188 research outputs found

    Conservation laws for the classical Toda field theories

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    We have performed some explicit calculations of the conservation laws for classical (affine) Toda field theories, and some generalizations of these models. We show that there is a huge class of generalized models which have an infinite set of conservation laws, with their integrated charges being in involution. Amongst these models we find that only the AmA_m and Am(1)A_m^{(1)} (m2m\ge 2) Toda field theories admit such conservation laws for spin-3. We report on our explicit calculations of spin-4 and spin-5 conservation laws in the (affine) Toda models. Our perhaps most interesting finding is that there exist conservation laws in the AmA_m models (m4)m\ge4) which have a different origin than the exponents of the corresponding affine theory or the energy-momentum tensor of a conformal theory.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Using Conservation Laws to Solve Toda Field Theories

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    We investigate the question of how the knowledge of sufficiently many local conservation laws for a model can be utilized to solve the model. We show that for models where the conservation laws can be written in one-sided forms, like \barpartial Q_s = 0, the problem can always be reduced to solving a closed system of ordinary differential equations. We investigate the A1A_1, A2A_2, and B2B_2 Toda field theories in considerable detail from this viewpoint. One of our findings is that there is in each case a transformation group intrinsic to the model. This group is built on a specific real form of the Lie algebra used to label the Toda field theory. It is the group of field transformations which leaves the conserved densities invariant.Comment: Latex, 24 page

    On the form of local conservation laws for some relativistic field theories in 1+1 dimensions

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    We investigate the possible form of local translation invariant conservation laws associated with the relativistic field equations \partial\bar\partial\phi_i=-v_i(\bphi) for a multicomponent field \bphi. Under the assumptions that (i)~the viv_i's can be expressed as linear combinations of partial derivatives wj/ϕk\partial w_j/\partial\phi_k of a set of functions w_j(\bphi), (ii)~the space of functions spanned by the wjw_j's is closed under partial derivations, and (iii)~the fields \bphi take values in a simply connected space, the local conservation laws can either be transformed to the form Pˉ=ˉjwjQj\partial{\bar{\cal P}}=\bar\partial\sum_j w_j {\cal Q}_j (where Pˉ\bar{\cal P} and Qj{\cal Q}_j are homogeneous polynomials in the variables ˉϕi\bar\partial\phi_i, ˉ2ϕi\bar\partial^2\phi_i,\ldots), or to the parity transformed version of this expression (t+x)/2ˉ(tx)/2\partial\equiv(\partial_t+\partial_x)/ \sqrt{2}\rightleftharpoons\bar\partial \equiv (\partial_t-\partial_x)/\sqrt{2}.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Problem Areas Concerning Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate

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    Current problems related to foreign investment in real estate have a long and involved history. After a brief historical review, this per- spective will consider present limitations on alien ownership of real es- tate, inconveniences such as disclosure of ownership, and incidental administrative side effects which place the foreign investor in a differ- ent position than a U.S. investor

    Problem Areas Concerning Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate

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    Current problems related to foreign investment in real estate have a long and involved history. After a brief historical review, this per- spective will consider present limitations on alien ownership of real es- tate, inconveniences such as disclosure of ownership, and incidental administrative side effects which place the foreign investor in a differ- ent position than a U.S. investor

    Electromagnetic Casimir energy with extra dimensions

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    We calculate the energy-momentum tensor due to electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations between two parallel hyperplanes in more than four dimensions, considering both metallic and MIT boundary conditions. Using the axial gauge, the problem can be mapped upon the corresponding problem with a massless, scalar field satisfying respectively Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions. The pressure between the plates is constant while the energy density is found to diverge at the boundaries when there are extra dimensions. This can be related to the fact that Maxwell theory is then no longer conformally invariant. A similar behavior is known for the scalar field where a constant energy density consistent with the pressure can be obtained by improving the energy-momentum tensor with the Huggins term. This is not possible for the Maxwell field. However, the change in the energy-momentum tensor with distance between boundaries is finite in all cases.Comment: 16 pages, typos corrected, published versio

    Equation of State for Exclusion Statistics in a Harmonic Well

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    We consider the equations of state for systems of particles with exclusion statistics in a harmonic well. Paradygmatic examples are noninteracting particles obeying ideal fractional exclusion statistics placed in (i) a harmonic well on a line, and (ii) a harmonic well in the Lowest Landau Level (LLL) of an exterior magnetic field. We show their identity with (i) the Calogero model and (ii) anyons in the LLL of an exterior magnetic field and in a harmonic well.Comment: latex file, 11 page


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    We address the problem of multispecies anyons, i.e. particles of different species whose wave function is subject to anyonlike conditions. The cluster and virial coefficients are considered. Special attention is paid to the case of anyons in the lowest Landau level of a strong magnetic field, when it is possible (i) to prove microscopically the equation of state, in particular in terms of Aharonov-Bohm charge-flux composite systems, and (ii) to formulate the problem in terms of single-state statistical distributions.Comment: Latex, 19 page

    Non-Abelian Chern-Simons Particles in an External Magnetic Field

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    The quantum mechanics and thermodynamics of SU(2) non-Abelian Chern-Simons particles (non-Abelian anyons) in an external magnetic field are addressed. We derive the N-body Hamiltonian in the (anti-)holomorphic gauge when the Hilbert space is projected onto the lowest Landau level of the magnetic field. In the presence of an additional harmonic potential, the N-body spectrum depends linearly on the coupling (statistics) parameter. We calculate the second virial coefficient and find that in the strong magnetic field limit it develops a step-wise behavior as a function of the statistics parameter, in contrast to the linear dependence in the case of Abelian anyons. For small enough values of the statistics parameter we relate the N-body partition functions in the lowest Landau level to those of SU(2) bosons and find that the cluster (and virial) coefficients dependence on the statistics parameter cancels.Comment: 35 pages, revtex, 3 eps figures include

    Radiative Corrections to the Casimir Energy

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    The lowest radiative correction to the Casimir energy density between two parallel plates is calculated using effective field theory. Since the correlators of the electromagnetic field diverge near the plates, the regularized energy density is also divergent. However, the regularized integral of the energy density is finite and varies with the plate separation L as 1/L^7. This apparently paradoxical situation is analyzed in an equivalent, but more transparent theory of a massless scalar field in 1+1 dimensions confined to a line element of length L and satisfying Dirichlet boundary conditions.Comment: 7 pages, Late