3,292 research outputs found

    The Variational Homoencoder: Learning to learn high capacity generative models from few examples

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    Hierarchical Bayesian methods can unify many related tasks (e.g. k-shot classification, conditional and unconditional generation) as inference within a single generative model. However, when this generative model is expressed as a powerful neural network such as a PixelCNN, we show that existing learning techniques typically fail to effectively use latent variables. To address this, we develop a modification of the Variational Autoencoder in which encoded observations are decoded to new elements from the same class. This technique, which we call a Variational Homoencoder (VHE), produces a hierarchical latent variable model which better utilises latent variables. We use the VHE framework to learn a hierarchical PixelCNN on the Omniglot dataset, which outperforms all existing models on test set likelihood and achieves strong performance on one-shot generation and classification tasks. We additionally validate the VHE on natural images from the YouTube Faces database. Finally, we develop extensions of the model that apply to richer dataset structures such as factorial and hierarchical categories.Comment: UAI 2018 oral presentatio

    Rotator and extender ferroelectrics: Importance of the shear coefficient to the piezoelectric properties of domain-engineered crystals and ceramics

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    The importance of a high shear coefficient d15 (or d24) to the piezoelectric properties of domain-engineered and polycrystalline ferroelectrics is discussed. The extent of polarization rotation, as a mechanism of piezoelectric response, is directly correlated to the shear coefficient. The terms "rotator" and "extender" are introduced to distinguish the contrasting behaviors of crystals such as 4mm BaTiO3 and PbTiO3. In "rotator" ferroelectrics, where d15 is high relative to the longitudinal coefficient d33, polarization rotation is the dominant mechanism of piezoelectric response; the maximum longitudinal piezoelectric response is found away from the polar axis. In "extender" ferroelectrics, d15 is low and the collinear effect dominates; the maximum piezoelectric response is found along the polar axis. A variety of 3m, mm2 and 4mm ferroelectrics, with various crystal structures based on oxygen octahedra, are classified in this way. It is shown that the largest piezoelectric anisotropies d15/d33 are always found in 3m crystals; this is a result of the intrinsic electrostrictive anisotropy of the constituent oxygen octahedra. Finally, for a given symmetry, the piezoelectric anisotropy increases close to ferroelectric-ferroelectric phase transitions; this includes morphotropic phase boundaries and temperature induced polymorphic transitions.Comment: accepted in J. Appl. Phy

    Spatio-temporal vortex beams and angular momentum

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    We present a space-time generalization of the known spatial (monochromatic) wave vortex beams carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM) along the propagation direction. Generic spatio-temporal vortex beams are polychromatic and can carry intrinsic OAM at an arbitrary angle to the mean momentum. Applying either (i) a transverse wave-vector shift or (ii) a Lorentz boost to a monochromatic Bessel beam, we construct a family of either (i) time-diffracting or (ii) non-diffracting spatio-temporal Bessel beams, which are exact solutions of the Klein-Gordon wave equations. The proposed spatio-temporal OAM states are able to describe either photon or electron vortex states (both relativistic and nonrelativistic), and can find applications in particle collisions, optics of moving media, quantum communications, and astrophysics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Limiting behaviour of Fréchet means in the space of phylogenetic trees

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    As demonstrated in our previous work on T4, the space of phylogenetic trees with four leaves, the topological structure of the space plays an important role in the non-classical limiting behaviour of the sample Fréchet means in T4. Nevertheless, the techniques used in that paper cannot be adapted to analyse Fréchet means in the space Tm of phylogenetic trees with m(⩾5)m(⩾5) leaves. To investigate the latter, this paper first studies the log map of Tm. Then, in terms of a modified version of this map, we characterise Fréchet means in Tm that lie in top-dimensional or co-dimension one strata. We derive the limiting distributions for the corresponding sample Fréchet means, generalising our previous results. In particular, the results show that, although they are related to the Gaussian distribution, the forms taken by the limiting distributions depend on the co-dimensions of the strata in which the Fréchet means lie

    Millisecond accuracy video display using OpenGL under Linux

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    To measure people’s reaction times to the nearest millisecond, it is necessary to know exactly when a stimulus is displayed. This article describes how to display stimuli with millisecond accuracy on a normal CRT monitor, using a PC running Linux. A simple C program is presented to illustrate how this may be done within X Windows using the OpenGL rendering system. A test of this system is reported that demonstrates that stimuli may be consistently displayed with millisecond accuracy. An algorithm is presented that allows the exact time of stimulus presentation to be deduced, even if there are relatively large errors in measuring the display time

    Abrupt grain boundary melting in ice

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    The effect of impurities on the grain boundary melting of ice is investigated through an extension of Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek theory, in which we include retarded potential effects in a calculation of the full frequency dependent van der Waals and Coulombic interactions within a grain boundary. At high dopant concentrations the classical solutal effect dominates the melting behavior. However, depending on the amount of impurity and the surface charge density, as temperature decreases, the attractive tail of the dispersion force interaction begins to compete effectively with the repulsive screened Coulomb interaction. This leads to a film-thickness/temperature curve that changes depending on the relative strengths of these interactions and exhibits a decrease in the film thickness with increasing impurity level. More striking is the fact that at very large film thicknesses, the repulsive Coulomb interaction can be effectively screened leading to an abrupt reduction to zero film thickness.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Probing Cold Dark Matter Cusps by Gravitational Lensing

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    I elaborate on my prediction that an indirect detection of cold dark matter (CDM) may be possible by observing the gravitational lensing effects of the CDM cusp caustics at cosmological distances. Cusps in the distribution of CDM are plentiful once density perturbations enter the nonlinear regime of structure formation. Caustic ring model of galactic halo formation provides a well defined density profile and geometry near the cusps of the caustic rings. I calculate the gravitational lensing effects of the cusps in this model. As a pointlike background source passes behind a cusp of a cosmological foreground halo, the magnification in its image may be detected by present instruments. Depending on the strength of detected effect and the time scale of brightness change, it may even be possible to discriminate between the CDM candidates: axions and weakly interacting massive particles.Comment: Invited Contribution to the IJMPD Special Issue on Dark Matter and Dark Energy edited by D. Ahluwalia-Khalilova and D. Grumiller. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D Special December 2006 issu

    A compilation, classification, and comparison of lists of spontaneous speaking vocabulary of children in kindergarten, Grade I, Grade II, and Grade III

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston UniversityLanguage development has been studied for many years. The beginning vocabularies are easy to count ana record. As tne child grows and moves about, his speaking vocabulary increases very rapidly. Some estimates suggest that a minimum speaking vocabulary at six years would include three thousand words. New words have come into children's speaking vocabularies as a result of modern technology since World War II. Lists of spontaneous vocabulary furnish material for teachers and text book writers. The purpose of this study is to analyze two lists recorded in 1954 and 1955. An attempt has been made to classify the new list. The lists were compared with three existing lists, Rinsland, International Kindergarten Union and Gates
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