405 research outputs found

    Отношение членов реанимационной бригады и сопровождающих пациента лиц к присутствию родственников пациента первой степени родства во время сердечно-легочной реанимации в отделениях неотложной помощи

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    The presence of the patient’s family at their bedside during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is one of the challenging issues that has been frequently taken into consideration. Considering the importance of this topic. The objective of the present study was conducted to determine the attitude of the CPR team members and the patient’s companions toward the presence of the patient’s first-degree relatives during CPR.Materials and methods. The descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on 100 CPR team members of two University Hospitals and 120 near relatives of patients undergoing CPR in 2021. The data were collected by the researcher-made questionnaire and depression, anxiety, stress scale (DASS) during CPR. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS (version 22) statistical software.Results. From the perspective of both the CPR team members and the patient’s companions, the highest mean response was related to the fact that it would be better for the patient to agree on the presence or absence of their family before hospitalization and whether they have favorable conditions. The attitude toward the presence of the patient’s family during CPR was statistically significantly associated with the companions’ gender (p < 0.05) and with the experience of work and participation in CPR of the CPR team members (p < 0.05).Conclusion. Taking into account the different opinions of the CPR team members and the patient’s relatives about the presence of family during resuscitation, additional studies with a large sample size should be carried out.Присутствие семьи пациента у его постели во время проведения сердечно-легочной реанимации (СЛР) является одним из вопросов, привлекающих внимание. Настоящее исследование было проведено с целью определения отношения членов реанимационной бригады и сопровождающих пациента лиц к присутствию родственников пациента первой степени родства во время проведения СЛР.Материалы и методы. Описательно-аналитическое перекрестное исследование проведено в 2 университетских больницах с участием 100 членов команд, проводящих СЛР, и 120 близких родственников пациентов, которым проводили СЛР в 2021 г. Данные были собраны с помощью разработанного исследователем опросника и шкалы стресса, тревоги и депрессии (DASS) во время СЛР. Собранные данные были проанализированы с помощью статистического программного обеспечения SPSS (версия 22).Результаты. С точки зрения как членов команды, проводящей СЛР, так и близких пациента, наиболее значимым был вопрос о том, что самому пациенту было бы лучше договориться о присутствии или отсутствии своей семьи еще до момента госпитализации и выяснить, насколько для этого созданы благоприятные условия. Отношение к присутствию семьи пациента во время СЛР было статистически значимо связано с полом сопровождающего (р < 0,05) и с опытом работы и участия в СЛР членов реанимационной бригады (р < 0,05).Вывод. Учитывая различные мнения членов команды, проводящей СЛР, и близких пациента относительно присутствия семьи во время реанимации, следует провести дополнительные исследования с большим объемом выборки

    Job Stress and Work Ability Among Emergency Nurses in Isfahan, Iran

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    Background: Job stress is one of the most common health problems with clinical and psychological consequences, which can affect work ability among emergency nurses. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to shed light on the status of this disorder and its relevance to work ability in nurses in the emergency departments (EDs). Objectives: The current study aimed to determine job stress among emergency nurses and its association with work ability. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2013 in hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. Two hundred nurses who worked in the EDs were asked to complete a demographic questionnaire and special scales to assess their job stress and work ability. T-tests, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression were used to analyze the data. Results: The mean job stress and work ability scores were 151.09 ± 0.01 and 26.9 ± 8.2, respectively. Fifty-five percent of the subjects had high job stress and fifty-seven percent showed low work ability. A significant indirect correlation was found between job stress and work ability scores in the subjects (P = 0.015). Conclusions: Nurses working in the EDs experience a high level of job stress and low work ability. This may decrease the quality of care and patients’ safety. Fulfilling the staff shortage in ED and improving management behaviors are important in this regard

    Using continuous wavelet transform of generalized flexibility matrix in damage identification

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    Generalized flexibility matrix method has recently been introduced for identifying damages with the aim of overcoming some shortcomings of the approaches based on flexibility matrix. Researchers that use flexibility matrix to detect damages in structures face truncation errors ensue from cut off higher-order mode shapes, which are difficult to measure in practice. In this paper, a new procedure is presented to detect the damage site in a beam-type structure, where generalized flexibility matrix in conjunction with continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is utilized. Since flaws and cracks cause changes in flexibility of a system, this characteristic can be used as a damage indicator. Gaussian wavelet transform with four vanishing moments as a signal processing method is implemented to find the irregularity in a vector obtained from generalized flexibility matrix which is considered as a sign of damage. This method does not need to have either prior knowledge about the intact structure or its finite element model. The proposed technique is evaluated by numerical and experimental case studies

