14 research outputs found

    An Examination of Morphometric Variations in a Neotropical Toad Population (Proceratophrys cristiceps, Amphibia, Anura, Cycloramphidae)

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    The species Proceratophrys cristiceps belongs to the genus Proceratophrys within the family Cycloramphidae. These amphibians are found exclusively in South America in the morphoclimatic domain of the semi-arid depression zones in northeastern Brazil known as the Caatinga. We examined intrapopulational variation using univariate and multivariate statistics with traditional and geometric morphometrics, which supported the existence of two morphotypes of this species. Our results indicated significant degrees of variation in skeletal characteristics between some natural populations of this species. Careful analyses of variability levels are fundamental to avoid taxonomic errors, principally in populations that demonstrate characteristics intimately associated with their area of occurrence, as is the case of Proceratophrys cristiceps

    Late Maastrichtian small-sized herpetofauna from Valencia province, eastern Spain

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Historical Biology on 2017, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/08912963.2015.1122004[EN] A Late Maastrichtian microvertebrate assemblage which includes amphibian remains was recovered from continental deposits of the palaeontological site of La Solana, Valencia Province, Spain. This site is composed of variegated mudstones, pedogenically modified, interbedded with fluvial sand bodies and freshwater limestones lenses, and has also yielded plant debris, freshwater and oligohaline invertebrates, abundant fish remains (isolated bones and scales), turtle plates and archosaur bones. This fossil assemblage, dominated by aquatic forms, also includes semiaquatic and terrestrial elements, and may be interpreted as the palaeofauna of a wetland environment with terrestrial environs. The new material described here consists of fragmentary remains of an indeterminate albanerpetontid, a salamandrid and two anuran taxa (an alytid and a palaeobatrachid). The amphibians from La Solana are typical Laurasiatic taxa. This faunal association shows broad similarities to other coeval faunas of the Iberian Peninsula and contrasts with the Upper Campanian¿Lower Maastrichtian sites where Gondwanan elements are frequent.This work was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund [grant number OTKA NF 84193]; the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) [project numbers CGL2013-47521-P and CGL2014-535484].Szentesi, Z.; Company Rodríguez, J. (2017). Late Maastrichtian small-sized herpetofauna from Valencia province, eastern Spain. Historical Biology (Online). 29(1):43-52. https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2015.11220044352291Astibia, H., Buffetaut, E., Buscalioni, A. D., Cappetta, H., Corral, C., Estes, R., … Tong, H. (1990). 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