143 research outputs found

    Investigating the Presence of Regional Economic Growth Convergence in the Philippines using Kalman Filter

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    This paper investigates the presence of stochastic and dynamic convergence of the 14 regional economies in the Philippines in terms of per capita Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) using regional panel data from 1988 to 2007. Stochastic convergence, which indicates convergence of regions in the long-run, is tested using Levin, Lin & Chu (LLC) and Im, Pesaran & Shin (IPS) panel unit root tests. The presence of convergence, on one hand, indicates that the economically laggard regions are gaining on the economically better-performing regions with respect to per capita GRDP. On the other hand, the lack of convergence indicates a need to reevaluate existing regional and national economic policies on development. Dynamic convergence reveals several convergence characteristics of individual regions over time. Dynamic convergence is determined by the time-varying parameter (TVP) model derived using the Kalman Filter. The paper proceeds to examine the individual convergence behavior of each region based on the value of the estimate of the parameter of the TVP. The results show that out of the 14 regions studied, seven regions are found to converge towards the average of the national per capita GDP growth rate over 1988 to 2007 while six regions lag behind the average of the national per capita GDP growth rate over the same period. No region converges towards the economic growth rate of National Capital Region, the lead region used in the study.Panel Unit Root Test, Time-varying Parameter (TVP) Model, Kalman Filter, Stochastic Convergence, Dynamic Convergence

    The Economic Transition and Growth of Philippine Regions

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    The paper applies the economic transition models and econometric convergence tests proposed by Phillips and Sul (2006) using data on per capita Gross Regional Domestic Product (1988-2008) to determine if 14 Philippine regional economies converge to a steady state path over a period of time. The paper explores modeling and analyzing the economic transition behavior of the regions. Regional relative transition paths are investigated to generate a graphical overview of the behavior of the regional economies. The log t convergence test, which is constructed from a transition differential decay model, is used to establish if a region converges to a steady state path or diverges from a steady state path. The test basically provides the basis for a stepwise clustering algorithm in finding convergence clusters and analyzing transition behavior between clusters. The paper identifies convergence clubs and determines divergent regional economies using a recursive procedure that revolves around the log t convergence test.log t convergence test, convergence clubs

    The Economic Transition and Growth of Philippine Regions

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    The paper applies the economic transition models and econometric convergence tests proposed by Phillips and Sul (2006) using data on per capita Gross Regional Domestic Product (1988-2008) to determine if 14 Philippine regional economies converge to a steady state path over a period of time. The paper explores modeling and analyzing the economic transition behavior of the regions. Regional relative transition paths are investigated to generate a graphical overview of the behavior of the regional economies. The log t convergence test, which is constructed from a transition differential decay model, is used to establish if a region converges to a steady state path or diverges from a steady state path. The test basically provides the basis for a stepwise clustering algorithm in finding convergence clusters and analyzing transition behavior between clusters. The paper identifies convergence clubs and determines divergent regional economies using a recursive procedure that revolves around the log t convergence test

    The Economic Transition and Growth of Philippine Regions

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    The paper applies the economic transition models and econometric convergence tests proposed by Phillips and Sul (2006) using data on per capita Gross Regional Domestic Product (1988-2008) to determine if 14 Philippine regional economies converge to a steady state path over a period of time. The paper explores modeling and analyzing the economic transition behavior of the regions. Regional relative transition paths are investigated to generate a graphical overview of the behavior of the regional economies. The log t convergence test, which is constructed from a transition differential decay model, is used to establish if a region converges to a steady state path or diverges from a steady state path. The test basically provides the basis for a stepwise clustering algorithm in finding convergence clusters and analyzing transition behavior between clusters. The paper identifies convergence clubs and determines divergent regional economies using a recursive procedure that revolves around the log t convergence test

    Economic and environmental benefit of informal waste scavenging at landfill sites: A case study at Bukit Gemuk, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

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    Recycling is an important part of the solid waste management system. However, community engagement in this activity remains relatively low. The presence of a group of individuals engaged in collecting recyclable materials at landfill sites has contributed to improving solid waste management performance. This paper aims to identify the background and activities of scavengers in collecting recyclable items at landfills, as well as the environmental impact of the scavenging activity. This study was based on questionnaires distributed to 46 scavengers in the study area. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method was used to assess the environmental impact of using recyclable materials in manufacturing products. The LCA analysis could identify the contribution of recycled materials to the total savings of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrogen dioxide (N20) by using recycled materials in the production of a new product. According to the study, the majority of those involved in the scavenging activity are immigrants from Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite safety and health concerns, their efforts to earn a living through waste scavenging are extremely valuable. Furthermore, the findings show that their contribution to the collection of recyclable materials cannot be denied. It is because the presence of this group is essential in a country where recycling awareness is low. Furthermore, the indirect contribution to the environment is important, particularly in reducing the use of natural materials in producing new materials. As a result, the government must devise a more effective strategy for recycling programs by involving all stakeholders

    Investigating the Presence of Regional Economic Growth Convergence in the Philippines using Kalman Filter

