141 research outputs found

    The effects of spatially distributed ionisation sources on the temperature structure of HII region

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    Spatially resolved studies of star forming regions show that the assumption of spherical geometry is not realistic in most cases, with a major complication posed by the gas being ionised by multiple non-centrally located stars or star clusters. We try to isolate the effects of multiple non-centrally located stars on the temperature and ionisation structure of HII regions, via the construction of 3D photoionisation models using the 3D Monte Carlo photoionisation code MOCASSIN. We find that the true temperature fluctuations due to the stellar distribution (as opposed to the large-scale temperature gradients due to other gas properties) are small in all cases and not a significant cause of error in metallicity studies. Strong emission lines from HII regions are often used to study the metallicity of star-forming regions. We compare integrated emission line spectra from our models and quantify any systematic errors caused by the simplifying assumption of a single, central location for all ionising sources. We find that the dependence of the metallicity indicators on the ionisation parameter causes a clear bias, due to the fact that models with a fully distributed configuration of stars always display lower ionisation parameters than their fully concentrated counterparts. The errors found imply that the geometrical distribution of ionisation sources may partly account for the large scatter in metallicities derived using model-calibrated empirical methods.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by MNRA

    Abundances in the Galactic bulge: results from planetary nebulae and giant stars

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    Our understanding of the chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge requires the determination of abundances in large samples of giant stars and planetary nebulae (PNe). We discuss PNe abundances in the Galactic bulge and compare these results with those presented in the literature for giant stars. We present the largest, high-quality data-set available for PNe in the direction of the Galactic bulge (inner-disk/bulge). For comparison purposes, we also consider a sample of PNe in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We derive the element abundances in a consistent way for all the PNe studied. By comparing the abundances for the bulge, inner-disk, and LMC, we identify elements that have not been modified during the evolution of the PN progenitor and can be used to trace the bulge chemical enrichment history. We then compare the PN abundances with abundances of bulge field giant. At the metallicity of the bulge, we find that the abundances of O and Ne are close to the values for the interstellar medium at the time of the PN progenitor formation, and hence these elements can be used as tracers of the bulge chemical evolution, in the same way as S and Ar, which are not expected to be affected by nucleosynthetic processes during the evolution of the PN progenitors. The PN oxygen abundance distribution is shifted to lower values by 0.3 dex with respect to the distribution given by giants. A similar shift appears to occur for Ne and S. We discuss possible reasons for this PNe-giant discrepancy and conclude that this is probably due to systematic errors in the abundance derivations in either giants or PNe (or both). We issue an important warning concerning the use of absolute abundances in chemical evolution studies.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 16 pages of online material, A&A in pres

    The Primordial Helium Abundance: Towards Understanding and Removing the Cosmic Scatter in the dY/dZ Relation

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    We present results from photoionization models of low-metallicity HII regions. These nebulae form the basis for measuring the primordial helium abundance. Our models show that the helium ionization correction factor (ICF) can be non-negligible for nebulae excited by stars with effective temperatures larger than 40,000 K. Furthermore, we find that when the effective temperature rises to above 45,000 K, the ICF can be significantly negative. This result is independent of the choice of stellar atmosphere. However, if an HII region has an [O III] 5007/[O I] 6300 ratio greater than 300, then our models show that, regardless of its metallicity, it will have a negligibly small ICF. A similar, but metallicity dependent, result was found using the [O III] 5007/HÎČ\beta ratio. These two results can be used as selection criteria to remove nebulae with potentially non-negligible ICFs. Using our metallicity independent criterion on the data of Izotov & Thuan (1998) results in a 20% reduction of the rms scatter about the best fit Y−ZY-Z line. A fit to the selected data results in a slight increase of the value of the primordial helium abundance.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted by the Ap

