1,293 research outputs found

    A KK-monopole giant graviton in AdS_5 x Y_5

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    We construct a new giant graviton solution in AdS_5 x Y_5, with Y_5 a quasi-regular Sasaki-Einstein manifold, consisting on a Kaluza-Klein monopole wrapped around the Y_5 and with its Taub-NUT direction in AdS_5. We find that this configuration has minimal energy when put in the centre of AdS_5, where it behaves as a massless particle. When we take Y_5 to be S^5, we provide a microscopical description in terms of multiple gravitational waves expanding into the fuzzy S^5 defined as an S^1 bundle over the fuzzy CP^2. Finally we provide a possible field theory dual interpretation of the construction.Comment: 11 pages, published versio

    Association Between the Use of a Mobile Health Strategy App and Biological Changes in Breast Cancer Survivors: Prospective Pre-Post Study

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    The objectives of this study were to: (1) check whether it is feasible to find changes in inflammation biomarkers through an mHealth strategy app as a delivery mechanism of an intervention to monitor energy balance; and (2) discover potential predictors of change of these markers in breast cancer survivors (BCSs). Analyzing changes in inflammatory biomarker concentrations after using the mHealth app, differences between preassessment CRP (4899.04 pg/ml; SD 1085.25) and IL-6 (87.15 pg/ml; SD 33.59) and postassessment CRP (4221.24 pg/ml; SD 911.55) and IL-6 (60.53 pg/ml; SD 36.31) showed a significant decrease in both markers, with a mean difference of –635.25 pg/ml (95% CI –935.65 to –334.85; P<.001) in CRP and –26.61 pg/ml (95% CI –42.51 to –10.71; P=.002) in IL-6. Stepwise regression analyses revealed that changes in global quality of life, as well as uMARS score and hormonal therapy, were possible predictors of change in CRP concentration after using the mHealth app. In the same way, the type of tumor removal surgery conducted, as well as changes in weight and pain score, were possible predictors of change in IL-6 concentration after using the app. In conclusion, through the results of this study, we hypothesize that there is a possible association between an mHealth energy balance monitoring strategy and biological changes in BCSs. These changes could be explained by different biopsychosocial parameters, such as the use of the application itself, quality of life, pain, type of tumor removal surgery, hormonal treatment or obesity.The study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI14/01627), Fondos Estructurales de la Unión Europea (FEDER), and by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU14/01069 and FPU17/00939)

    The baryon vertex with magnetic flux

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    In this letter we generalise the baryon vertex configuration of AdS/CFT by adding a suitable instantonic magnetic field on its worldvolume, dissolving D-string charge. A careful analysis of the configuration shows that there is an upper bound on the number of dissolved strings. This should be a manifestation of the stringy exclusion principle. We provide a microscopical description of this configuration in terms of a dielectric effect for the dissolved strings.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. V2: reference added. V3: version to appear in JHE

    The correlation between urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and sperm quality in infertile men and rotating shift workers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that modulates a wide range of neuroendocrine functions. However, excessive circulating serotonin levels may induce harmful effects in the male reproductive system. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the levels of urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIIA), a major serotonin metabolite, correlate with different classical seminal parameters.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human ejaculates were obtained from 40 men attending infertility counselling and rotating shift workers by masturbation after 4-5 days of abstinence. Urinary 5- HIIA concentration was quantified by using a commercial ELISA kit. Forward motility was assessed by a computer-aided semen analysis (CASA) system. Sperm concentration was determined using the haemocytometer method. Sperm morphology was evaluated after Diff-Quik staining, while sperm vitality was estimated after Eosin-Nigrosin vital staining.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that urinary 5-HIIA levels obtained from a set of 20 volunteers negatively correlated with sperm concentration, forward motility, morphology normal range and sperm vitality. On the other hand, we checked the relationship between male infertility and urinary 5-HIIA levels in 20 night shift workers. Thus, urinary 5-HIIA levels obtained from 10 recently-proven fathers were significantly lower than those found in 10 infertile males. Additionally, samples from recent fathers exhibited higher sperm concentration, as well as better forward motility and normal morphology rate.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the light of our findings, we concluded that high serotonin levels, indirectly measured as urinary 5-HIIA levels, appear to play a role as an infertility determinant in male subjects.</p

    Aplicaciones pedagógicas del Juego de rol en la Educación Virtual: Una experiencia en el contexto del Examen de Estado

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    Se describe la utilización de una metodología bimodal (Virtual/presencial) de aprendizaje sustentada en el diseño y mantenimiento de juegos de rol como estrategias mediadoras de conocimiento e interacciones comunicativas a través de la utilización de la Plataforma Virtual de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (BlackBoard®) como soporte tecnológico. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cualitativamente el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas en los participaciones y varios manifestaciones de creatividad en el desarrollo de las actividades propuestas lo que sugiere amplias posibilidades de generalizar la aplicación de los juegos de rol como alternativas pedagógicas para facilitar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en escenarios virtuales de capacitación – formación en donde la clave del éxito del proceso depende de la fluidez de la comunicación y los lazos construidos a partir de esta entre docentes y estudiantes. Abstract This article describes the use of a bimodal methodology (virtual / in classroom setting), supported in the design of role plays as a mediating strategy for knowledge construction and communicative interactions to take place. This is achieved by means of a virtual platform used at Javeriana University  (BlackBoard®) which serves as the technological support. The results obtained qualitatively show the development of communicative skills among the participants, and manifestations of creativity in the activities proposed. This suggests ample possibilities to generalize the use of role plays as a pedagogical alternative to facilitate the teaching/learning processes in virtual scenarios for professional development growth, where the key to success in the process depends on the flow of communication and the ties built between teachers and students.

    Association Between Physical Fitness and Bone Strength and Structure in 3- to 5-Year-Old Children

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    Background: The positive association between physical fitness and bone structure has been widely investigated in children and adolescents, yet no studies have evaluated this influence in young children (ie, preschoolers). Hypothesis: Fit children will present improved bone variables when compared with unfit children, and no sex-based differences will emerge in the sample. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Level of Evidence: Level 3. Methods: Handgrip strength, standing long jump (SLJ), speed/agility, balance, and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) were assessed using the Assessing FITness levels in PREschoolers (PREFIT) test battery in 92 children (50 boys; age range, 3-5 years). A peripheral quantitative computed tomography scan was performed at 38% of the length of the nondominant tibia. Cluster analysis from handgrip strength, SLJ, speed/agility, and CRF was developed to identify fitness groups. Bone variables were compared between sexes and between cluster groups. The association between individual physical fitness components and different bone variables was also tested. Results: Three cluster groups emerged: fit (high values on all included physical fitness variables), strong (high strength values and low speed/agility and CRF), and unfit (low strength, speed/agility, and CRF). The fit group presented higher values than the strong and unfit groups for total and cortical bone mineral content, cortical area, and polar strength strain index (all P < 0.05). The fit group also presented a higher cortical thickness when compared with the unfit group (P < 0.05). Handgrip, SLJ, and speed/agility predicted all bone variables except for total and cortical volumetric bone mineral density. No differences were found for bone variables between sexes. Conclusion: The results suggest that global fitness in preschoolers is a key determinant for bone structure and strength but not volumetric bone mineral density. Clinical Relevance: Physical fitness is a determinant for tibial bone mineral content, structure, and strength in very young children. Performing physical fitness tests could provide useful information related to bone health in preschoolers

    Charged particle-like branes in ABJM

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    We study the effect of adding lower dimensional brane charges to the 't Hooft monopole, di-baryon and baryon vertex configurations in AdS4×P3AdS_4 \times \mathbb{P}^3. We show that these configurations capture the background fluxes in a way that depends on the induced charges, and therefore, require additional fundamental strings in order to cancel the worldvolume tadpoles. The study of the dynamics reveals that the charges must lie inside some interval in order to find well defined configurations, a situation familiar from the baryon vertex in AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 with charges. For the baryon vertex and the di-baryon the number of fundamental strings must also lie inside an allowed interval. Our configurations are sensitive to the flat BB-field recently suggested in the literature. We make some comments on its possible role. We also discuss how these configurations are modified in the presence of a non-zero Romans mass.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, discussion of charges improved, published versio