193 research outputs found


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    The Polish program of winter oat breeding started in 2002 from interspecific crossing of foreign winter oats with the accessions of tetraploid perennial wild species Avena macrostachya Bal. ex Coss et Dur. Single hybrids were obtained in three cross combinations. Large differences were noticed in fertility level and chromosome constitution of progeny of the intensely cloned and colchicine treated F1 hybrids. The B1F or F2 generation consisted of plants with chromosome numbers between 40 and 49, octoploids (2n=56) and plants carrying 60 to 70 chromosomes. The quasi-hexaploids of the first group were partly or completely sterile, but their chromosome complement was quickly regulated and fertility restored, usually after additional back-cross to A. sativa L. A few generations later they produced valuable breeding strains. In field experiments in Radzikow (near Warsaw) and Grodkowice (near Krakow), they showed high yielding potential and no negative effects of wild germplasm. In the dry seasons 2009 and 2013 winter oats produced yields nearly 100% higher than the spring cultivar standard. Test weight of the winter oat was also ca. 4kg/hl higher than in the spring oat. Two of the husked strains, showing winterhardiness level better than the starting A. sativa population, are in the Polish state variety trials (from 2014 and 2015) 2015. They could be recommended for the regions with stable snow cover, because they were not able to survive naked ground surface temperatures below -14oC, which happened twice in Radzikow and once in Grodkowice in the last 8 years of field trials. Especially the last winter (2015/2016) was destructive, even for the octoploids, which were earlier considered the most winter-hardy oats. The octoploids produce healthy green mass and very large plump grain, rich in protein, however they require a breeding effort to increase yield (now 50-67% of the best winter hexaploids) and to make ripening uniform. The last severe winter season revealed several new hexaploid strains, transgressive in frost resistance to the octo-ploids. The 8x or 10x sativa-macrostachya alloploids proved to be effective sources of winterhardiness for hexaploid oat

    New synthesis route of highly porous InxCo4Sb12 with strongly reduced thermal conductivity

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    Highly porous, In filled CoSb3 skutterudite materials with an attractive thermoelectric figure of merit ZT 1 and corresponding dense samples were fabricated through the cost effective method of reduction in oxides in dry hydrogen and the pulsed electric current sintering PECS method, respectively. The reduction process was described in detail using in situ thermogravimetric analysis of Co2O3, Sb2O3 and In NO3 3.5H2O separately and in a mixture. Two methods to synthesise the same material were examined a free sintering of an initially reduced powder and b PECS. The free sintered materials with higher porosities up to 40 exhibited lower values of electrical conductivity than the dense PECS samples porosity up to 5 , but the benefit of an even sixfold reduction in thermal conductivity resulted in higher ZT values. The theoretical values of thermal conductivity for various effective media models considering randomly oriented spheroid pores are in good agreement with the experimental thermal conductivity data. The assumed distribution and shape of the pores correlated well with the scanning electron microscope analysis of the microstructure. The lowest value of thermal conductivity, equal to 0.5 W m K, was measured at 523 K for In0.1Co4Sb12 with 41 porosity. The highest value of ZTmax 1.0 at 673 K was found for the In0.2Co4Sb12 sample in which the porosity was 3

    Foldamers of β-peptides : conformational preference of peptides formed by rigid building blocks : The first MI-IR spectra of a triamide nanosystem

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    To determine local chirality driven conformational preferences of small aminocyclobutane-1-carboxylic acid derivatives, X-(ACBA) n -Y, their matrix-isolation IR spectra were recorded and analyzed. For the very first time model systems of this kind were deposited in a frozen (~10 K) noble gas matrix to reduce line width and thus, the recorded sharp vibrational lines were analyzed in details. For cis-(S,R)-1 monomer two “zigzag” conformers composed of either a six or an eight-membered H-bonded pseudo ring was identified. For trans-(S,S)-2 stereoisomer a zigzag of an eight-membered pseudo ring and a helical building unit were determined. Both findings are fully consistent with our computational results, even though the relative conformational ratios were found to vary with respect to measurements. For the dimers (S,R,S,S)-3 and (S,S,S,R)-4 as many as four different cis,trans and three different trans,cis conformers were localized in their matrix-isolation IR (MI-IR) spectra. These foldamers not only agree with the previous computational and NMR results, but also unambiguously show for the first time the presence of a structure made of a cis,trans conformer which links a “zigzag” and a helical foldamer via a bifurcated H-bond. The present work underlines the importance of MI-IR spectroscopy, applied for the first time for triamides to analyze the conformational pool of small biomolecules. We have shown that the local chirality of a β-amino acid can fully control its backbone folding preferences. Unlike proteogenic α-peptides, β- and especially (ACBA) n type oligopeptides could thus be used to rationally design and influence foldamer’s structural preferences

