33 research outputs found

    A Point Mutation in a Herpesvirus Polymerase Determines Neuropathogenicity

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    Infection with equid herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) leads to respiratory disease, abortion, and neurologic disorders in horses. Molecular epidemiology studies have demonstrated that a single nucleotide polymorphism resulting in an amino acid variation of the EHV-1 DNA polymerase (N752/D752) is significantly associated with the neuropathogenic potential of naturally occurring strains. To test the hypothesis that this single amino acid exchange by itself influences neuropathogenicity, we generated recombinant viruses with differing polymerase sequences. Here we show that the N752 mutant virus caused no neurologic signs in the natural host, while the D752 virus was able to cause inflammation of the central nervous system and ataxia. Neurologic disease induced by the D752 virus was concomitant with significantly increased levels of viremia (p = 0.01), but the magnitude of virus shedding from the nasal mucosa was similar between the N752 and D752 viruses. Both viruses replicated with similar kinetics in fibroblasts and epithelial cells, but exhibited differences in leukocyte tropism. Last, we observed a significant increase (p < 0.001) in sensitivity of the N752 mutant to aphidicolin, a drug targeting the viral polymerase. Our results demonstrate that a single amino acid variation in a herpesvirus enzyme can influence neuropathogenic potential without having a major effect on virus shedding from infected animals, which is important for horizontal spread in a population. This observation is very interesting from an evolutionary standpoint and is consistent with data indicating that the N752 DNA pol genotype is predominant in the EHV-1 population, suggesting that decreased viral pathogenicity in the natural host might not be at the expense of less efficient inter-individual transmission

    A quantitative LumiFluo assay to test inhibitory compounds blocking p53 degradation induced by human papillomavirus oncoprotein E6 in living cells

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    High-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPVs) are the causative agents for the onset of several epithelial cancers in humans. The deregulated expression of the viral oncoproteins E6 and E7 is the driving force sustaining the progression of malignant transformation in pre-neoplastic lesions. Targeting the viral E6 oncoprotein through inhibitory compounds can counteract the survival of cancer cells due to the reactivation of p53-mediated pathways and represents an intriguing strategy to treat HPV-associated neoplasias. Here, we describe the development of a quantitative and easy-to-perform assay to monitor the E6-mediated degradation of p53 in living cells to be used for small-molecule testing. This assay allows to unbiasedly determine whether a compound can protect p53 from the E6-mediated degradation in cells, through a simple 3-step protocol. We validated the assay by testing two small molecules, SAHA and RITA, reported to impair the E6-mediated p53 degradation. Interestingly, we observed that only SAHA efficiently rescued p53, while RITA could not provide the same degree of protection. The possibility to specifically and quantitatively monitor the ability of a selected compound to rescue p53 in a cellular context through our LumiFluo assay could represent an important step towards the successful development of anti-HPV drugs

    Perfect anti-windup in output tracking scheme with preaction

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    This paper proposes a dynamic anti-windup compensation scheme for linear control systems with saturating actuators. Perfect tracking is achieved using pre-actuation and a dynamic compensator controlling the reset windup phenomenon. Two performance indices are considered and an example is included to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Targeted disruption of e6/p53 binding exerts broad activity and synergism with paclitaxel and topotecan against hpv-transformed cancer cells

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    High-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPV) are the etiological agents of almost all cervical cancer cases and a high percentage of head-and-neck malignancies. Although HPV vaccination can reduce cancer incidence, its coverage significantly differs among countries, and, therefore, in the next decades HPV-related tumors will not likely be eradicated worldwide. Thus, the need of specific treatments persists, since no anti-HPV drug is yet available. We recently discovered a small molecule (Cpd12) able to inhibit the E6-mediated degradation of p53 through the disruption of E6/p53 binding in HPV16-and HPV18-positive cervical cancer cells. By employing several biochemical and cellular assays, here we show that Cpd12 is also active against cervical cancer cells transformed by other HR-HPV strains, such as HPV68 and HPV45, and against a HPV16-transformed head-and-neck cancer cell line, suggesting the possibility to employ Cpd12 as a targeted drug against a broad range of HPV-induced cancers. In these cancer cell lines, the antitumoral mechanism of action of Cpd12 involves p53-dependent cell cycle arrest, a senescent response, and inhibition of cancer cell migration. Finally, we show that Cpd12 can strongly synergize with taxanes and topoisomerase inhibitors, encouraging the evaluation of Cpd12 in preclinical studies for the targeted treatment of HPV-related carcinomas

    Divide et impera: An In Silico Screening Targeting HCMV ppUL44 Processivity Factor Homodimerization Identifies Small Molecules Inhibiting Viral Replication