    No temperature fluctuations in the giant HII region H 1013

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    While collisionally excited lines in HII regions allow one to easily probe the chemical composition of the interstellar medium in galaxies, the possible presence of important temperature fluctuations casts some doubt on the derived abundances. To provide new insights into this question, we have carried out a detailed study of a giant HII region, H 1013, located in the galaxy M101, for which many observational data exist and which has been claimed to harbour temperature fluctuations at a level of t^2 = 0.03-0.06. We have first complemented the already available optical observational datasets with a mid-infrared spectrum obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Combined with optical data, this spectrum provides unprecedented information on the temperature structure of this giant HII region. A preliminary analysis based on empirical temperature diagnostics suggests that temperature fluctuations should be quite weak. We have then performed a detailed modelling using the pyCloudy package based on the photoionization code Cloudy. We have been able to produce photoionization models constrained by the observed Hb surface brightness distribution and by the known properties of the ionizing stellar population than can account for most of the line ratios within their uncertainties. Since the observational constraints are both strong and numerous, this argues against the presence of significant temperature fluctuations in H 1013. The oxygen abundance of our best model is 12 + log O/H = 8.57, as opposed to the values of 8.73 and 8.93 advocated by Esteban et al. (2009) and Bresolin (2007), respectively, based on the significant temperature fluctuations they derived. However, our model is not able to reproduce the intensities of the oxygen recombination lines . This cannot be attributed to observational uncertainties and requires an explanation other than temperature fluctuations.Comment: accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Ionization Corrections For Low-Metallicity H II Regions and the Primordial Helium Abundance

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    Helium and hydrogen recombination lines observed in low-metallicity, extragalactic H II regions provide the data used to infer the primordial helium mass fraction, Y_P. The ionization corrections for unseen neutral helium (or hydrogen) are usually assumed to be absent; i.e., the ionization correction factor is taken to be unity (icf = 1). In this paper we revisit the question of the icf for H II regions ionized by clusters of young, hot, metal-poor stars. Our key result is that for the H II regions used in the determination of Y_P, there is a ``reverse'' ionization correction: icf < 1. We explore the effect on the icf of more realistic inhomogeneous H II region models and find that for those regions ionized by young stars, with ``hard'' radiation spectra, the icf is reduced further below unity. In Monte Carlos using H II region data from the literature (Izotov and Thuan 1998) we estimate a reduction in the published value of Y_P of order 0.003, which is roughly twice as large as the quoted statistical error in the Y_P determination.Comment: 23 pages, 2 postscript figures; ApJ accepted; minor change

    The effect of collisional enhancement of Balmer lines on the determination of the primordial helium abundance

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    This paper describes a new determination of the primordial helium abundance (Y_P), based on the abundance analysis of five metal-poor extragalactic HII regions. For three regions of the sample (SBS 0335-052, I Zw 18, and H29) we present tailored photoionization models based on improved calculations with respect to previous models. In particular, we use the photoionization models to study quantitatively the effect of collisional excitation of Balmer lines on the determination of the helium abundance (Y) in the individual regions. This effect is twofold: first, the intensities of the Balmer lines are enhanced with respect to the pure recombination value, mimicking a higher hydrogen abundance; second, the observed reddening is larger than the true extinction, due to the differential effect of collisions on different Balmer lines. In addition to these effects, our analysis takes into account the following features of HII regions: (i) the temperature structure, (ii) the density structure, (iii) the presence of neutral helium, (iv) the collisional excitation of the HeI lines, (v) the underlying absorption of the HeI lines, and (vi) the optical thickness of the HeI lines. The object that shows the highest increase in Y after the inclusion of collisional effects in the analysis is SBS 0335-052, whose helium abundance has been revised by Delta Y = +0.0107. The revised Y values for the five objects in our sample yield an increase of +0.0035 in Y_P, giving Y_P = 0.2391 +/- 0.0020.Comment: 59 pages, 8 figures. AAS Latex. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    [Fe IV] emission in ionized nebulae

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    This paper presents an analysis of [Fe IV] emission based on new identifications and previous measurements of [Fe IV] lines in 30 Doradus, IC 4846, M42, SMC N88A, and SBS 0335-052. The Fe abundances obtained by adding the abundances of the relevant Fe ions (mainly Fe^{++} and Fe^{3+}) are found to be lower, by factors in the range 2.6-5.9, than the Fe abundances implied by [Fe III] emission and an ionization correction factor derived from ionization models. The most likely explanation of this discrepancy is that either the collision strengths for [Fe IV] or the Fe ionization fractions predicted by models are unreliable. The available data neither allow one to distinguish between these two possibilities nor to exclude another possible explanation: that the discrepancy implies the presence of a gradient in the Fe abundance within the ionized gas. Further measurements of [Fe IV] lines and checks on the Fe^{3+} atomic data and ionization models are needed to reach a definitive conclusion. The discrepancy introduces an uncertainty in the determination of Fe abundances in ionized nebulae. This uncertainty has implications for our understanding of both the evolution of dust in ionized nebulae and the chemical history of low metallicity galaxies.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, a new table and several comments adde

    Metal Abundances of KISS Galaxies III. Nebular Abundances for Fourteen Galaxies and the Luminosity-Metallicity Relationship for HII Galaxies

