184 research outputs found

    Co-planar spin-polarized light emitting diode

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    Studies of spin manipulation in semiconductors has benefited from the possibility to grow these materials in high quality on top of optically active III-V systems. The induced electroluminescence in these layered semiconductor heterostructures has been used for a reliable spin detection. In semiconductors with strong spin-orbit interaction, the sensitivity of vertical devices may be insufficient, however, because of the sepration of the spin aligner part and the spin detection region by one or more heterointerfaces and becuse of the short spin coherence length. Here we demostrate that higly sensitive spin detection can be achieved using a lateral arrangement of the spin polarized and optically active regions. Using our co-planar spin-polarized light emitting diodes we detect electrical field induced spin generation in a semiconductor heterojunction two-dimensional hole gas. The polarization results from spin asymmetric recombination of injected electrons with strongly SO coupled two-dimensional holes. The possibility to detect magnetized Co particles deposited on the co-planar diode structure is also demonstrated.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    The Scaling of the Anomalous Hall Effect in the Insulating Regime

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    We develop a theoretical approach to study the scaling of anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in the insulating regime, which is observed to be σxyAHσxx1.401.75\sigma_{xy}^{AH}\propto\sigma_{xx}^{1.40\sim1.75} in experiments over a large range of materials. This scaling is qualitatively different from the ones observed in metals. Basing our theory on the phonon-assisted hopping mechanism and percolation theory, we derive a general formula for the anomalous Hall conductivity, and show that it scales with the longitudinal conductivity as σxyAHσxxγ\sigma_{xy}^{AH}\sim\sigma_{xx}^{\gamma} with γ\gamma predicted to be 1.38γ1.761.38\leq\gamma\leq1.76, quantitatively in agreement with the experimental observations. Our result provides a clearer understanding of the AHE in the insulating regime and completes the scaling phase diagram of the AHE.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, plus the supplementary information. Minor revisions made according to Referee report

    Experimental observation of the spin-Hall effect in a two dimensional spin-orbit coupled semiconductor system

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    We report the experimental observation of the spin-Hall effect in a two-dimensional (2D) hole system with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The 2D hole layer is a part of a p-n junction light-emitting diode with a specially designed co-planar geometry which allows an angle-resolved polarization detection at opposite edges of the 2D hole system. In equilibrium the angular momenta of the Rashba split heavy hole states lie in the plane of the 2D layer. When an electric field is applied across the hole channel a non zero out-of-plane component of the angular momentum is detected whose sign depends on the sign of the electric field and is opposite for the two edges. Microscopic quantum transport calculations show only a weak effect of disorder suggesting that the clean limit spin-Hall conductance description (intrinsic spin-Hall effect) might apply to our system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, paper based on work presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnetic Nano-structures (August 2004) and Oxford Kobe Seminar on Spintronics (September 2004); accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters December 200

    Spin Hall effect transistor

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    Spin transistors and spin Hall effects have been two separate leading directions of research in semiconductor spintronics which seeks new paradigms for information processing technologies. We have brought the two directions together to realize an all-semiconductor spin Hall effect transistor. Our scheme circumvents semiconductor-ferromagnet interface problems of the original Datta-Das spin transistor concept and demonstrates the utility of the spin Hall effects in microelectronics. The devices use diffusive transport and operate without electrical current, i.e., without Joule heating in the active part of the transistor. We demonstrate a spin AND logic function in a semiconductor channel with two gates. Our experimental study is complemented by numerical Monte Carlo simulations of spin-diffusion through the transistor channel.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    The quantum Hall plateau transition at order 1/N

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    The localization behavior of noninteracting two-dimensional electrons in a random potential and strong magnetic field is of fundamental interest for the physics of the quantum Hall effect. In order to understand the emergence of power-law delocalization near the discrete extended-state energies En=ωc(n+1/2)E_n = \hbar \omega_c (n+{1/2}), we study a generalization of the disorder-averaged Liouvillian framework for the lowest Landau level to NN flavors of electron densities (N=1 for the physical case). We find analytically the large-N limit and 1/N corrections for all disorder strengths: at N=N = \infty this gives an estimate of the critical conductivity, and at order 1/N an estimate of the localization exponent ν\nu. The localization properties of the analytically tractable N1N \gg 1 theory seem to be continuously connected to those of the exact quantum Hall plateau transition at N=1N = 1.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; improved text, 1 corrected referenc

    Free expansion of lowest Landau level states of trapped atoms: a wavefunction microscope

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    We show that for any lowest-Landau-level state of a trapped, rotating, interacting Bose gas, the particle distribution in coordinate space in a free expansion (time of flight) experiment is related to that in the trap at the time it is turned off by a simple rescaling and rotation. When the lowest-Landau-level approximation is valid, interactions can be neglected during the expansion, even when they play an essential role in the ground state when the trap is present. The correlations in the density in a single snapshot can be used to obtain information about the fluid, such as whether a transition to a quantum Hall state has occurred.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. v2: discussion of neglect of interactions during expansion improved, refs adde

    Edge spin accumulation in semiconductor two-dimensional hole gases

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    The controlled generation of localized spin densities is a key enabler of semiconductor spintronics In this work, we study spin Hall effect induced edge spin accumulation in a two-dimensional hole gas with strong spin orbit interactions. We argue that it is an intrinsic property, in the sense that it is independent of the strength of disorder scattering. We show numerically that the spin polarization near the edge induced by this mechanism can be large, and that it becomes larger and more strongly localized as the spin-orbit coupling strength increases, and is independent of the width of the conducting strip once this exceeds the elastic scattering mean-free-path. Our experiments in two-dimensional hole gas microdevices confirm this remarkable spin Hall effect phenomenology. Achieving comparable levels of spin polarization by external magnetic fields would require laboratory equipment whose physical dimensions and operating electrical currents are million times larger than those of our spin Hall effect devices.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Measuring the condensate fraction of rapidly rotating trapped boson systems: off-diagonal order from the density

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    We demonstrate a direct connection between the density profile of a system of ultra-cold trapped bosonic particles in the rapid-rotation limit and its condensate fraction. This connection can be used to probe the crossover from condensed vortex-lattice states to uncondensed quantum fluid states that occurs in rapidly rotating boson systems as the particle density decreases or the rotation frequency increases. We illustrate our proposal with a series of examples, including ones based on models of realistic finite trap systems, and comment on its application to freely expanding boson density profile measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    DC-transport properties of ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As semiconductors

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    We study the dc transport properties of (Ga,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductors with Mn concentration varying from 1.5% to 8%. Both diagonal and Hall components of the conductivity tensor are strongly sensitive to the magnetic state of these semiconductors. Transport data obtained at low temperatures are discussed theoretically within a model of band-hole quasiparticles with a finite spectral width due to elastic scattering from Mn and compensating defects. The theoretical results are in good agreement with measured anomalous Hall effect and anisotropic longitudinal magnetoresistance data. This quantitative understanding of dc magneto-transport effects in (Ga,Mn)As is unparalleled in itinerant ferromagnetic systems.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure