2,048 research outputs found

    Creation and characterization of vortex clusters in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We show that a moving obstacle, in the form of an elongated paddle, can create vortices that are dispersed, or induce clusters of like-signed vortices in 2D Bose-Einstein condensates. We propose new statistical measures of clustering based on Ripley's K-function which are suitable to the small size and small number of vortices in atomic condensates, which lack the huge number of length scales excited in larger classical and quantum turbulent fluid systems. The evolution and decay of clustering is analyzed using these measures. Experimentally it should prove possible to create such an obstacle by a laser beam and a moving optical mask. The theoretical techniques we present are accessible to experimentalists and extend the current methods available to induce 2D quantum turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    A Discourse Delivered in the Baptist Meeting-House in Parkman, September 12, 1832

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    Full title: A Discourse Delivered in the Baptist Meeting-House in Parkman, September 12, 1832, before the Penobscot Association, by T. B. Ripley, Pastor of the Baptist Church in Bangor, [Maine]

    Two-dimensional supersolidity in a planar dipolar Bose gas

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    We investigate the crystalline stationary states of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in a planar trapping geometry. Our focus is on the ground state phase diagram in the thermodynamic limit, where triangular, honeycomb and stripe phases occur. We quantify the superfluid fraction by calculating the non-classical translational inertia, which allows us to identify favorable parameter regimes for observing supersolid ground states. We develop two simplified theories to approximately describe the ground states, and consider the relationship to roton softening in the uniform ground state. This also allows us to extend the phase diagram to the low density regime. While the triangular and honeycomb states have an isotropic superfluid response tensor, the stripe state exhibits anisotropic superfluidity.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamic quantum clustering: a method for visual exploration of structures in data

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    A given set of data-points in some feature space may be associated with a Schrodinger equation whose potential is determined by the data. This is known to lead to good clustering solutions. Here we extend this approach into a full-fledged dynamical scheme using a time-dependent Schrodinger equation. Moreover, we approximate this Hamiltonian formalism by a truncated calculation within a set of Gaussian wave functions (coherent states) centered around the original points. This allows for analytic evaluation of the time evolution of all such states, opening up the possibility of exploration of relationships among data-points through observation of varying dynamical-distances among points and convergence of points into clusters. This formalism may be further supplemented by preprocessing, such as dimensional reduction through singular value decomposition or feature filtering.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Environmental limits to the distribution of Scaevola plumieri along the South African coast

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    Scaevola plumieri is an important pioneer on many tropical and subtropical sand dunes, forming a large perennial subterranean plant with only the tips of the branches emerging above accreting sand. In South Africa it is the dominant pioneer on sandy beaches along the east coast, less abundant on the south coast and absent from the southwest and west coasts. Transpiration rates (E) of S. plumieri are predictably related to atmospheric vapour pressure deficit under a wide range of conditions and can therefore be predicted from measurement of ambient temperature and relative humidity. Scaling measurements of E at the leaf level to the canopy level has been demonstrated previously. Using a geographic information system, digital maps of regional climatic variables were used to calculate digital maps of potential transpiration from mean monthly temperature and relative humidity values, effectively scaling canopy level transpiration rates to a regional level. Monthly potential transpiration was subtracted from the monthly median rainfall to produce a map of mean monthly water balance. Seasonal growth was correlated with seasonal water balance. Localities along the coast with water deficits in summer corresponded with the recorded absence of S. plumieri, which grows and reproduces most actively in the summer months. This suggests that reduced water availability during the summer growth period limits the distribution of S. plumieri along the southwest coast, where water deficits develop in summer. Temperature is also important in limiting the distribution of S. plumieri on the southwest coast of South Africa through its effects on the growth and phenology of the plant

    Quantification of the photosynthetic performance of phosphorus-deficient Sorghum by means of chlorophyll-a fluorescence kinetics

