54 research outputs found

    Community evaluation of glycoproteomics informatics solutions reveals high-performance search strategies for serum glycopeptide analysis

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    Glycoproteomics is a powerful yet analytically challenging research tool. Software packages aiding the interpretation of complex glycopeptide tandem mass spectra have appeared, but their relative performance remains untested. Conducted through the HUPO Human Glycoproteomics Initiative, this community study, comprising both developers and users of glycoproteomics software, evaluates solutions for system-wide glycopeptide analysis. The same mass spectrometrybased glycoproteomics datasets from human serum were shared with participants and the relative team performance for N- and O-glycopeptide data analysis was comprehensively established by orthogonal performance tests. Although the results were variable, several high-performance glycoproteomics informatics strategies were identified. Deep analysis of the data revealed key performance-associated search parameters and led to recommendations for improved 'high-coverage' and 'high-accuracy' glycoproteomics search solutions. This study concludes that diverse software packages for comprehensive glycopeptide data analysis exist, points to several high-performance search strategies and specifies key variables that will guide future software developments and assist informatics decision-making in glycoproteomics

    Analysis of correlation structure in bilateral traits

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    When studying asymmetry of bilateral traits, it is very important to take into account their correlation structure. The assumption for quadrivariate normal distribution of traits considers possible models of equality of four correlation coefficients between traits using different criteria and approaches on the basis of two large lamina samples (N₁=500, N₂=521) of drooping birch (Betula pendula Roth.). This study has shown that different traits give evidence of different models of correlation structure.17 page(s

    Correlation structure of bilateral traits

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    Peptide Side-COOH Groups Have Two Distinct Conformations under Biorelevant Conditions

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    The carboxyl (COOH) side chain groups of amino acids, such as aspartic acid, play an important role in biochemical processes, including enzymatic proton transport. In many theoretical studies, it was found that the (bio)chemical reactivity of the carboxyl group strongly depends on the conformation of this group. Interestingly, up to now there has been no experimental investigation of the geometry and the stability of different COOH conformers under biorelevant conditions. Here, we investigate the conformational isomerism of the side chain COOH group of N-acetyl aspartic acid amide using polarization-resolved two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. We find that the carboxyl group shows two distinct near-planar conformers (syn and anti) when dissolved in water at room temperature. Both conformers are significantly populated in aqueous solution (75 +/- 10% and 25 +/- 10% for syn and anti, respectively). Molecular dynamics simulations show that the anti conformer interacts more strongly with water molecules than the syn conformer, explaining why this conformer is significantly present in aqueous solution

    Silicon transformers for concerns in the refractories industry

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