66 research outputs found

    Impact of Capital Market on Domestic Resource Mobilization for Economic Development in Nigeria (2000-2015)

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    The study investigated the impact of Nigerian capital market on domestic resource mobilization for economic development, using time series data from 2000 to 2015. The study employed secondary data obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, the Nigerian Stock Exchange Fact Book and Securities and Exchange Commission database. To evaluate the impact of the independent variables on the dependent, the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method of estimation was employed. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test was used to identify the order of integration. Economic growth was proxied by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while the capital market variables considered include: Market Capitalization (MCAP), Total New Issues (TNI) and Value of Transactions (VLT). Applying Johansen and Juselius co-integration test, the result showed that there was at most one co-integrating equation in the model, implying that there is a long run relationship between the variables in the model. The causality test results suggest bidirectional causation between the GDP and the Value of Transactions (VLT) and to the GDP but not vice-versa. Using two-tailed test, the F-statistics is significant at 5 percent level of significance. Furthermore, there was no evidence of reverse causation from GDP to market capitalization and there was no evidence of independence causation between the GDP and Total New Issues (TNI). The study showed that the major problem with domestic resource mobilization in Nigeria have been that not enough savings are being generated to facilitate the required investment. Also, the type of savings available does not easily make financial intermediation possible. The Nigerian stock market has been constrained by policies that tend to make the exchange look like a mechanism by which government raise loan finance rather than an instrument for mobilizing industrial finance. It is recommended therefore that the regulatory authority should appraise and modify the restrictive policies that constrained resource mobilization capacity of the Nigerian capital market


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    The work evaluated the responses of two Amaranthus species to poultry manure, fish effluent, NPK fertiliser and control in randomised complete block design. A. hybridus was taller, thicker and had more leaves per plant than A. viridis. For each Amaranthus variety, poultry manure produced highest number of leaves and tallest plants with thickest stem followed by fish effluent and NPK fertiliser. A. hybridus had higher leaf and marketable yields/ha than A. viridis. Leaf and marketable yields/ha were highest with poultry manure followed by fish effluent and NPK fertiliser. Leaf yield/ha increased by 105, 34 and 34% for poultry manure, fish effluent and NPK fertiliser, respectively compared with the control in A. hybridus and by 284, 132 and 146% in A. viridis. Similarly, marketable yield/ha increased by 116, 45 and 45% for poultry manure, fish effluent and NPK, respectively in A. hybridus and by 176, 16 and 43% in A. viridis over the control

    Snail farming: Production, processing and marketing

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    The problem of rural-urban migration in Nigeria has resulted in very dense urban populations. The location of poultry and aquaculture enterprises in urban and peri-urban areas of the country has exacerbated the problem of pollution. However, these wastes can be a valuable resource for use in agriculture, thereby offering a solution to pollution arising from intensive peri-urban aquaculture, thereby offering a solution to pollution arising from intensive peri-urban aquaculture and poultry enterprises. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of fibre glass fish tank effluent,poultry manure, NPK and control on two eggplant varieties and weeds. The response of eggplant fruit yield to poultry manure was significant and greater than the response to fish effluent, which also gave higher yield than NPK fertilizer or control. The fruit yield obtained from poultry manure was higher than the yield from fish effluent, NPK and control by 61%, 177% and 148%, respectively. Fish effluent gave fruit yield that was higher than that from NPK by 72% and control by 55%. Kaduna variety produced yield that was superior by 71% and had lower weed density compared to Ngwa loca

    Effect of water yam (Dioscorea alata) flour fortified with distillers spent grain on nutritional, chemical, and functional properties

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    It was envisaged that the inclusion of treated distiller ’ s spent grain ( DSG ) to yam fl our might increase its nutritional value, with the aim of reducing nutritional diseases in communities consuming yam as a staple. Hence, yam fl our was fortifi ed with DSG at 5–35%. The effects of this fortifi cation on the nutritional, chemical, and functional properties of yam fl our were investigated. The result showed a signifi cant increase ( P 0.001) in fat, ash, protein, total amino acids, total dietary fi ber, and insoluble dietary fi ber contents of the blends as DSG increased except for starch and soluble dietary fi ber contents, which decreased. The functional properties showed a signifi cant ( P 0.001) reduction with DSG inclusion. The inclusion of DSG increased both the tryptophan and methionine contents of the blends. Therefore, the DSG fortifi ed yam fl our could contribute to quality protein intake in populations consuming yam as a staple, due to its indispensible amino acid content

    Asymptomatic bacteriuria amongst antenatal patients in Aba, South Eastern Nigeria

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