3,038 research outputs found

    Building trainable taggers in a web-based, UIMA-supported NLP workbench

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    Argo is a web-based NLP and text mining workbench with a convenient graphical user interface for designing and executing processing workflows of various complexity. The workbench is intended for specialists and nontechnical audiences alike, and provides the ever expanding library of analytics compliant with the Unstructured Information Management Architecture, a widely adopted interoperability framework. We explore the flexibility of this framework by demonstrating workflows involving three processing components capable of performing self-contained machine learning-based tagging. The three components are responsible for the three distinct tasks of 1) generating observations or features, 2) training a statistical model based on the generated features, and 3) tagging unlabelled data with the model. The learning and tagging components are based on an implementation of conditional random fields (CRF); whereas the feature generation component is an analytic capable of extending basic token information to a comprehensive set of features. Users define the features of their choice directly from Argo’s graphical interface, without resorting to programming (a commonly used approach to feature engineering). The experimental results performed on two tagging tasks, chunking and named entity recognition, showed that a tagger with a generic set of features built in Argo is capable of competing with taskspecific solutions.

    Jet Correlations of Identified Particles in PHENIX

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    Azimuthal two particle correlations at intermediate pTp_{T} with one of the particles identified have been measured at PHENIX. Trigger (2.5<pT<4.0GeV/c2.5 < p_{T} < 4.0 GeV/c) baryons and mesons show little significant difference in the number of associated particles (1.7<pT<2.5GeV/c1.7 < p_{T} < 2.5 GeV/c) independent of centrality. For inclusive hadron triggers with 2.5<pT<4.0GeV/c2.5 < p_{T} < 4.0 GeV/c, associated fragmentation particles with 1.0<pT<2.5GeV/c1.0 < p_{T} < 2.5 GeV/c show a higher baryon to meson ratio on the away side.Comment: talk given at Quark Matter 2004, 4 pages 4 figur

    Dihadron Correlation in Jets Produced in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    The difference between the structures of jets produced in heavy-ion and hadronic collisions can best be exhibited in the correlations between particles within those jets. We study the dihadron correlations in jets in the framework of parton recombination. Two types of triggers, π+\pi^+ and proton, are considered. It is shown that the recombination of thermal and shower partons makes the most important contribution to the spectra of the associated particles at intermediate pTp_T. In pppp collisions the only significant contribution arises from shower-shower recombination, which is negligible in heavy-ion collisions. Moments of the associated-particle distributions are calculated to provide simple summary of the jet structures for easy comparison with experiments.Comment: 24 pages in Latex + 5 figure

    Jet quenching in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Parton propagation in dense nuclear matter results in elastic, inelastic and coherent multiple soft scattering with the in-medium color charges. Such scattering leads to calculable modifications of the hadron production cross section that is evaluated in the framework of the perturbative QCD factorization approach. Final state medium-induced gluon bremsstrahlung is arguably the most efficient way of suppressing large transverse momentum particle production in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The observed hadronic attenuation, known as jet quenching, can be related to the properties of the medium, such as density and temperature, and carries valuable information about the early stages of heavy ion reactions. Non-Abelian energy loss in the quark-gluon plasma can be studied in much greater detail through the modification of the two particle back-to-back correlations. Perturbative calculations give good description of the redistribution of the lost energy in lower transverse momentum particles and predict significant increase of the correlation width of away-side di-hadrons. In contrast, energy loss in cold nuclear matter was found to be small but for large values of Feynman-x is expected to complement the dynamical higher twist shadowing in experimentally observable forward rapidity hadron suppression.Comment: Invited plenary talk at the V-th international conference on the physics and astrophysics of the quark-gluon plasma. 8 pages, 4 figure

    The foreign exchange market: return distributions, multifractality, anomalous multifractality and Epps effect

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    We present a systematic study of various statistical characteristics of high-frequency returns from the foreign exchange market. This study is based on six exchange rates forming two triangles: EUR-GBP-USD and GBP-CHF-JPY. It is shown that the exchange rate return fluctuations for all the pairs considered are well described by the nonextensive statistics in terms of q-Gaussians. There exist some small quantitative variations in the nonextensivity q-parameter values for different exchange rates and this can be related to the importance of a given exchange rate in the world's currency trade. Temporal correlations organize the series of returns such that they develop the multifractal characteristics for all the exchange rates with a varying degree of symmetry of the singularity spectrum f(alpha) however. The most symmetric spectrum is identified for the GBP/USD. We also form time series of triangular residual returns and find that the distributions of their fluctuations develop disproportionately heavier tails as compared to small fluctuations which excludes description in terms of q-Gaussians. The multifractal characteristics for these residual returns reveal such anomalous properties like negative singularity exponents and even negative singularity spectra. Such anomalous multifractal measures have so far been considered in the literature in connection with the diffusion limited aggregation and with turbulence. We find that market inefficiency on short time scales leads to the occurrence of the Epps effect on much longer time scales. Although the currency market is much more liquid than the stock markets and it has much larger transaction frequency, the building-up of correlations takes up to several hours - time that does not differ much from what is observed in the stock markets. This may suggest that non-synchronicity of transactions is not the unique source of the observed effect

    Quantitative features of multifractal subtleties in time series

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    Based on the Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MFDFA) and on the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima (WTMM) methods we investigate the origin of multifractality in the time series. Series fluctuating according to a qGaussian distribution, both uncorrelated and correlated in time, are used. For the uncorrelated series at the border (q=5/3) between the Gaussian and the Levy basins of attraction asymptotically we find a phase-like transition between monofractal and bifractal characteristics. This indicates that these may solely be the specific nonlinear temporal correlations that organize the series into a genuine multifractal hierarchy. For analyzing various features of multifractality due to such correlations, we use the model series generated from the binomial cascade as well as empirical series. Then, within the temporal ranges of well developed power-law correlations we find a fast convergence in all multifractal measures. Besides of its practical significance this fact may reflect another manifestation of a conjectured q-generalized Central Limit Theorem

    Ockham’s Razor for a Retinal Lesion and Acromegaly and Breaking the Vicious Circle

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    Acromegaly due to ectopic secretion of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) is rare. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the primary tumor, cytostatic therapy, “cold” or radioactive somatostatin analogue treatment, and medical therapy for acromegaly, if needed. A 53 year-old female had an ocular lesion noted on a routine optician visit, originally considered to be an ocular melanoma. She had a bronchial carcinoid successfully removed 22 years previously. She had acromegalic features with an enlarged pituitary gland on magnetic resonance imaging and, additionally, metastatic lesions in her bones, liver, and thyroid gland. Elevated GHRH levels (&amp;gt;250× upper limit of normal) suggested a metastatic lung neuroendocrine tumor secreting GHRH. Cold and radioactive somatostatin analogue therapy reduced both GHRH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels, but normalization of the biochemical markers of acromegaly was only achieved after pegvisomant was introduced. Complete control of IGF-1 was achieved, and this may have hindered the growth of the metastatic lesions as well, as the patient remains well 13 years after the diagnosis of metastatic disease and 35 years after the original lung operation. A gradual rise in prolactin levels over last 4 years was noted, which is likely due to the prolonged effect of GHRH on prolactin-secreting cells. The diagnosis of this case applied the law of parsimony from the Ockham’s razor principle. We consider that breaking the vicious circle of IGF-1 feeding the metastatic tumor was key for the long-term outcome of this case
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