423 research outputs found

    Preferential <111>A pore propagation mechanism in n-InP anodized in KOH

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    This paper describes the formation of pores during the anodization of n-InP in aqueous KOH. The pores propagate preferentially along the A crystallographic directions and form truncated tetrahedral domains. A model is presented that explains preferential A pore propagation and the uniform diameters of pores. The model outlines how pores can deviate from the A directions and from their characteristic diameters. It also details the effect of variation of carrier concentration on the dimensions of the porous structures

    Disability Pension Rates Among Immigrants in Norway

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    Immigrants from low-income countries are more likely than ethnic Norwegians to receive disability pensions. In a previous study in Oslo, we showed that occupational position probably accounted for all of this difference. The present article presents a study of the total population, with data on education and age at receipt of pension. Census and social security data for all persons living in Norway from 1992 to 2003 were used to identify new disability pensions to those aged 30–55 years and eligible in 1992, comprising 15.9% females and 11.4% males. Age-adjusted relative risk was 2.03 (95% CI 1.97–2.08) for non-Western males and 1.30 (1.26–1.36) for non-Western females compared with Westerners, and more than three times higher for males from North Africa/the Middle East. Education did not explain any of the risk differences, but when adjusting for age at pension receipt the differences disappeared completely. This is probably due to their being in predominantly unskilled occupations where there is also a low pension age among ethnic Norwegians

    Pore propagation directions and nanoporous domain shape in n-InP anodized in KOH

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    Pore propagation during anodization of (100) n-InP electrodes in aqueous KOH was studied in detail by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). Pores emanating from surface pits propagate along the 〈111〉A crystallographic directions to form, in the early stages of anodization, porous domains with the shape of a tetrahedron truncated symmetrically through its center by a plane parallel to the surface of the electrode. This was confirmed by comparing the predictions of a detailed model of pore propagation with SEM and TEM observations. The model showed in detail how 〈111〉A pore propagation leads to domains with the shape of a tetrahedron truncated by a (100) plane. Observed cross sections corresponded in detail and with good precision to those predicted by the model. SEM and TEM showed that cross sections were trapezoidal and triangular, respectively, in the two cleavage planes of the wafer, and TEM showed that they were rectangular parallel to the surface plane, as predicted. Aspect ratios and angles calculated from observed cross sections were in good agreement with predicted values. The pore patterns observed were also in good agreement with those predicted and SEM observations of the surface further confirmed details of the model

    Pharmacological Targeting of Native CatSper Channels Reveals a Required Role in Maintenance of Sperm Hyperactivation

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    The four sperm-specific CatSper ion channel proteins are required for hyperactivated motility and male fertility, and for Ca2+ entry evoked by alkaline depolarization. In the absence of external Ca2+, Na+ carries current through CatSper channels in voltage-clamped sperm. Here we show that CatSper channel activity can be monitored optically with the [Na+]i-reporting probe SBFI in populations of intact sperm. Removal of external Ca2+ increases SBFI signals in wild-type but not CatSper2-null sperm. The rate of the indicated rise of [Na+]i is greater for sperm alkalinized with NH4Cl than for sperm acidified with propionic acid, reflecting the alkaline-promoted signature property of CatSper currents. In contrast, the [Na+]i rise is slowed by candidate CatSper blocker HC-056456 (IC50 ∼3 µM). HC-056456 similarly slows the rise of [Ca2+]i that is evoked by alkaline depolarization and reported by fura-2. HC-056456 also selectively and reversibly decreased CatSper currents recorded from patch-clamped sperm. HC-056456 does not prevent activation of motility by HCO3− but does prevent the development of hyperactivated motility by capacitating incubations, thus producing a phenocopy of the CatSper-null sperm. When applied to hyperactivated sperm, HC-056456 causes a rapid, reversible loss of flagellar waveform asymmetry, similar to the loss that occurs when Ca2+ entry through the CatSper channel is terminated by removal of external Ca2+. Thus, open CatSper channels and entry of external Ca2+ through them sustains hyperactivated motility. These results indicate that pharmacological targeting of the CatSper channel may impose a selective late-stage block to fertility, and that high-throughput screening with an optical reporter of CatSper channel activity may identify additional selective blockers with potential for male-directed contraception

    Arduous implementation: Does the Normalisation Process Model explain why it's so difficult to embed decision support technologies for patients in routine clinical practice

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    Background: decision support technologies (DSTs, also known as decision aids) help patients and professionals take part in collaborative decision-making processes. Trials have shown favorable impacts on patient knowledge, satisfaction, decisional conflict and confidence. However, they have not become routinely embedded in health care settings. Few studies have approached this issue using a theoretical framework. We explained problems of implementing DSTs using the Normalization Process Model, a conceptual model that focuses attention on how complex interventions become routinely embedded in practice.Methods: the Normalization Process Model was used as the basis of conceptual analysis of the outcomes of previous primary research and reviews. Using a virtual working environment we applied the model and its main concepts to examine: the 'workability' of DSTs in professional-patient interactions; how DSTs affect knowledge relations between their users; how DSTs impact on users' skills and performance; and the impact of DSTs on the allocation of organizational resources.Results: conceptual analysis using the Normalization Process Model provided insight on implementation problems for DSTs in routine settings. Current research focuses mainly on the interactional workability of these technologies, but factors related to divisions of labor and health care, and the organizational contexts in which DSTs are used, are poorly described and understood.Conclusion: the model successfully provided a framework for helping to identify factors that promote and inhibit the implementation of DSTs in healthcare and gave us insights into factors influencing the introduction of new technologies into contexts where negotiations are characterized by asymmetries of power and knowledge. Future research and development on the deployment of DSTs needs to take a more holistic approach and give emphasis to the structural conditions and social norms in which these technologies are enacte

    Has the frequency of bleeding changed over time for patients presenting with an acute coronary syndrome? The Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events

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    AIMS: To determine whether changes in practice, over time, are associated with altered rates of major bleeding in acute coronary syndromes (ACS). METHODS AND RESULTS: Patients from the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events were enrolled between 2000 and 2007. The main outcome measures were frequency of major bleeding, including haemorrhagic stroke, over time, after adjustment for patient characteristics, and impact of major bleeding on death and myocardial infarction. Of the 50 947 patients, 2.3% sustained a major bleed; almost half of these presented with ST-elevation ACS (44%, 513). Despite changes in antithrombotic therapy (increasing use of low molecular weight heparin, P < 0.0001), thienopyridines (P < 0.0001), and percutaneous coronary interventions (P < 0.0001), frequency of major bleeding for all ACS patients decreased (2.6 to 1.8%; P < 0.0001). Most decline was seen in ST-elevation ACS (2.9 to 2.1%, P = 0.02). The overall decline remained after adjustment for patient characteristics and treatments (P = 0.002, hazard ratio 0.94 per year, 95% confidence interval 0.91-0.98). Hospital characteristics were an independent predictor of bleeding (P < 0.0001). Patients who experienced major bleeding were at increased risk of death within 30 days from admission, even after adjustment for baseline variables. CONCLUSION: Despite increasing use of more intensive therapies, there was a decline in the rate of major bleeding associated with changes in clinical practice. However, individual hospital characteristics remain an important determinant of the frequency of major bleeding