815 research outputs found

    Using Local Context To Improve Face Detection

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    Most face detection algorithms locate faces by classifying the content of a detection window iterating over all positions and scales of the input image. Recent developments have accelerated this process up to real-time performance at high levels of accuracy. However, even the best of today's computational systems are far from being able to compete with the detection capabilities of the human visual system. Psychophysical experiments have shown the importance of local context in the face detection process. In this paper we investigate the role of local context for face detection algorithms. In experiments on two large data sets we find that using local context can significantly increase the number of correct detections, particularly in low resolution cases, uncommon poses or individual appearances as well as occlusions

    Bayesian Prediction of Future Street Scenes through Importance Sampling based Optimization

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    For autonomous agents to successfully operate in the real world, anticipation of future events and states of their environment is a key competence. This problem can be formalized as a sequence prediction problem, where a number of observations are used to predict the sequence into the future. However, real-world scenarios demand a model of uncertainty of such predictions, as future states become increasingly uncertain and multi-modal -- in particular on long time horizons. This makes modelling and learning challenging. We cast state of the art semantic segmentation and future prediction models based on deep learning into a Bayesian formulation that in turn allows for a full Bayesian treatment of the prediction problem. We present a new sampling scheme for this model that draws from the success of variational autoencoders by incorporating a recognition network. In the experiments we show that our model outperforms prior work in accuracy of the predicted segmentation and provides calibrated probabilities that also better capture the multi-modal aspects of possible future states of street scenes

    Improving Robustness by Enhancing Weak Subnets

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    Towards Better Understanding Attribution Methods

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    Convolutional Dynamic Alignment Networks for Interpretable Classifications

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    Optimising for Interpretability: Convolutional Dynamic Alignment Networks

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    We introduce a new family of neural network models called Convolutional Dynamic Alignment Networks (CoDA Nets), which are performant classifiers with a high degree of inherent interpretability. Their core building blocks are Dynamic Alignment Units (DAUs), which are optimised to transform their inputs with dynamically computed weight vectors that align with task-relevant patterns. As a result, CoDA Nets model the classification prediction through a series of input-dependent linear transformations, allowing for linear decomposition of the output into individual input contributions. Given the alignment of the DAUs, the resulting contribution maps align with discriminative input patterns. These model-inherent decompositions are of high visual quality and outperform existing attribution methods under quantitative metrics. Further, CoDA Nets constitute performant classifiers, achieving on par results to ResNet and VGG models on e.g. CIFAR-10 and TinyImagenet. Lastly, CoDA Nets can be combined with conventional neural network models to yield powerful classifiers that more easily scale to complex datasets such as Imagenet whilst exhibiting an increased interpretable depth, i.e., the output can be explained well in terms of contributions from intermediate layers within the network

    On Fragile Features and Batch Normalization in Adversarial Training

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    Modern deep learning architecture utilize batch normalization (BN) tostabilize training and improve accuracy. It has been shown that the BN layersalone are surprisingly expressive. In the context of robustness againstadversarial examples, however, BN is argued to increase vulnerability. That is,BN helps to learn fragile features. Nevertheless, BN is still used inadversarial training, which is the de-facto standard to learn robust features.In order to shed light on the role of BN in adversarial training, weinvestigate to what extent the expressiveness of BN can be used to robustifyfragile features in comparison to random features. On CIFAR10, we find thatadversarially fine-tuning just the BN layers can result in non-trivialadversarial robustness. Adversarially training only the BN layers from scratch,in contrast, is not able to convey meaningful adversarial robustness. Ourresults indicate that fragile features can be used to learn models withmoderate adversarial robustness, while random features cannot<br

    Learning Spatially-Variant {MAP} Models for Non-blind Image Deblurring

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    Meta-Aggregating Networks for Class-Incremental Learning

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