912 research outputs found

    Detection of transit timing variations in excess of one hour in the Kepler multi-planet candidate system KOI 806 with the GTC

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    We report the detection of transit timing variations (TTVs) well in excess of one hour in the Kepler multi-planet candidate system KOI 806. This system exhibits transits consistent with three separate planets -- a Super-Earth, a Jupiter, and a Saturn -- lying very nearly in a 1:2:5 resonance, respectively. We used the Kepler public data archive and observations with the Gran Telescopio de Canarias to compile the necessary photometry. For the largest candidate planet (KOI 806.02) in this system, we detected a large transit timing variation of -103.5±\pm6.9 minutes against previously published ephemeris. We did not obtain a strong detection of a transit color signature consistent with a planet-sized object; however, we did not detect a color difference in transit depth, either. The large TTV is consistent with theoretical predictions that exoplanets in resonance can produce large transit timing variations, particularly if the orbits are eccentric. The presence of large TTVs among the bodies in this systems indicates that KOI806 is very likely to be a planetary system. This is supported by the lack of a strong color dependence in the transit depth, which would suggest a blended eclipsing binary.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted into A&A Letter

    Variation in Grazing Sward Chicory Content After Periods of Low Rainfall

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    Multispecies (MS) swards can reduce chemical nitrogen (N) fertiliser requirement due to the legume components of the sward mixtures, and have the potential to increase drought tolerance, particularly where chicory (CH, Chicorium intybus L.) is included in the sward mixture. A grazed plot experiment was established to investigate the persistency of forage herb species in MS swards under typical Irish grazing conditions. The swards contained three plant functional groups: grass, legume and herb; four sward types were established which included sward mixtures of the following species: perennial ryegrass (PRG, Lolium perenne L.) white clover (WC, Trifolium repens L.), red clover (RC, Trifolium pratense L.), CH and ribwort plantain (PL, Plantago lanceolata L.). The sward content of the various species in the sown mixtures was evaluated over three years (2020, 2021 and 2022). The summer of 2022 experienced dry weather conditions in which rainfall was well below average thus providing an opportunity to assess the drought tolerance of CH in grazed swards. The proportion of sward CH content from two late season cuts was assessed over the three years and this study reports the changes in sward CH content between years and grazing rotations. Average sward CH content was 14.7, 6.1, and 1.5% across all sward types in late summer of 2020, 2021 and 2022, respectively; average sward CH content was 13.7, 9.4 and 24.6 across all sward types in autumn of 2020, 2021 and 2022, respectively

    Fermi-Liquid Interactions in d-Wave Superconductor

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    This article develops a quantitative quasiparticle model of the low-temperature properties of d-wave superconductors which incorporates both Fermi-liquid effects and band-structure effects. The Fermi-liquid interaction effects are found to be classifiable into strong and negligible renormalizaton effects, for symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of the energies of kk\uparrow and k-k\downarrow quasiparticles, respectively. A particularly important conclusion is that the leading clean-limit temperature-dependent correction to the superfluid density is not renormalized by Fermi-liquid interactions, but is subject to a Fermi velocity (or mass) renormalization effect. This leads to difficulties in accounting for the penetration depth measurements with physically acceptable parameters, and hence reopens the question of the quantitative validity of the quasiparticle picture.Comment: 4 page

    Warm Debris Disks Candidates in Transiting Planets Systems

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    We have bandmerged candidate transiting planetary systems (from the Kepler satellite) and confirmed transiting planetary systems (from the literature) with the recent Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) preliminary release catalog. We have found 13 stars showing infrared excesses at either 12 and/or 22 microns. Without longer wavelength observations it is not possible to conclusively determine the nature of the excesses, although we argue that they are likely due to debris disks around the stars. If confirmed, our sample ~ doubles the number of currently known warm excess disks around old main sequence stars. The ratios between the measured fluxes and the stellar photospheres are generally larger than expected for Gyr-old stars, such as these planetary hosts. Assuming temperature limits for the dust and emission from large dust particles, we derive estimates for the disk radii. These values are comparable to the planet's semi-major axis, suggesting that the planets may be stirring the planetesimals in the system.Comment: Submitted to A&A: 21 October 2011 / Accepted for publication in A&A: 27 February 201

    The Prograde Orbit of Exoplanet TrES-2b

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    We monitored the Doppler shift of the G0V star TrES-2 throughout a transit of its giant planet. The anomalous Doppler shift due to stellar rotation (the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect) is discernible in the data, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 2.9, even though the star is a slow rotator. By modeling this effect we find that the planet's trajectory across the face of the star is tilted by -9 +/- 12 degrees relative to the projected stellar equator. With 98% confidence, the orbit is prograde.Comment: ApJ, in press [15 pages

    Data Pipeline Management in Practice: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Data pipelines involve a complex chain of interconnected activities that starts with a data source and ends in a data sink. Data pipelines are important for data-driven organizations since a data pipeline can process data in multiple formats from distributed data sources with minimal human intervention, accelerate data life cycle activities, and enhance productivity in data-driven enterprises. However, there are challenges and opportunities in implementing data pipelines but practical industry experiences are seldom reported. The findings of this study are derived by conducting a qualitative multiple-case study and interviews with the representatives of three companies. The challenges include data quality issues, infrastructure maintenance problems, and organizational barriers. On the other hand, data pipelines are implemented to enable traceability, fault-tolerance, and reduce human errors through maximizing automation thereby producing high-quality data. Based on multiple-case study research with five use cases from three case companies, this paper identifies the key challenges and benefits associated with the implementation and use of data pipelines

    Electronic structure in underdoped cuprates due to the emergence of a pseudogap

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    The phenomenological Green's function developed in the works of Yang, Rice and Zhang has been very successful in understanding many of the anomalous superconducting properties of the deeply underdoped cuprates. It is based on considerations of the resonating valence bond spin liquid approximation and is designed to describe the underdoped regime of the cuprates. Here we emphasize the region of doping, xx, just below the quantum critical point at which the pseudogap develops. In addition to Luttinger hole pockets centered around the nodal direction, there are electron pockets near the antinodes which are connected to the hole pockets by gapped bridging contours. We determine the contours of nearest approach as would be measured in angular resolved photoemission experiments and emphasize signatures of the Fermi surface reconstruction from the large Fermi contour of Fermi liquid theory (which contains 1+x1+x hole states) to the Luttinger pocket (which contains xx hole states). We find that the quasiparticle effective mass renormalization increases strongly towards the edge of the Luttinger pockets beyond which it diverges.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Optical properties of the pseudogap state in underdoped cuprates

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    Recent optical measurements of deeply underdoped cuprates have revealed that a coherent Drude response persists well below the end of the superconducting dome. In addition, no large increase in optical effective mass has been observed, even at dopings as low as 1%. We show that this behavior is consistent with the resonating valence bond spin-liquid model proposed by Yang, Rice, and Zhang. In this model, the overall reduction in optical conductivity in the approach to the Mott insulating state is caused not by an increase in effective mass, but by a Gutzwiller factor, which describes decreased coherence due to correlations, and by a shrinking of the Fermi surface, which decreases the number of available charge carriers. We also show that in this model, the pseudogap does not modify the low-temperature, low-frequency behavior, though the magnitude of the conductivity is greatly reduced by the Gutzwiller factor. Similarly, the profile of the temperature dependence of the microwave conductivity is largely unchanged in shape, but the Gutzwiller factor is essential in understanding the observed difference in magnitude between ortho-I and -II YBa2_2Cu3_3Oy_y.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.