67 research outputs found

    Critical animal and media studies: Expanding the understanding of oppression in communication research

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    Critical and communication studies have traditionally neglected the oppression conducted by humans towards other animals. However, our (mis)treatment of other animals is the result of public consent supported by a morally speciesist-anthropocentric system of values. Speciesism or anthroparchy, as much as any other mainstream ideologies, feeds the media and at the same time is perpetuated by them. The goal of this article is to remedy this neglect by introducing the subdiscipline of Critical Animal and Media Studies. Critical Animal and Media Studies takes inspiration both from critical animal studies – which is so far the most consolidated critical field of research in the social sciences addressing our exploitation of other animals – and from the normative-moral stance rooted in the cornerstones of traditional critical media studies. The authors argue that the Critical Animal and Media Studies approach is an unavoidable step forward for critical media and communication studies to engage with the expanded circle of concerns of contemporary ethical thinking

    Villain Stardom in Socialist China: Chen Qiang and the Cultural Politics of Affect

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    Despite playing various kinds of roles across genres from 1949 to 1965, Chen Qiang acquired stardom mainly due to his remarkable screen performance as villainous landlords in socialist China. His villain stardom is an aberrant case, compared to the majority of film stars in Chinese socialist cinema who encouraged identification and emulation and helped propagate socialist ideology to reform Chinese citizens. Paying special attention to socio-historically specific film exhibition practices and the actor's own reflections on his villain performance, this article argues that Chen's stardom functioned as an important affective technology within a wider and complex Communist propaganda enterprise in that it helped cultivate class hatred necessary for the Communist revolution and socialist land reform campaigns. Through this case study, the article suggests that close engagement with both cultural–historical specificities of cinema and recent critical theories of affect open up a space for researching the diversified star phenomena in contemporary China

    A four phase development model for integrated care services in the Netherlands

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    Background. Multidisciplinary and interorganizational arrangements for the delivery of coherent integrated care are being developed in a large number of countries. Although there are many integrated care programs worldwide, the process of developing these programs and interorganizational collaboration is described in the literature only to a limited extent. The purpose of this study is to explore how local integrated care services are developed in the Netherlands, and to conceptualize and operationalize a development model of integrated care. Methods. The research is based on an expert panel study followed by a two-part questionnaire, designed to identify the development process of integrated care. Essential elements of integrated care, which were developed in a previous Delphi and Concept Mapping Study, were analyzed in relation to development process of integrated care. Results. Integrated care development can be characterized by four developmental phases: the initiative and design phase; the experimental and execution phase; the expansion and monitoring phase; and the consolidation and transformation phase. Different elements of integrated care have been identified in the various developmental phases. Conclusion. The findings provide a descriptive model of the development process that integrated care services can undergo in the Netherlands. The findings have important implications for integrated care services, which can use the model as an instrument to reflect on their current practices. The model can be used to help to identify improvement areas in practice. The model provides a framework for developing evaluation designs for integrated care arrangements. Further research is recommended to test the developed model in practice and to add international experiences

    Posthuman sounds

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    LA STANZA ROSSA Trasversalit\ue0 artistiche e realt\ue0 virtuali negli anni Novanta

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    All\u2019inizio degli anni Novanti, \u201cLa Stanza Rossa\u201d \ue8 stata la prima rivista in Italia a occuparsi in maniera \u201cprogrammatica\u201d del rapporto fra l\u2019arte e le nuove tecnologie, che cominciavano allora a diffondersi, e a permeare concretamente la vita e i costumi delle societ\ue0 \u201cavanzate\u201d. I saggi e le interviste raccolti in questo volume, che coinvolgono i personaggi pi\uf9 prestigiosi della riflessione contemporanea, da Regis Debray a Enrico Ghezzi, da Jean Fran\ue7ois Lyotard a John Cage, sono solo alcuni degli interventi ospitati sulla rivista, durante quasi un decennio di lavoro, dal 1991 al 1998. Ma forniscono un\u2019importante testimonianza di quella che \ue8 stata la posta in gioco di quel periodo, quando l\u2019impatto dei media e delle nuove tecnologie sembrava mutare per sempre il ruolo e la pratica dell\u2019arte. E anticipano, con lucidit\ue0, situazioni e percorsi che il futuro prossimo avrebbe avverato e che oggi sono al centro delle nostre preoccupazioni
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