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    Chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves have been used as a sensitive tool for screening the photosynthetic performance of plants. Experimental treatments involving nitrate supply and chilling stress have been shown to affect fluorescence induction curves and other measures of photosynthesis. We have investigated the photosynthetic performance of Sorghum bicolor supplied with Long Ashton growth solution containing standard (20 μmol mol^(–1)) or low (5 μmol mol^(–1)) phosphorus. The JIP-test based on the chlorophyll fluorescence induction curve was used as a non-destructive method to measure the relative proportions of energy dissipated by different processes (termed energy fluxes) in the light reactions. The various energy fluxes or derived parameters were compared to find the measures that were most sensitive to the experimental conditions. Plant response to treatments was first evident in selected chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, particularly performance index (PI_ABS_); plants with increased PI_ABS_ manifested higher electron transport activity and dissipated less energy as heat, possibly as a result of their better phosphorus status, leading to more functional reaction centres. Observed changes in fluorescence were correlated to changes in gas exchange and biomass. Standard phosphorus treatments significantly increased biomass, leaf area, photosynthetic and respiratory rates, carboxylation efficiencies and levels of ribulose biphosphate regeneration rates, relative to plants with low supplies of nutrients

    How good are your fits? Unbinned multivariate goodness-of-fit tests in high energy physics

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    Multivariate analyses play an important role in high energy physics. Such analyses often involve performing an unbinned maximum likelihood fit of a probability density function (p.d.f.) to the data. This paper explores a variety of unbinned methods for determining the goodness of fit of the p.d.f. to the data. The application and performance of each method is discussed in the context of a real-life high energy physics analysis (a Dalitz-plot analysis). Several of the methods presented in this paper can also be used for the non-parametric determination of whether two samples originate from the same parent p.d.f. This can be used, e.g., to determine the quality of a detector Monte Carlo simulation without the need for a parametric expression of the efficiency.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    Spatially embedded random networks

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    Many real-world networks analyzed in modern network theory have a natural spatial element; e.g., the Internet, social networks, neural networks, etc. Yet, aside from a comparatively small number of somewhat specialized and domain-specific studies, the spatial element is mostly ignored and, in particular, its relation to network structure disregarded. In this paper we introduce a model framework to analyze the mediation of network structure by spatial embedding; specifically, we model connectivity as dependent on the distance between network nodes. Our spatially embedded random networks construction is not primarily intended as an accurate model of any specific class of real-world networks, but rather to gain intuition for the effects of spatial embedding on network structure; nevertheless we are able to demonstrate, in a quite general setting, some constraints of spatial embedding on connectivity such as the effects of spatial symmetry, conditions for scale free degree distributions and the existence of small-world spatial networks. We also derive some standard structural statistics for spatially embedded networks and illustrate the application of our model framework with concrete examples