    Energy performance and summer thermal comfort of traditional courtyard buildings in a desert climate

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    Courtyards have been traditionally used as a passive design strategy in desert climates. However, few studies have quantified the thermal performance of this building archetype. This paper explored the indoor and outdoor thermal conditions of a typical courtyard house in Iran. The study was performed in two phases. The first phase showed the effect of the position of the zones located in four sides of the courtyard on their indoor energy use and indoor thermal comfort. The results showed that the east and west sides of the courtyard require the highest cooling demand due to the solar radiation in summer time. Furthermore, maximum discomfort hours occurred in the east zone. In the second phase, hourly air temperature inside and outside of the courtyard were compared during the longest day of the year (21st of June). The results showed that inside of the courtyard was 1.2 °C cooler than the outside on average. Moreover, it was observed that the temperature fluctuations outside of the courtyard were higher than the inside. To sum up, the results showed that courtyards can provide a cooler microclimate in summer time

    Electropolymerized Fluorinated Aniline-Based Fiber for Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatographic Determination of Benzaldehyde in Injectable Pharmaceutical Formulations

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    In this study, a simple method was developed and validated to detect trace levels of benzaldehyde in injectable pharmaceutical formulations by solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography–flame ionization detector. Polyaniline was electrodeposited on a platinum wire in trifluoroacetic acid solvent by cyclic voltammetry technique. This fiber shows high thermal and mechanical stability and high performance in extraction of benzaldehyde. Extraction and desorption time and temperature, salt effect and gas chromatography parameters were optimized as key parameters. At the optimum conditions, the fiber shows good linearity between peak area ratio of benzaldehyde/3-chlorobenzaldehyde and benzaldehyde concentration in the range of 50–800 ng/mL with percent relative standard deviation values ranging from 0.75 to 8.64% (n 5 3). The limits of quantitation and detection were 50 and 16 ng/mL, respectively. The method has the requisite selectivity, sensitivity, accuracy and precision to assay benzaldehyde in injectable pharmaceutical dosage forms

    Application of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, ASTER and Worldview-3 spectral imagery for exploration of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in the Central Iranian Terrane (CIT)

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    © 2020 by the authors. The exploration of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization is challenging due to the complex structural-geological settings and costly using geophysical and geochemical techniques. Hydrothermal alteration minerals and structural features are typically associated with this type of mineralization. Application of multi-sensor remote sensing satellite imagery as a fast and inexpensive tool for mapping alteration zones and lithological units associated with carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits is worthwhile. Multiple sources of spectral data derived fromdifferent remote sensing sensors can be utilized for detailed mapping a variety of hydrothermal alteration minerals in the visible near infrared (VNIR) and the shortwave infrared (SWIR) regions. In this research, Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and WorldView-3 (WV-3) satellite remote sensing sensors were used for prospecting Zn-Pb mineralization in the central part of the Kashmar-Kerman Tectonic Zone (KKTZ), the Central Iranian Terrane (CIT). The KKTZ has high potential for hosting Pb-Zn mineralization due to its specific geodynamic conditions (folded and thrust belt) and the occurrence of large carbonate platforms. For the processing of the satellite remote sensing datasets, band ratios and principal component analysis (PCA) techniques were adopted and implemented. Fuzzy logic modeling was applied to integrate the thematic layers produced by image processing techniques for generating mineral prospectivity maps of the study area. The spatial distribution of iron oxide/hydroxides, hydroxyl-bearing and carbonate minerals and dolomite were mapped using specialized band ratios and analyzing eigenvector loadings of the PC images. Subsequently, mineral prospectivity maps of the study area were generated by fusing the selected PC thematic layers using fuzzy logic modeling. The most favorable/prospective zones for hydrothermal ore mineralizations and carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization in the study region were particularly mapped and indicated. Confusion matrix, field reconnaissance and laboratory analysis were carried out to verify the occurrence of alteration zones and highly prospective locations of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization in the study area. Results indicate that the spectral data derived from multi-sensor remote sensing satellite datasets can be broadly used for generating remote sensing-based prospectivity maps for exploration of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization in many metallogenic provinces around the world

    Different medications for the treatment of Ménière’s disease by intratympanic injection: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

