13 research outputs found
The Efficiency of Preventive Measures Against Aggressive Pupils’ Behaviour Applied at School: Evaluation of Pupils, Teachers and Parents
Straipsnyje analizuojamas mokytojų, mokinių ir jų tėvų požiūris į mokinių agresyvų elgesį mokykloje ir prieš jį taikomų prevencinių priemonių efektyvumą. Parodoma, kad naudojamos priemonės prieš mokinius smurtautojus iš esmės orientuotos į prasikaltusio mokinio nubaudimą ir vertinamos nevienareikšmiai. Numatytų priemonių spektras gana platus – nuo įspėjimo iki šalinimo iš mokyklos, tačiau dažniausiai tenkinamasi švelniausiomis priemonėmis (įspėjimu). Radikalios priemonės taikomos labai retai. Vienos siūlomos taikyti prevencinės priemonės yra labiau edukacinio pobūdžio (siūlymai ieškoti būdų, kaip mokinius sudominti, užimti, įtraukti į aktyvią veiklą, suteikti psichologinę pagalbą), kitos labiau administracinio-vadybinio pobūdžio, tačiau iš esmės orientuotos ne tiek į smurtautojo, padariusio nusikalstamą veiksmą, nubaudimą, kiek į tokios veikos prevenciją. Mokyklos vadovybės pastangas ir taikomų prevencinių priemonių veiksmingumą mokytojai, mokytojai ir tėvai vertina gana kritiškai, tačiau patys nelinkę prisiimti už tai didesnės asmeninės atsakomybės ir įsipareigojimų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendramoksliai; Mokinių agresyvus elgesys; Mokinių agresyvus lgesys; Mokytojai; Mokytojai; Prevencija; Smurtas; Tėvai; Aggressive pupils behavior; Aggressive pupils' behaviour; Parents; Prevention; School fellows; Teachers; ViolenceArticle shows that the applied preventive measures against aggressive pupils’ behaviour at school are basically oriented towards the punishment of the guilty and are valuated ambiguously. The variety of provided measures is rather wide – from warning to excluding from school, however, the most often there are applied the softer measures (warning). Radical measures are applied very rarely since they would damage school‘s prestige. Although the proposed preventive measures are different – some are more educational character (suggestions how to involve, interest children, to provide psychological support), while others are more administrative – managerial character (to introduce the positions of a policeman and nursery inspector at school), but they all are essentially oriented towards both - the punishment of the guilty and the prevention of such activity. The efforts of school administration and the efficiency of the applied preventive measures are evaluated by teachers, pupils and their parents quite critically but they are not likely to take more personal responsibility and commitment
Roach (Rutilus rutilus) reproductive cycle: a study of biochemical and histological parameters in a low contaminated site
Fish reproduction is subjected to worrying trends in many aquatic environments. In this study, we report the absence of histological and biochemical alterations in fish sampled in a low contaminated site (characterised by the absence of detectable oestrogenic activity and mutagenicity in sediment extracts). A total of 474 roach (Rutilus rutilus) were monthly sampled during 18 months, and no intersex fish were recorded after careful histological examination, thus indicating that the incidence of this phenomenon may be very low under natural conditions. Furthermore, mean male plasma vitellogenin concentration was 24 ng ml(-1) and was only slightly elevated during the spawning period (up to 120 ng ml(-1)) indicating that these low values may be characteristic of a low contaminated site. Of the male roach, 45.3% were sampled, a sex-ratio that did not significantly deviated from the expected 1:1 ratio between male and female. Results also showed that natural conditions can greatly affect the reproductive cycle of roach. Gametogenesis showed a biphasic pattern with first gonad maturation between September and December and a final maturation occurring at the end of winter/early spring. Under decreasing temperatures, particularly below 6A degrees C, gametogenesis was stopped or even regressed with secondary oocytes becoming rare under histological observation. Conversely, elevated temperatures during the winter lead to an earlier gonad maturation