    The ecophysiology of selected coastal dune pioneer plants of the Eastern Cape

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    Understanding the mechanisms and adaptations that allow only certain species to thrive in the potentially stressful foredune environment requires a knowledge of the basic ecophysiology of foredune species. Ecophysiological measurements were conducted on the foredune pioneer species Arctotheca populifolia (Berg.) Norl., Ipomoea pes-caprae(L.) R. Br. and Scaevola plumieri (L.) Vahl. and showed significant differences among species with respect to the physiology associated with biomass production, water and nutrient relations. Differences related to COâ‚‚ assimilation included differences in photosynthetic and respiratory rates, susceptibility to light stress and leaf and stem non-structural carbohydrate concentrations. These resulted in differences in primary production rates of shoots. Mechanisms leading to the differences in COâ‚‚ assimilation among species included differences in stomatal behaviour, carboxylation efficiencies, efficiencies of utilisation of incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and rates of ribulose-1,6-bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration. Correlated with differences in photosynthetic capacity were differences in chlorophyll contents but not differences in leaf nitrogen content. Differences in interspecific stomatal behaviour resulted in significantly different transpiration rates which in combination with differences in assimilation rates resulted in differences in water-use efficiency. The absolute amounts of water transpired, although significantly different among species, were moderate to high in comparison with species from other ecosystems and were typical of mesophytes. Transpiration rates in combination with plant hydraulic conductances and soil water availability resulted in leaf water potentials that were not very negative and none of the investigated species showed evidence of osmotic adjustment. The volume of water transpired by each of the species per unit land surface area was estimated from the relationship between abiotic factors and plant water loss. These relationships varied among species and had varying degrees of predictability as a result of differences in stomatal behaviour between the three species. The water requirements of A. populifolia and S. plumieri were adequately met by the water supplied by rainfall and the water stored in the dune sands. It was therefore not necessary to invoke the utilisation of ground water or the process of internal dew formation to supply sufficient water to meet the requirements. However, I. pes-caprae despite its lower transpiration rates and due to its higher biomass, lost greater volumes of water per unit dune surface area than either A. populifolia or S. plumieri. This resulted in periods of potential water limitation for I. pes-caprae. Incident light was the most important determinant of leaf photosynthetic COâ‚‚ assimilation and transpiration, particularly as a linear relationship between incident PPFD and atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD) could be demonstrated. Whole plant photosynthetic production by S. plumieri was shown to be light limited as a result of mutual shading despite high incident and reflected PPFD occurring in the foredune environment. The leaf hair-layer of A. populifolia was shown to be important in reducing transmitted UV and hence reducing photoinhibition but it also caused reduced transpiration rates because of the thicker boundary layer and thus increased leaf temperatures. The nutrient content of above-ground plant parts of the investigated species were typical of higher plants despite the low nutrient content measured for the dune soils. With the possible exception of nitrogen the nutrient demand created by above-ground production was adequately met by the supply of nutrients either from sand-water or from aquifer-water transpired by the plants. Differences in the volumes of water transpired, and hence the quantity of nutrients potentially taken up via the transpiration stream, resulted in interspecific differences in above-ground plant macronutrient content. The reallocation patterns of nutrients differed both between the various nutrients measured and interspecifically. Standing biomass and the density of plants per unit land area was low in comparison to that of other ecosystems and was different among investigated species. This may be important in maintaining the adequate supply of resources (water, nutrients and light). As a result of the interspecific differences in biomass when production was expressed per unit land surface area the resultant productivity was not dissimilar among species. Productivity was high when comparisons were made with species from other ecosystems. No single resource (water, nutrients or light) could be identified as the controlling factor in the foredune environment and a combination of both resource stress and environmental disturbance are likely to be involved. Physiology, production, growth and growth characteristics conveyed certain adaptive advantages to these species in respect to both resource stress and environmental disturbance. Interspecific differences in these adaptations can be used to offer explanations for the observed microhabitat preferences of the three investigated species. Furthermore features common to all three species offer some explanations as to why these species and not others are able to inhabit the foredunes

    Phase transitions in optimal unsupervised learning

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    We determine the optimal performance of learning the orientation of the symmetry axis of a set of P = alpha N points that are uniformly distributed in all the directions but one on the N-dimensional sphere. The components along the symmetry breaking direction, of unitary vector B, are sampled from a mixture of two gaussians of variable separation and width. The typical optimal performance is measured through the overlap Ropt=B.J* where J* is the optimal guess of the symmetry breaking direction. Within this general scenario, the learning curves Ropt(alpha) may present first order transitions if the clusters are narrow enough. Close to these transitions, high performance states can be obtained through the minimization of the corresponding optimal potential, although these solutions are metastable, and therefore not learnable, within the usual bayesian scenario.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PRE, This new version of the paper contains one new section, Bayesian versus optimal solutions, where we explain in detail the results supporting our claim that bayesian learning may not be optimal. Figures 4 of the first submission was difficult to understand. We replaced it by two new figures (Figs. 4 and 5 in this new version) containing more detail
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