51 research outputs found


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    Abstract In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the CLIC multiTeV linear collider option, the drive beam complex at the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) at CERN is providing highcurrent electron pulses for a number of related experiments. By means of a system of electron pulse compression and bunch frequency multiplication, a fully loaded, 120 MeV linac is used to generate 140 ns electron pulses of around 28 Amperes. Subsequent deceleration of this high-current drive beam demonstrates principles behind the CLIC acceleration scheme, and produces 12 GHz RF power for experimental purposes. As the facility has progressed toward routine operation, a number of studies aimed at improving the drive beam performance have been carried out. Additional feedbacks, automated steering programs, and improved control of optics and dispersion have contributed to a more stable, reproducible drive beam with consequent benefits for the experiments

    Zrównoważony rozwój w kontekście moralnego ujęcia osoby ludzkiej Guido Gattiego

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    In the proposed article we undertook the analysis of the question connected with the idea of moral personality in the study by Guido Gatti and its correlation with the sustainable development. The fundamental element of our research was to indicate that there is an interdependence between the dynamics of moral development and moral personality which, in consequence, leads to the idea of sustainable development as a condition sine qua non of the order in the life of man.W proponowanym artykule pojęliśmy analizę zagadnienia związanego z koncepcją osobowości moralnej w badaniach Guido Gattiego i jej korelacji ze zrównoważonym rozwojem. Podstawowym elementem naszych poszukiwań było wskazanie, iż istnieje zależność między dynamiką rozwoju moralnego a osobowością moralną, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do idei zrównoważonego rozwoju jako warunku sine qua non porządku w życiu człowieka

    Zastosowanie sieci komputerowych do szkolenia w zagadnieniach cukrzycy

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    Diabetes is recognised as a major social problem of the 21st century and the nursing community has a very important role to play in diabetes prevention and treatment. It is essential that any practitioner who is involved in their care is appropriately trained and educated. Traditional classroom training can no longer be considered as the only means of doing this, due in part to the large numbers of learners. Therefore, we propose a new solution to the problem using e-training, and offer local considerations as to its to possible implementation e.g. in Poland.Cukrzyca to wielki problem społeczny XXI wieku. W walce z nią znaczny udział powinny mieć pielęgniarki. Wymaga to ich szybkiego dokształcania. Niezbędne wydaje się wykorzystanie sieci komputerowych i metod szkolenia elektro­nicznego i zdalnego uczenia się. Przedstawiono wymagany program kształcenia, koncepcję systemu e-Train-Diabetes oraz możliwe efekty i podstawowe zagrożenia dla projektu

    Modelling of a computer integrated manufacturing and management system as a tool of organization improvement

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    This paper presents a predicted target architecture of an integrated manufacturing and management system, based on a metropolitan-type intranet and an industrial process control and monitoring network. Such systems are urgently required by prospective users, especially large-scale manufacturing enterprises. Nevertheless, neither big manufacturers of computer integrated manufacturing systems nor big manufacturers of computer integrated systems are willing to develop combined computer integrated manufacturing and management systems. To evaluate performance, a method developed for packet switching networks with end-to-end acknowledgement was applied. The paper describes the investigations carried out for the case study. Some consideration is given to the performance evaluation accuracy, based on the validation work results obtained from analytical work, simulation and measurements on the Polish pilot wide area network

    MAD-X for Future Accelerators

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    The feasibility and performance of the future accelerators must, to a large extent, be predicted by simulation codes. This implies that simulation codes need to include effects that previously played a minor role. For example, in large electron machines like the FCC-ee the large energy variation along the ring requires that the magnets strength is adjusted to the beam energy at that location, normally referred to as tapering. In this article, we present new features implemented in the MAD-X code to enable and facilitate simulations of future colliders