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a leading cause of severe diseases in immunocompromised individuals, including AIDS patients and transplant recipients, and in congenitally infected newborns. The utility of available drugs is limited by poor bioavailability, toxicity, and emergence of resistant strains. Therefore, it is crucial to identify new targets for therapeutic intervention. Among the latter, viral protein-protein interactions are becoming increasingly attractive. Since dimerization of HCMV DNA polymerase processivity factor ppUL44 plays an essential role in the viral life cycle, being required for oriLyt-dependent DNA replication, it can be considered a potential therapeutic target. We therefore performed an in silico screening and selected 18 small molecules (SMs) potentially interfering with ppUL44 homodimerization. Antiviral assays using recombinant HCMV TB4-UL83-YFP in the presence of the selected SMs led to the identification of four active compounds. The most active one, B3, also efficiently inhibited HCMV AD169 strain in plaque reduction assays and impaired replication of an AD169-GFP reporter virus and its ganciclovir-resistant counterpart to a similar extent. As assessed by Western blotting experiments, B3 specifically reduced viral gene expression starting from 48 h post infection, consistent with the inhibition of viral DNA synthesis measured by qPCR starting from 72 h post infection. Therefore, our data suggest that inhibition of ppUL44 dimerization could represent a new class of HCMV inhibitors, complementary to those targeting the DNA polymerase catalytic subunit or the viral terminase complex

    Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy

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    A small molecule targeting the interaction between human papillomavirus E7 oncoprotein and cellular phosphatase PTPN14 exerts antitumoral activity in cervical cancer cells

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    : Human papillomavirus (HPV)-induced cancers still represent a major health issue for worldwide population and lack specific therapeutic regimens. Despite substantial advancements in anti-HPV vaccination, the incidence of HPV-related cancers remains high, thus there is an urgent need for specific anti-HPV drugs. The HPV E7 oncoprotein is a major driver of carcinogenesis that acts by inducing the degradation of several host factors. A target is represented by the cellular phosphatase PTPN14 and its E7-mediated degradation was shown to be crucial in HPV oncogenesis. Here, by exploiting the crystal structure of E7 bound to PTPN14, we performed an in silico screening of small-molecule compounds targeting the C-terminal CR3 domain of E7 involved in the interaction with PTPN14. We discovered a compound able to inhibit the E7/PTPN14 interaction in vitro and to rescue PTPN14 levels in cells, leading to a reduction in viability, proliferation, migration, and cancer-stem cell potential of HPV-positive cervical cancer cells. Mechanistically, as a consequence of PTPN14 rescue, treatment of cancer cells with this compound altered the Yes-associated protein (YAP) nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling and downstream signaling. Notably, this compound was active against cervical cancer cells transformed by different high-risk (HR)-HPV genotypes indicating a potential broad-spectrum activity. Overall, our study reports the first-in-class inhibitor of E7/PTPN14 interaction and provides the proof-of-principle that pharmacological inhibition of this interaction by small-molecule compounds could be a feasible therapeutic strategy for the development of novel antitumoral drugs specific for HPV-associated cancers

    Indomethacin-based PROTACs as pan-coronavirus antiviral agents

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    Indomethacin (INM), a well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has recently gained attention for its antiviral activity demonstrated in drug repurposing studies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Although the mechanism of action of INM is not yet fully understood, recent studies have indicated that it acts at an early stage of the coronaviruses (CoVs) replication cycle. In addition, a proteomic study reported that the anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity of INM could be also ascribed to its ability to inhibit human prostaglandin E synthase type 2 (PGES-2), a host protein which interacts with the SARS-CoV-2 NSP7 protein. Although INM does not potently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in infected Vero E6 cells, here we have explored for the first time the application of the Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) technology in order to develop more potent INM-derived PROTACs with anti-CoV activity. In this study, we report the design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a series of INM-based PROTACs endowed with antiviral activity against a panel of human CoVs, including different SARS-CoV-2 strains. Two PROTACs showed a strong improvement in antiviral potency compared to INM. Molecular modelling studies support human PGES-2 as a potential target of INM-based antiviral PROTACs, thus paving the way toward the development of host-directed anti-CoVs strategies. To the best of our knowledge, these PROTACs represent the first-in-class INM-based PROTACs with antiviral activity and also the first example of the application of PROTACs to develop pan-coronavirus agents

    The Human Cytomegalovirus DNA Polymerase Processivity Factor UL44 Is Modified by SUMO in a DNA-Dependent Manner.

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    During the replication of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) genome, the viral DNA polymerase subunit UL44 plays a key role, as by binding both DNA and the polymerase catalytic subunit it confers processivity to the holoenzyme. However, several lines of evidence suggest that UL44 might have additional roles during virus life cycle. To shed light on this, we searched for cellular partners of UL44 by yeast two-hybrid screenings. Intriguingly, we discovered the interaction of UL44 with Ubc9, an enzyme involved in the covalent conjugation of SUMO (Small Ubiquitin-related MOdifier) to cellular and viral proteins. We found that UL44 can be extensively sumoylated not only in a cell-free system and in transfected cells, but also in HCMV-infected cells, in which about 50% of the protein resulted to be modified at late times post-infection, when viral genome replication is accomplished. Mass spectrometry studies revealed that UL44 possesses multiple SUMO target sites, located throughout the protein. Remarkably, we observed that binding of UL44 to DNA greatly stimulates its sumoylation both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we showed that overexpression of SUMO alters the intranuclear distribution of UL44 in HCMV-infected cells, and enhances both virus production and DNA replication, arguing for an important role for sumoylation in HCMV life cycle and UL44 function(s). These data report for the first time the sumoylation of a viral processivity factor and show that there is a functional interplay between the HCMV UL44 protein and the cellular sumoylation system