34 research outputs found

    Oncogenic PIK3CA promotes cellular stemness in an allele dose-dependent manner

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    The PIK3CA gene, which encodes the p110α catalytic subunit of PI3 kinase (PI3K), is mutationally activated in cancer and in overgrowth disorders known as PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS). To determine the consequences of genetic PIK3CA activation in a developmental context of relevance to both PROS and cancer, we engineered isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with heterozygous or homozygous knockin of PIK3CA H1047R While heterozygous iPSCs remained largely similar to wild-type cells, homozygosity for PIK3CA H1047R caused widespread, cancer-like transcriptional remodeling, partial loss of epithelial morphology, up-regulation of stemness markers, and impaired differentiation to all three germ layers in vitro and in vivo. Genetic analysis of PIK3CA-associated cancers revealed that 64% had multiple oncogenic PIK3CA copies (39%) or additional PI3K signaling pathway-activating "hits" (25%). This contrasts with the prevailing view that PIK3CA mutations occur heterozygously in cancer. Our findings suggest that a PI3K activity threshold determines pathological consequences of oncogenic PIK3CA activation and provide insight into the specific role of this pathway in human pluripotent stem cells

    Associations between genomic stratification of breast cancer and centrally reviewed tumour pathology in the METABRIC cohort.

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    The integration of genomic and transcriptomic profiles of 2000 breast tumours from the METABRIC [Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium] cohort revealed ten subtypes, termed integrative clusters (IntClust/s), characterised by distinct genomic drivers. Central histopathology (N = 1643) review was undertaken to explore the relationship between these ten molecular subtypes and traditional clinicopathological features. IntClust subtypes were significantly associated with histological type, tumour grade, receptor status, and lymphocytic infiltration (p < 0.0001). Lymph node status and Nottingham Prognostic Index [NPI] categories were also significantly associated with IntClust subtype. IntClust 3 was enriched for tubular and lobular carcinomas, the latter largely accounting for the association with CDH1 mutations in this cluster. Mucinous carcinomas were not present in IntClusts 5 or 10, but did not show an association with any of the remaining IntClusts. In contrast, medullary-like cancers were associated with IntClust 10 (15/26). Hormone receptor-positive tumours were scattered across all IntClusts. IntClust 5 was dominated by HER2 positivity (127/151), including both hormone receptor-positive (60/72) and hormone receptor-negative tumours (67/77). Triple-negative tumours comprised the majority of IntClust 10 (132/159) and around a quarter of IntClust 4 (52/217). Whilst the ten IntClust subtypes of breast cancer show characteristic patterns of association with traditional clinicopathological variables, no IntClust can be adequately identified by these variables alone. Hence, the addition of genomic stratification has the potential to enhance the biological relevance of the current clinical evaluation and facilitate genome-guided therapeutic strategies

    Genome-Wide Analysis of Subependymomas Shows Underlying Chromosomal Copy Number Changes Involving Chromosomes 6, 7, 8 and 14 in a Proportion of Cases

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    Subependymomas (SE) are slow-growing brain tumors that tend to occur within the ventricles of middle-aged and elderly adults. The World Health Organization classifies these tumors within the ependymoma group. Previous limited analysis of this tumor type had not revealed significant underlying cytogenetic abnormalities

    Dickkopf1 Regulates Fate Decision and Drives Breast Cancer Stem Cells to Differentiation: An Experimentally Supported Mathematical Model

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    BACKGROUND: Modulation of cellular signaling pathways can change the replication/differentiation balance in cancer stem cells (CSCs), thus affecting tumor growth and recurrence. Analysis of a simple, experimentally verified, mathematical model suggests that this balance is maintained by quorum sensing (QS). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To explore the mechanism by which putative QS cellular signals in mammary stem cells (SCs) may regulate SC fate decisions, we developed a multi-scale mathematical model, integrating extra-cellular and intra-cellular signal transduction within the mammary tissue dynamics. Preliminary model analysis of the single cell dynamics indicated that Dickkopf1 (Dkk1), a protein known to negatively regulate the Wnt pathway, can serve as anti-proliferation and pro-maturation signal to the cell. Simulations of the multi-scale tissue model suggested that Dkk1 may be a QS factor, regulating SC density on the level of the whole tissue: relatively low levels of exogenously applied Dkk1 have little effect on SC numbers, whereas high levels drive SCs into differentiation. To verify these model predictions, we treated the MCF-7 cell line and primary breast cancer (BC) cells from 3 patient samples with different concentrations and dosing regimens of Dkk1, and evaluated subsequent formation of mammospheres (MS) and the mammary SC marker CD44(+)CD24(lo). As predicted by the model, low concentrations of Dkk1 had no effect on primary BC cells, or even increased MS formation among MCF-7 cells, whereas high Dkk1 concentrations decreased MS formation among both primary BC cells and MCF-7 cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study suggests that Dkk1 treatment may be more robust than other methods for eliminating CSCs, as it challenges a general cellular homeostasis mechanism, namely, fate decision by QS. The study also suggests that low dose Dkk1 administration may be counterproductive; we showed experimentally that in some cases it can stimulate CSC proliferation, although this needs validating in vivo

    Affective neuroscience of pleasure: reward in humans and animals

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