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    This paper investigates the presence of stochastic and dynamic convergence of the 14 regional economies in the Philippines in terms of per capita Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) using regional panel data from 1988 to 2007. Stochastic convergence, which indicates convergence of regions in the long-run, is tested using Levin, Lin & Chu (LLC) and Im, Pesaran & Shin (IPS) panel unit root tests. The presence of convergence, on one hand, indicates that the economically laggard regions are gaining on the economically better-performing regions with respect to per capita GRDP. On the other hand, the lack of convergence indicates a need to reevaluate existing regional and national economic policies on development. Dynamic convergence reveals several convergence characteristics of individual regions over time. Dynamic convergence is determined by the time-varying parameter (TVP) model derived using the Kalman Filter. The paper proceeds to examine the individual convergence behavior of each region based on the value of the estimate of the parameter of the TVP. The results show that out of the 14 regions studied, seven regions are found to converge towards the average of the national per capita GDP growth rate over 1988 to 2007 while six regions lag behind the average of the national per capita GDP growth rate over the same period. No region converges towards the economic growth rate of National Capital Region, the lead region used in the study

    Investigating the Presence of Regional Economic Growth Convergence in the Philippines using Kalman Filter

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    This paper investigates the presence of stochastic and dynamic convergence of the 14 regional economies in the Philippines in terms of per capita Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) using regional panel data from 1988 to 2007. Stochastic convergence, which indicates convergence of regions in the long-run, is tested using Levin, Lin & Chu (LLC) and Im, Pesaran & Shin (IPS) panel unit root tests. The presence of convergence, on one hand, indicates that the economically laggard regions are gaining on the economically better-performing regions with respect to per capita GRDP. On the other hand, the lack of convergence indicates a need to reevaluate existing regional and national economic policies on development. Dynamic convergence reveals several convergence characteristics of individual regions over time. Dynamic convergence is determined by the time-varying parameter (TVP) model derived using the Kalman Filter. The paper proceeds to examine the individual convergence behavior of each region based on the value of the estimate of the parameter of the TVP. The results show that out of the 14 regions studied, seven regions are found to converge towards the average of the national per capita GDP growth rate over 1988 to 2007 while six regions lag behind the average of the national per capita GDP growth rate over the same period. No region converges towards the economic growth rate of National Capital Region, the lead region used in the study


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    Lunumidella (Melia dubia) is a fast growing short rotational tree species which can beharvested in 15-20 yrs. The timber is light and mainly used for ceilling and panelling.However due to the presence of a hard seed coat and limited period of viability planting ofLunumidella has become a problem.Therefore investigations were carried out with the objective of finding suitable propagationtechniques using invivo and invitro culture methods. Shoot tip culture method was carriedout using axillary buds and nodel segments taken from plant materials brought from theDodangolla University farm and kept under the running tap water for 2 hours. Thensurface sterilization was done using 10%. Naocl containing 2 drops of teepol/ 100mlsolution for 10 mts. in sterilized conditions. They were then washed with distilled water 3times for 2 min. each and transferred into Mureshige and skoog medium (MS) containingdifferent concentrations of cytokinins.The best medium to grow Lunumedella invitro was 112 strength Ms Agar medium with thesupplement of 1.0 mg/I SAP.In vivo methodsDifferent pretreatment methods were adopted to overcome the poor germination due to thehard seed coat by using acid treatments, base treatments, heat treatments and mechanicalscarification. Seeds were treated with 98% H2 S04 for different time periods; 1 mt, 5 mts.,IOmts, 15 mts, 30mts) and then soaked in water for 24 hours and planted them in polybags in the plant house.Likewise the same procedure was carried out with base Ca(OH)2 and KOH (ash).The best pretreatment method for Lunumidella was acid pretreatment method. In this casethe germination percentage was 40%.

    Changes observed in radionuclide bone scans during and after teriparatide treatment for osteoporosis

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    # The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Purpose Visual changes on radionuclide bone scans have been reported with teriparatide treatment. To assess this, serial studies were evaluated and quantified in ten postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated with teriparatide (20 ÎĽg/day subcutaneous) who had 99m Tc-methylene diphosphonate (MDP) bone scans (baseline, 3 and 18 months, then after 6 months off therapy). Methods Women were injected with 600 MBq 99m Tc-MDP, and diagnostic bone scan images were assessed at 3.5 h. Additional whole-body scans (10 min, 1, 2, 3 and 4 h) were analysed for 99m Tc-MDP skeletal plasma clearance (Kbone). Regional Kbone differences were obtained for the whole skeleton and six regions (calvarium, mandible, spine, pelvis, upper and lower extremities). Bone turnover markers (BTM) were also measured. Results Most subjects showed visual changes on 3- and 18month bone scan images that disappeared after 6 months off therapy. Enhanced uptake was seen predominantly in the calvarium and lower extremities. Whole skeleton Kbone displayed a median increase of 22 % (3 months, p=0.004) and 34 % (18 months, p=0.002) decreasing to 0.7% (6 months off therapy). Calvarium Kbone changes were three times larger than other sites. After 6 months off therapy, all Kbone and BTM values returned towards baseline
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