20 research outputs found

    Minimal Liouville gravity correlation numbers from Douglas string equation

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    We continue the study of (q, p) Minimal Liouville Gravity with the help of Douglas string equation. We generalize the results of [1,2], where Lee-Yang series (2, 2s + 1) was studied, to (3, 3s + p 0) Minimal Liouville Gravity, where p 0 = 1, 2. We demonstrate that there exist such coordinates \u3c4 m,n on the space of the perturbed Minimal Liouville Gravity theories, in which the partition function of the theory is determined by the Douglas string equation. The coordinates \u3c4 m,n are related in a non-linear fashion to the natural coupling constants \u3bb m,n of the perturbations of Minimal Lioville Gravity by the physical operators O m,n . We find this relation from the requirement that the correlation numbers in Minimal Liouville Gravity must satisfy the conformal and fusion selection rules. After fixing this relation we compute three- and four-point correlation numbers when they are not zero. The results are in agreement with the direct calculations in Minimal Liouville Gravity available in the literature [3-5]. \ua9 2014 The Author(s)


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    Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам адаптации военнослужащих срочной службы к военно-про-фессиональной деятельности. Показано, что специфика заключается в воздействии на организм воина ряда факторов, характерных для военно-профессиональной деятельности. Термин «адаптация» к условиям армии трактуется как способность к деятельности физиологически приемлемой ценой напряжения, способность противостоять действию вредных факторов среды. Все рассматриваемые виды адаптации взаимосвязаны и являются структурными элементами военно-профессиональной адаптации. Ведущая роль в изменени-ях состояния здоровья военнослужащих, проходящих военную службу, принадлежит адаптации к новым условиям жизнедеятельности. Процесс адаптации характеризуется большим разнообразием и определен-ной непредсказуемостью взаимовлияний регуляторных систем друг на друга. В достижении относительно устойчивой адаптации большую роль играет фактор скорости мобилизации приспособительных механизмов и последовательность их включения на разных уровнях функционирования организма. Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, e-mail: [email protected] The article is devoted to current issues of adaptation of military servicemen to military professional activity. It is shown that the specifi city consists in infl uence on the body of a warrior number of factors specifi c to the military profession. The term «adaptation» to the conditions of the army is interpreted as the ability to activities of physiologically acceptable stress, the ability to resist the action of the harmful environmental factors. All considered adaptations are interlinked and are the building blocks of military professional adaptation. The leading role in the changes of the state of health of military personnel, performing military service, belongs to adapt to new conditions. The adaptation process is characterized by great diversity and unpredictability of certain regulatory systems of mutual infl uences on each other. In order to achieve a relatively stable adaptation plays an important role mobilizing factor of speed adaptive mechanisms and the sequence of their inclusion at different levels of functioning of organism