chain units are dragged into the tube. The theory presented is based on constructing the Landau free energy as a function of an order parameter that provides a complete description of equilibrium and metastable states. We argue that if the trapped chain is released with all monomers allowed to fluctuate, the reverse process in which the chain leaves the confinement occurs smoothly without any jumps. Finally, we apply the theory to estimate the lifetime of confined DNA in metastable states in nanotubes.Comment: 13pages, 14figure

    Evolution of opinions on social networks in the presence of competing committed groups

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    Public opinion is often affected by the presence of committed groups of individuals dedicated to competing points of view. Using a model of pairwise social influence, we study how the presence of such groups within social networks affects the outcome and the speed of evolution of the overall opinion on the network. Earlier work indicated that a single committed group within a dense social network can cause the entire network to quickly adopt the group's opinion (in times scaling logarithmically with the network size), so long as the committed group constitutes more than about 10% of the population (with the findings being qualitatively similar for sparse networks as well). Here we study the more general case of opinion evolution when two groups committed to distinct, competing opinions AA and BB, and constituting fractions pAp_A and pBp_B of the total population respectively, are present in the network. We show for stylized social networks (including Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs and Barab\'asi-Albert scale-free networks) that the phase diagram of this system in parameter space (pA,pB)(p_A,p_B) consists of two regions, one where two stable steady-states coexist, and the remaining where only a single stable steady-state exists. These two regions are separated by two fold-bifurcation (spinodal) lines which meet tangentially and terminate at a cusp (critical point). We provide further insights to the phase diagram and to the nature of the underlying phase transitions by investigating the model on infinite (mean-field limit), finite complete graphs and finite sparse networks. For the latter case, we also derive the scaling exponent associated with the exponential growth of switching times as a function of the distance from the critical point.Comment: 23 pages: 15 pages + 7 figures (main text), 8 pages + 1 figure + 1 table (supplementary info

    Why Robots Should Be Social: Enhancing Machine Learning through Social Human-Robot Interaction.

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    Social learning is a powerful method for cultural propagation of knowledge and skills relying on a complex interplay of learning strategies, social ecology and the human propensity for both learning and tutoring. Social learning has the potential to be an equally potent learning strategy for artificial systems and robots in specific. However, given the complexity and unstructured nature of social learning, implementing social machine learning proves to be a challenging problem. We study one particular aspect of social machine learning: that of offering social cues during the learning interaction. Specifically, we study whether people are sensitive to social cues offered by a learning robot, in a similar way to children's social bids for tutoring. We use a child-like social robot and a task in which the robot has to learn the meaning of words. For this a simple turn-based interaction is used, based on language games. Two conditions are tested: one in which the robot uses social means to invite a human teacher to provide information based on what the robot requires to fill gaps in its knowledge (i.e. expression of a learning preference); the other in which the robot does not provide social cues to communicate a learning preference. We observe that conveying a learning preference through the use of social cues results in better and faster learning by the robot. People also seem to form a "mental model" of the robot, tailoring the tutoring to the robot's performance as opposed to using simply random teaching. In addition, the social learning shows a clear gender effect with female participants being responsive to the robot's bids, while male teachers appear to be less receptive. This work shows how additional social cues in social machine learning can result in people offering better quality learning input to artificial systems, resulting in improved learning performance