15 research outputs found

    The effect of foliar fertilizers on the occurrence of apple scab [Venturia inaequalis Cooke Aderh.]

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    Apple scab caused by Venturia inaequalis is the most serious fungal disease of apple in Poland. The strategy for apple scab control relies mostly on multiple applications of fungicides, usually 8 to 15 times each gr owing season. Because of the reduction in the range of fungicides and the problem with resistance, alternative methods are being searched for to help control this disease. The objective of this work was to study the effect of different foliar fertilizers f rom Intermag Co., commonly used in apple orchards, against apple scab. Experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 on apple trees cv. McIntosh, very susceptible to V. inaequalis . In both seasons, which were favourable to apple scab infections, a significan t reduction in the occurrence of the disease was observed after the applications of a mixture of Chelat Cu 12 Forte + Bormax + Chelat Zn 14 Forte, Alkalin KB + Si, and Alkalin PK. These fertilizers reduced disease severity by more than 80% when used at the highest of the tested concentrations (2%), and by 60% when used at lower concentrations. Two products, Alkalin KB + Si used at 2% and a 1.0% copper solution were phytotoxic to both the leaves and fruits. The results obtained showed that some of the common ly used foliar fertilizers can be useful for controlling apple scab because they cause a reduction in disease intensity (by approx. 70%

    A New Bacterial Disease on Bluberry (Vaccinium Corymbosum) Caused by Pseudomonas Spp.

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    In 2011, leaf spot disease was observed on the blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cv. Nelson growing on a commercial field located in Central Poland. The disease symptoms could be seen as russet brown, irregular spots. The diameter of the spots was 0.3-0.5 cm, and the spots often coalesced. From these leaf spots, a fluorescent bacterium was repeatedly isolated in almost pure culture. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers Ps-for and Ps-rev, specific for Pseudomonas spp. confirmed that they belong to this genus. Based on LOPAT tests [levan production from sucrose (L), presence of oxidase (O), pectolytic activity on potato (P), the presence of arginine dihydrolase (A), hypersensitivity reaction on tobacco (T)], 6 isolates were classified to the LOPAT group Ib - group of Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi and Pseudomonas delphini, and one isolate to group Ia - P. syringae. All isolates caused a hypersensitivity reaction on tobacco plants, and symptoms similar to those under natural conditions, when young leaves of blueberry cv. Nelson were inoculated. Sequence analysis of 16S rRNA and rpoB genes showed the highest similarity of 6 studied strains to the species P. avellanae. Further taxonomic study is necessary to enable definitive classification of these isolates. It is the first time that a bacterial disease caused by the Pseudomonas spp. was observed in Poland

    A threat to the environment and horticultural plants posed by new Phytophthora species isolated from water

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    Celem bada艅 by艂o wykrywanie Phytophthora spp. w wodzie w rejonach sadowniczych oraz ocena chorobotw贸rczo艣ci wybranych izolat贸w dla ro艣lin. Do izolacji gatunk贸w Phytophthora z wody u偶yto li艣ci pu艂apkowych r贸偶anecznika 'Nova Zembla'. Przynale偶no艣膰 gatunkow膮 okre艣lano na podstawie cech morfologicznych oraz stosuj膮c metody molekularne. W rzekach i stawach stwierdzono 4 gatunki Phytophthora, z dominacj膮 P. lacustris. Wyst臋powa艂 on we wszystkich analizowanych 藕r贸d艂ach wody, niezale偶nie od terminu detekcji. P. plurivora, jeden z najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋puj膮cych gatunk贸w tego rodzaju, wyizolowano z wody i osad贸w dennych rzeki Jeziorka. Z kolei P. citrophthora stwierdzono w stawach w Kozietu艂ach i Ciel膮dzu, opr贸cz P. gonapodyides, gatunku uznawanego za saprotrofa. Inokulacja 2 izolatami P. lacustris p臋d贸w i korzeni wierzby powodowa艂a rozw贸j nekrozy (ok. 3 mm) na dob臋. Zar贸wno P. lacustris, jak i P. citrophthora kolonizowa艂y p臋dy badanych odmian jab艂oni i gruszy, ale nekroza rozwija艂a si臋 ok. 3-krotnie wolniej ni偶 na organach wierzby.Isolation of Phytophthora species from water in orchard areas and pathogenicity of selected isolates toward plants was the purpose of our studies. Four Phytophthora species were isolated from rivers and ponds with P. lacustris being the dominant one. The species was found in all analysed water bodies irrespective of the detection period. P. plurivora known as the most frequent species was found only in the Jeziorka River. P. citrophthora was found in ponds near Kozietu艂y and Ciel膮dz together with P. gonapodyides, known as a saprotrophic species. Inoculation of stems and roots of Salix spp. with two isolates of P. lacustris resulted in the development of necrosis which spread at a rate of about 3 mm/24 hrs. Both P. lacustris and P. citrophthora colonised shoots of analysed cultivars of apple and pear trees but necrosis spread about 3 times slower than on willow plants

