181 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah

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    Sekolah adalah institusi pendidikan yang bertanggungjawab dalam mewujudkan fungsi dan tujuan pendidikan nasional. Dalam hal ini, kepala sekolah memiliki peran yang sangat strategis karena salah satu dari tugas kepala sekolah adalah menjadi seorang pengelola/manajer. Kepala sekolah harus mampu mengatur keseluruhan sekolah, termasuk mengatur sumber daya manusia yang ada; terutama para guru dan staff administrasi yang merupakan para pelaksana langsung dalam kegiatan sekolah yang juga berperan besar dalam kesuksesan sekolah dalam rangka untuk mencapai visi, misi, dan tujuan sekolah. Pengelolaan sumber daya dilakukan dengan beberapa aktivitas termasuk persiapan, penataan, pengarahan, dan pengawasan. Dalam hal manajemen sumber dayamanusia, kepala sekolah memiliki tugas yang terbagi dalam tiga aspek, diantaranya: 1) pembekalan bagi para pegawai, 2) pemanfaatan para pegawai yang sudah ada, dan 3) membangun dan mengembangkan. Faktor yang mendukung dan juga menghambat dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia harus dikelola dengan baik sehingga kinerja yang bagus akan diperoleh, tujuan sekolah dapat tercapai, dan kualitas lulusan akan meningkat

    Analisis Nilai Overall Equipment Efectiveness (Oee) Sebagai Langkah Peningkatan Efektifitas Mesin Pellet Mill Di PT. Ni Cibitung

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    Demands for wood pellets as an alternative energy source of thecountry of Taiwan, Japan and Korea became one of the main factors for the PT.NI to increase productivity by utilizing production equipment as effectively aspossible. Implementation of preventive maintenance is still not optimal becausePelletiser still often damaged. Pelletiser damage caused downtime large enoughand also will reduce production capacity, which in turn led to delays in meetingthe needs of consumers.The purpose of this study was to measure the value ofOEE, determine the magnitude of each factor Six big losses that affect the valueof OEE, and analyzes the factors that cause the main as a basis for improvement.Based on data processing, value of OEE is still below the targets to be achievedby the company amounted to 76.95%. From the calculation of the Six Big Losses,factors that provide the most significant influence on the effectiveness of themachine is Equipment Failure . OEE values and Losess Big Six factors are thebasis of the proposed improvements is given to PT.NI

    Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan dan Variabel Makro Ekonomi terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Pertambangan

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the financial performance and macroeconomic variables on stock prices. Financial performance in this study is proxied by the current ratio, debt to equity ratio, net profit margin, and earnings per share. Macroeconomic variables is proxied by interest rates and GDP growth. The sampling method in this study using census method with non-probability sampling techniques. Mining companies as the study population and obtain a sample of 28 samples. The study period is 2013 - 2015. Multiple linear regression analysis used in this study as data analysis techniques. The results of the data analysis found that the current ratio, debt to equity ratio, earnings per share, and GDP growth has a positive and significant impact on prices stock. Net profit margin and interest rates has no significant impact on the company's stock price

    Tingkat Perubahan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Keluarga Buruh Migran

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    Gondanglegi sub district is occupying the first position as the largest supplier of migrant workers in the area of ​​South Malang in 2014. This research focuses on Panggungrejo Village as the object of research. A village with area of ​​203 km2, population of 1,877 people consisting of 866 men and 1,011 women. This village pervades 12 RTs, and this research took 2 RTs namely RT 5 and 6, with 5 respondents. These five respondents are representatives of various migrant workers. Some represent their wives as migrant workers, husbands and children. This study uses the theory of social mobility; a change, shift, increase or decrease of the status and role of its members. Welfare indicators used are economic, educational, social and health. The result of the research shows that there is a change of the respondents\u27 life level in terms of economic, social, educational and even health compared to prior becoming migrant worker, although the rate of change is not too significant

    Sistem Akuisisi Data Multi Kanal Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    Arduino Uno dipergunakan untuk melakukan akuisisi data multi kanal. Telah dibuat sistem akuisisi data yang bisa membaca 2 masukan sekaligus. Batas-batas frekuensi yang bisa terbaca juga sudah diketahui. Sistem yang dibuat bisa berfungsi sebagai osiloskop digital sampai batas tertentu


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat media pembelajaran interaktif yang layak. Media pembelajaran interaktif ini sebagai pendamping untuk memehami pokok bahasan menerapkan sistem konversi bilangan pada rangkaian logika. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model R&D yakni Research and Development. Penelitian ini, terdapat 8 tahapan yaitu analisis masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain produk, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk, dan yang terakhir analisa dan pelaporan. Proses mengumpulkan data, digunakan lembar validasi untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari media pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan. Setelah itu, untuk mengetahui ketertarikan siswa dilakukan pemberian angket dengan tujuan mengetahui respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari validasi mengenai pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan software articulate storyline pada mata pelajaran teknik elektronika dasar kelas X TEI 1 di SMK Negeri 2 Probolinggo mendapatkan hasil rating sebesar 87%. Sedangkan hasil dari respon siswa mendapatkan rating sebesar 88%. Sehingga, media pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak dan dapat digunakan untuk proses belajar mengajar pada mata pelajaran teknik elektronika dasar kelas X TEI 1 di SMK Negeri 2 Probolinggo. Kata kunci: Media pembelajaran interaktif Articulate Storyline, pengembangan R&D, sistem konversi bilangan pada rangkaian logika Abstract This research aims to create a viable interactive learning media. This interactive learning Media as an escort to understand the subject of the conversion system of applying the number on logic circuit. This research is the kind of the research development using models  R&D which is Research and Development, In collecting the data, is used to determine the eligibility validation sheets of developed interactive learning media. After that, to know the interest of the students is done now with the purpose of granting sheet knowing the student response to the interactive learning media are developed. This research, there are 8 stages: analysis of the problem, data collection, product design, product design validation, design revisions, product testing, product revision, and the final analysis and reporting. The result of the validation of interactive learning media development using articulate software storyline on basic electronics engineering subject class X 1 at SMK Negeri TEI 2 Probolinggo get the rate of 87%. While the results of student response to get a rate of 88%. So, the media stated that developed interactive learning and can be used for teaching and learning in the subjects basic electronics engineering class X 1 in SMK Negeri TEI 2 Probolinggo. Keywords: Interactive Learning Media Articulate Storyline, the development of R&D, system of logic circuits on number conversion.
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