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    Background: It is generally accepted that intratympanic injection provides an effective approach to manage severe vertigo in Ménière’s disease. Although there are several medications available, that which is the most effective is still subject to debate. Objective: To assess the effectiveness and safety of the different medications used in treatment of Ménière’s disease by intratympanic injection using a network meta-analysis. Methods: PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL and CENTRAL were searched. Only randomized controlled trials that compared the effectiveness of medications used for intratympanic injection to treat Ménière’s disease with each other or a placebo were included. The primary outcome assessed was the effectiveness of medication in the management of vertigo symptoms. The effectiveness was expressed in terms of risk ratio (RR) with a 95% credible interval (CrI) for individual studies analyzed. Network meta-analyses was performed by Stata version 15.0 using the network package. Results: Nine studies involving 314 patients treated with 5 different medications were included in the present analysis. Number of injections given varied from 1 to 10 and follow-up time from 3 to 28 months. When compared to each other or to a placebo, Gentamicin was found to be the most efficacious medication, followed by Methylprednisolone, Latanoprost, Dexamethasone and Ganciclovir in order of effectiveness. However, no significant difference in efficacy was found between Gentamicin and Methylprednisolone when outcomes from studies with a follow-up time equal to or more than 24 months were analyzed. It was not possible to conduct subgroup and sensitivity analysis because of the limited number of studies that were included. Conclusion: All medications are more effective than a placebo in the treatment of Ménière’s disease by intratympanic injection. According to the SUCRA, Gentamicin ranked the most effective, with Gentamicin and Methylprednisolone equally effective in the long-term. When the potential risk of hearing loss induced by Gentamicin is taken into consideration, Methylprednisolone may be the best choice for treatment of Ménière’s disease by intratympanic injection

    Can Clustal-style progressive pairwise alignment of multiple sequences be used in RNA secondary structure prediction?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules whose function depends on their final, folded three-dimensional shape (such as those in ribosomes or spliceosome complexes), the secondary structure, defined by the set of internal basepair interactions, is more consistently conserved than the primary structure, defined by the sequence of nucleotides.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The research presented here investigates the possibility of applying a progressive, pairwise approach to the alignment of multiple RNA sequences by simultaneously predicting an energy-optimized consensus secondary structure. We take an existing algorithm for finding the secondary structure common to two RNA sequences, Dynalign, and alter it to align profiles of multiple sequences. We then explore the relative successes of different approaches to designing the tree that will guide progressive alignments of sequence profiles to create a multiple alignment and prediction of conserved structure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have found that applying a progressive, pairwise approach to the alignment of multiple ribonucleic acid sequences produces highly reliable predictions of conserved basepairs, and we have shown how these predictions can be used as constraints to improve the results of a single-sequence structure prediction algorithm. However, we have also discovered that the amount of detail included in a consensus structure prediction is highly dependent on the order in which sequences are added to the alignment (the guide tree), and that if a consensus structure does not have sufficient detail, it is less likely to provide useful constraints for the single-sequence method.</p

    Analysis of baseline parameters in the HALT polycystic kidney disease trials

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    HALT PKD consists of two ongoing randomized trials with the largest cohort of systematically studied patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease to date. Study A will compare combined treatment with an angiotensin-converting inhibitor and receptor blocker to inhibitor alone and standard compared with low blood pressure targets in 558 early-stage disease patients with an eGFR over 60ml/min per 1.73m2. Study B will compare inhibitor-blocker treatment to the inhibitor alone in 486 late-stage patients with eGFR 25–60ml/min per 1.73m2. We used correlation and multiple regression cross-sectional analyses to determine associations of baseline parameters with total kidney, liver, or liver cyst volumes measured by MRI in Study A and eGFR in both studies. Lower eGFR and higher natural log-transformed urine albumin excretion were independently associated with a larger natural log–transformed total kidney volume adjusted for height (ln(HtTKV)). Higher body surface area was independently associated with a higher ln(HtTKV) and lower eGFR. Men had larger height-adjusted total kidney volume and smaller liver cyst volumes than women. A weak correlation was found between the ln(HtTKV) and natural log–transformed total liver volume adjusted for height or natural log liver cyst volume in women only. Women had higher urine aldosterone excretion and lower plasma potassium. Thus, our analysis (1) confirms a strong association between renal volume and functional parameters, (2) shows that gender and other factors differentially affect the development of polycystic disease in the kidney and liver, and (3) suggests an association between anthropomorphic measures reflecting prenatal and/or postnatal growth and disease severity