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    We report results from the third in a series of nebular abundance studies of emission-line galaxies from the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS). Galaxies with coarse metallicity estimates of 12 + log(O/H) less than 8.2 dex were selected for observation. Spectra of 14 galaxies, which cover the full optical region from [OII]3727,3729 to beyond [SII]6717,6731, are presented, and abundance ratios of N, O, Ne, S, and Ar are computed. The auroral [OIII]4363 line is detected in all 14 galaxies. Oxygen abundances determined through the direct electron temperature T_e method confirm that the sample is metal-poor with 7.61 <= 12 + log(O/H) <= 8.32. By using these abundances in conjunction with other T_e-based measurements from the literature, we demonstrate that HII galaxies and more quiescent dwarf irregular galaxies follow similar metallicity-luminosity (L-Z) relationships. The primary difference is a zero-point shift between the correlations such that HII galaxies are brighter by an average of 0.8 B magnitudes at a given metallicity. This offset can be used as evidence to argue that low-luminosity HII galaxies typically undergo factor of two luminosity enhancements, and starbursts that elevate the luminosities of their host galaxies by 2 to 3 magnitudes are not as common. We also demonstrate that the inclusion of interacting galaxies can increase the scatter in the L-Z relation and may force the observed correlation towards lower metallicities and/or larger luminosities. This must be taken into account when attempting to infer metal abundance evolution by comparing local L-Z relations with ones based on higher redshift samples since the fraction of interacting galaxies should increase with look-back time.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures. ApJ, in pres

    The He abundance in the metal-deficient blue compact dwarf galaxies Tol 1214-277 and Tol 65

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    We present high-quality Keck telescope spectroscopic observations of the two metal-deficient blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies Tol 1214-277 and Tol 65. These data are used to derive the heavy-element and helium abundances. We find that the oxygen abundances in Tol 1214-277 and Tol 65 are the same, 12+logO/H=7.54+/-0.01, or Zsun/24, despite the different ionization conditions in these galaxies. The nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratio in both galaxies is logN/O=-1.64+/-0.02 and lies in the narrow range found for the other most metal-deficient BCDs. We use the five strongest HeI emission lines 3889, 4471, 5876, 6678 and 7065, to correct self-consistently their intensities for collisional and fluorescent enhancement mechanisms and to derive the He abundance. Underlying stellar absorption is found to be important for the HeI 4471 emission line in both galaxies, being larger in Tol 65. The weighted He mass fractions in Tol 1214-277 and Tol 65 are respectively Y=0.2458+/-0.0039 and 0.2410+/-0.0050 when the three HeI emission lines, 4471, 5876 and 6678, are used, and are, respectively, 0.2466+/-0.0043 and 0.2463+/-0.0057 when the HeI 4471 emission line is excluded. These values are in very good agreement with recent measurements of the He mass fraction in others of the most metal-deficient BCDs by Izotov and coworkers. We find that the combined effect of the systematic uncertainties due to the underlying HeI stellar absorption lines, ionization and temperature structure of the HII region and collisional excitation of the hydrogen emission lines is likely small, not exceeding ~2% (the error is 2sigma). Our results support the validity of the standard big bang model of nucleosynthesis.Comment: 22 pages, 3 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    ISO SWS Observations of H II Regions in NGC 6822 and I ZW 36: Sulfur Abundances and Temperature Fluctuations

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    We report ISO SWS infrared spectroscopy of the H II region Hubble V in NGC 6822 and the blue compact dwarf galaxy I Zw 36. Observations of Br alpha, [S III] at 18.7 and 33.5 microns, and [S IV] at 10.5 microns are used to determine ionic sulfur abundances in these H II regions. There is relatively good agreement between our observations and predictions of S^+3 abundances based on photoionization calculations, although there is an offset in the sense that the models overpredict the S^+3 abundances. We emphasize a need for more observations of this type in order to place nebular sulfur abundance determinations on firmer ground. The S/O ratios derived using the ISO observations in combination with optical data are consistent with values of S/O, derived from optical measurements of other metal-poor galaxies. We present a new formalism for the simultaneous determination of the temperature, temperature fluctuations, and abundances in a nebula, given a mix of optical and infrared observed line ratios. The uncertainties in our ISO measurements and the lack of observations of [S III] lambda 9532 or lambda 9069 do not allow an accurate determination of the amplitude of temperature fluctuations for Hubble V and I Zw 36. Finally, using synthetic data, we illustrate the diagnostic power and limitations of our new method.Comment: 32 Pages total, including 6 encapsulated postscript figures (one with two parts). Accepted for Publication in the 20 Dec 2002 Ap
