32 research outputs found

    Best Practice BRT for Increase TransJakarta Modal Share

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    TransJakarta since 2004 was expected as the backbone of the public transportation in Jakarta as well as TransMilenio in Bogota. However, the role of TransJakarta only approximately 1, 95% of the overall number of trips has reached 19 million/day. The analysis technique on this paper is descriptive analysis. TransJakarta operational perceived is still not effective, so that the necessary efforts to increase modal share sourced from BRT management best practice in other countries. Efforts could be made to increase modal share, among others, the elimination of thousands of parking and replaced by pedestrian friendly also develop a separate bike lane along 303 km in Bogota (Colombia). TransJakarta operational is still considered less in some aspects that are: total of fTransJakarta fleet, total of feeder route, Transjakarta speed and headway still need improved, overtaking lanes are built along the TransJakarta route, Integration with all public transport is absolutely necessary, integration with pedestrians and bicycle users TransJakarta ticket fares should be integrated with feeder and other public transportation such as KRL, city buses and paratransit and using smartcards. In terms of restrictions on the use of private vehicles can be done in the following ways implement a bike-sharing program, implement program of not using motor vehicles during weekdays for 1 day in a week, providing park and ride, implement fuel restriction program for gasoline purchases, implement car sharing program. If the operational performance of TransJakarta has been improved and restrictions on the use of private motor vehicles are implemented, it is expected that the modal split of road users in Jakarta can be expected to rise to be more ideal. In some other parts of the world some experts say ideal conditions of split capital between public transport and private vehicles can reach 65%: 35%. Hopefully the city of Jakarta can achieve this

    Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Adding Bamboo Culms on Hollow Composite Concrete Column Structures on Axial Capacity

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    The problem of self-weight in a structure is an important thing to study. This study aims to find a solution to the problem of self-weight by making a hollow column structure. Bamboo is added to the column structure to replace the strength of the concrete volume lost due to voids. The test object consisted of four columns, three hollow columns with the addition of bamboo rods, and one solid column. Variations in the number of bamboo sticks, namely one, two, and four sticks, were inserted into a column with a cross-section of 300x300 mm and a height of 800 mm. The type of bamboo used is petung bamboo with a minimum age of three years with a diameter of ±120 mm. Twelve pieces of bamboo reinforcement measuring 15x10 mm and four pieces of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm were used as the primary reinforcement. For stirrups, closed stirrups with a diameter of 8 mm are used. The load given to the column is an axial load of 900 kN on the top surface of the column. From the results of the study, the presence of cavities and the addition of bamboo stems in the column caused an increase in the value of the axial deformation, from 0.2675 mm in the Solid Column, then Columns A, B, and C increased to 0.2707 mm, 0.2731 mm and 0.2874 mm respectively.ABSTRAKPermasalahan berat sendiri pada suatu struktur menjadi hal yang penting untuk dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan solusi dari permasalahan berat sendiri dengan membuat struktur kolom berongga. Untuk menggantikan kekuatan dari volume beton yang hilang karena rongga, maka ditambahkan bambu ke dalam struktur kolom. Benda uji terdiri dari empat kolom, tiga kolom berongga dengan penambahan batang bambu dan satu kolom solid. Variasi jumlah batang bambu yaitu satu, dua, dan empat batang,  dimasukkan ke dalam kolom dengan penampang 300x300 mm dan tinggi 800 mm. Jenis bambu yang digunakan yaitu bambu petung berumur minimal tiga tahun dengan diameter ±120mm. 12 buah tulangan bambu berukuran 15x10 mm dan 4 buah tulangan baja berdiameter 10 mm digunakan sebagai tulangan utama. Untuk sengkang, digunakan sengkang tertutup dengan diameter 8 mm. Beban yang diberikan pada kolom berupa beban aksial sebesar 900 kN pada permukaan atas kolom. Dari hasil penelitian, adanya rongga dan penambahan batang bambu pada kolom menyebabkan kenaikan nilai deformasi aksial, dari 0,2675 mm pada Kolom Solid, lalu Kolom A, B dan C berturut-turut meningkat menjadi 0,2707 mm, 0,2731 mm dan 0,2874 mm

    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Indonesia: epidemiology, incidence,signs, and symptoms at presentation

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    Among all head and neck (H&N) cancers, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) represents a distinct entity regarding epidemiology, clinical presentation, biological markers, carcinogenic risk factors, and prognostic factors. NPC is endemic in certain regions of the world, especially in Southeast Asia, and has a poor prognosis. In Indonesia, the recorded mean prevalence is 6.2/100 000, with 13 000 yearly new NPC cases, but otherwise little is documented on NPC in Indonesia. Here, we report on a group of 1121 NPC patients diagnosed and treated at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia between 1996 and 2005. We studied NPC incidence among all H&N cancer cases (n=6000) observed in that period, focusing on age and gender distribution, the ethnic background of patients, and the disease etiology. We also analyzed most prevalent signs and symptoms and staging of NPC patients at first presentation. In this study population, NPC was the most frequent H&N cancer (28.4%), with a male-to-female ratio of 2.4, and was endemic in the Javanese population. Interestingly, NPC appeared to affect patients at a relatively young age (20% juvenile cases) without a bimodal age distribution. Mostly, NPC initiated in the fossa of Rosenmuller and spreaded intracranially or locally as a mass in the head. Occasionally, NPC developed at the submucosal level spreading outside the anatomic limits of the nasopharynx. At presentation, NPC associated with hearing problems, serous otitis media, tinnitus, nasal obstruction, anosmia, bleeding, difficulty in swallowing and dysphonia, and even eye symptoms with diplopia and pain. The initial diagnosis is difficult to make because early signs and symptoms of NPC are not specific to the disease. Early-age Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection combined with frequent exposure to environmental carcinogenic co-factors is suggested to cause NPC development. Undifferentiated NPC is the most frequent histological type and is closely associated with EBV. Expression of the EBV-encoded latent membrane protein 1(LMP1) Oncogene in biopsy material was compared between NPC patients of < 30 years old and those of ≥ 30 years old, matched for sex and tumor stage. Higher LMP1 expression in patients of <30 years old was observed, which was related to more locoregional progressivity. Increased medical awareness of prevailing early stage signs and symptoms coupled to use of EBV-related diagnostic tumor markers may lead to down-staging and timely treatment to improve survival of patients with this aggressive disease