    Water as source of environmental dispersion of Phytophthora species

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    Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie wsp贸艂zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy stanem zdrowotnym ro艣lin uprawianych pod os艂onami i w szk贸艂kach pojemnikowych, a wyst臋powaniem Phytophthora spp. w zbiornikach wodnych, z kt贸rych pobierana jest woda do podlewania. Badania prowadzono przez ca艂y rok w 4 obiektach pod os艂onami i w 6 szk贸艂kach pojemnikowych. Do wykrywania gatunk贸w tego rodzaju u偶yto li艣ci pu艂apkowych r贸偶anecznika (Rhododendron sp.) 'Nova Zembla'. W zbiornikach wodnych w szklarniach wykryto P. plurivora, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, P. tropicalis i P. lacustris, podczas gdy w szk贸艂kach dodatkowo P. cambivora i P. cinnamomi. Mimo wyst臋powania P. cactorum, P. capsici i P. nicotianae var. nicotianae na pora偶onych ro艣linach, w zbiornikach wodnych nie stwierdzono tych gatunk贸w. W wodzie w szklarniach najcz臋艣ciej wykrywano P. plurivora, a w szk贸艂kach ten偶e gatunek oraz P. cinnamomi i P. citrophthora.The aim of this study was to find the relationship between health status of crop plants grown in greenhouses and in nurseries and the presence of Phytophthora spp in water reservoirs used for plant watering. Studies were carried out during a year in 4 greenhouse objects and in 6 nurseries. Trap leaves of Rhododendron sp. 'Nova Zembla' were used to detect the study species. P. plurivora, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, P. tropicalis and P. lacustris were found in greenhouse reservoirs, while P. cambivora and P. cinnamomi were additionally noted in nurseries. Despite the occurrence of P. cactorum, P. capsici and P. nicotianae var. nicotianae on infested plants, these species were not found in water reservoirs. P. plurivora was noted most frequently in greenhouse reservoirs and the same species together with P. cinnamomi and P. citrophthora - in nurseries

    Water as a source of survival and spread of Phytophthora species

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    Celem podj臋tych bada艅 by艂o zaprezentowanie danych zwi膮zanych z wyst臋powaniem Phytophthora spp. w polskich rzekach, okre艣lenie najcz臋艣ciej izolowanych gatunk贸w tego rodzaju oraz ich szkodliwo艣ci dla ro艣lin. Obiekt bada艅 stanowi艂y rzeki Jasie艅, Pisia i Rawka usytuowane w wojew贸dztwach mazowieckim i 艂贸dzkim. Pierwsze dwie rzeki przep艂ywaj膮 przez tereny ogrodnicze, trzecia Rawka przez pola uprawne i lasy. Do detekcji Phytophthora z rzek u偶yto li艣cie pu艂apkowe r贸偶anecznika, kt贸re umieszczano w wodzie przez ca艂y rok w odst臋pach miesi臋cznych. Miar膮 liczebno艣ci Phytophthora spp. w wodzie by艂a liczba nekrotycznych plam na li艣ciach pu艂apkowych. Zidentyfikowano r贸wnie偶 do gatunki izolat贸w uzyskanych z 3 rzek. Wyst臋powanie Phytophthora spp. w rzekach stwierdzano przez ca艂y rok, przy czym najmniej plam na li艣ciach pu艂apkowych odnotowano w III kwartale. Stwierdzono niewielkie r贸偶nice w liczbie plam na li艣ciach pu艂apkowych w zale偶no艣ci od rzeki. W trzech badanych rzekach wykryto 5 gatunk贸w Phytophthora oraz taxon Salixsoil. Przez ca艂y rok z rzek (poza I kwarta艂em w Pisi) izolowano P. citricola, kt贸ry wyst臋powa艂 najcz臋艣ciej. Ponadto wykryto P. cactorum, P. cambivora, P. cinnamomi i P. megasperma. Izolaty P. cactorum i P. citricola z wody kolonizowa艂y korzenie, cz臋艣ci 艂odyg i li艣cie brzozy, przy czym nekroza rozwija艂a si臋 istotnie szybciej na tkankach zainokulowanych P. citricola. W do艣wiadczeniu szklarniowym oba gatunki powodowa艂y zgnilizn臋 korzeni i podstawy p臋du, co najmniej 4/5 siewek brzozy w ci膮gu 4 tygodni uprawy. Izolaty P. citricola, uzyskane z Pisi od marca do pa藕dziernika, koloniowa艂y blaszki li艣ciowe r贸偶anecznika z istotnie wolniejszym rozwojem nekrotycznych plam, przy ich zainokulowaniu kulturami wyizolowanymi w czerwcu, wrze艣niu i pa藕dzierniku. Wykazano, 偶e gatunek P. citricola mo偶e by膰 wnoszony z wod膮 do nasadze艅 偶ywotnika w czasie zraszania ro艣lin, powoduj膮c zaraz臋 wierzcho艂k贸w p臋d贸w.Occurrence of Phytophthora spp. in Polish rivers and pathogenicity of isolates toward some plants were studied. Rivers Jasieniec, Pisia and Rawka were surveyed during all the year with one month interval. First 2 rivers are situated in horticultural areas in Warsaw and 艁贸d藕 districts whereas the third one is running through agricultural fields and forests. Rhododendron leaves were used as the baits for detection of Phytophthora from water. Number of necrotic spots on baiting leaves was a measure of population densities of Phytophthora spp. in rivers. The occurrence of Phytophthora in water was noticed during all year with the lower density in the 3rd quarter of the year. Five Phytophthora species and taxon Salixsoil were identified among isolates recovered from 3 rivers. During all year from 3 surveyed rivers (except from Pisia in the first quarter) P. citricola was recovered as the most often occurring species. Additionally P. cactorum, P. cambivora, P. cinnamomi and P. megasperma were detected from rivers. In laboratory trials water isolates of P. cactorum and P. citricola colonized roots, stem parts and leaves of birch with the significantly faster spread of necroses on plant parts inoculated by P. citricola. In greenhouse trial both species caused root and stem base rot symptoms of birch seedlings within 4 weeks of growth. Isolates of P. citricola recovered from river from March to October colonized rhododendron leaf blades with significantly slower spread of necroses on tissues inoculated with cultures detected from water in June, September and October. It was shown that P. citricola may be bring to thuja nursery with water used for plant sprinkling and is the causal agent of tip blight