    The efficacy of social role models to increase motivation to obtain vaccination against hepatitis B among men who have sex with men

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    This study assessed the effects of role models in persuasive messages about risk and social norms to increase motivation to obtain hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination in men who have sex with men (MSM). MSM at risk for HBV in The Netherlands (N = 168) were recruited online via a range of websites and were randomly assigned to one of four conditions in a 2 (risk communication: yes and no) × 2 (social norms communication: yes and no) factorial design. In each condition, participants subsequently provided self-completed assessments of their perceived risk of HBV infection, perceived social norms regarding HBV vaccination and their intention to obtain vaccination against HBV. Risk communication and social norms communication that used social role models were effective in significantly increasing men's intention to obtain vaccination against HBV. No additive effect was found for a combined message. Mediation analyses showed that communications influenced intention via perceived risk and social norms. Findings extend previous theorizing and research and show that both role model-based risk communication and social norms communication can be effective in increasing intentions to obtain HBV vaccination in MSM. This knowledge contributes to the development of effective health promotion to increase HBV vaccination in MSM. © The Author 2010

    Integrated annotation and analysis of genomic features reveal new types of functional elements and large-scale epigenetic phenomena in the developing zebrafish

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    Zebrafish, a popular model for embryonic development and for modelling human diseases, has so far lacked a systematic functional annotation programme akin to those in other animal models. To address this, we formed the international DANIO-CODE consortium and created the first central repository to store and process zebrafish developmental functional genomic data. Our Data Coordination Center (https://danio-code.zfin.org) combines a total of 1,802 sets of unpublished and reanalysed published genomics data, which we used to improve existing annotations and show its utility in experimental design. We identified over 140,000 cis-regulatory elements in development, including novel classes with distinct features dependent on their activity in time and space. We delineated the distinction between regulatory elements active during zygotic genome activation and those active during organogenesis, identifying new aspects of how they relate to each other. Finally, we matched regulatory elements and epigenomic landscapes between zebrafish and mouse and predict functional relationships between them beyond sequence similarity, extending the utility of zebrafish developmental genomics to mammals

    Theory and practice of social norms interventions: eight common pitfalls.

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, Global Health practitioners, scholars, and donors have expressed increased interest in "changing social norms" as a strategy to promote health and well-being in low and mid-income countries (LMIC). Despite this burgeoning interest, the ability of practitioners to use social norm theory to inform health interventions varies widely. MAIN BODY: Here, we identify eight pitfalls that practitioners must avoid as they plan to integrate a social norms perspective in their interventions, as well as eight learnings. These learnings are: 1) Social norms and attitudes are different; 2) Social norms and attitudes can coincide; 3) Protective norms can offer important resources for achieving effective social improvement in people's health-related practices; 4) Harmful practices are sustained by a matrix of factors that need to be understood in their interactions; 5) The prevalence of a norm is not necessarily a sign of its strength; 6) Social norms can exert both direct and indirect influence; 7) Publicising the prevalence of a harmful practice can make things worse; 8) People-led social norm change is both the right and the smart thing to do. CONCLUSIONS: As the understanding of how norms evolve in LMIC advances, practitioners will develop greater understanding of what works to help people lead change in harmful norms within their contexts. Awareness of these pitfalls has helped several of them increase the effectiveness of their interventions addressing social norms in the field. We are confident that others will benefit from these reflections as well

    Association of LMP/TAP Gene Polymorphisms with Tuberculosis Susceptibility in Li Population in China

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease affected by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Several association studies have suggested that cellular immune response is vital for controlling and preventing of tuberculosis infection. Low molecular weight polypeptides (LMPs) and transporters with antigen processing (TAPs) are the main molecules in the processing and presentation pathway for intracellular antigens. This study was performed to elucidate whether these antigen-processing genes (LMP/TAP) polymorphisms could be associated with the risk of tuberculosis infection in China. Methodology/Principal Findings: We recruited 205 active pulmonary tuberculosis patients and 217 normal controls from Li population for this study. Four polymorphisms of LMP/TAP genes were determined by PCR-RFLP assay and haplotypes were constructed by software PHASE 1.0. Of the total four polymorphisms, genotype frequencies of LMP7 AA homozygote and CA heterozygote were significantly greater among cases compared to controls, with odds ratio of 3.77 (95 % CI: 1.60–8.89; P = 0.002) and 2.97 (95 % CI: 1.80–4.90; P,0.0001), respectively. The genotypes of TAP1-2 GG homozygote and AG heterozygote were more frequent in subjects with TB than in controls, with odds ratio of 3.94 (95 % CI: 1.82–8.53; P = 0.001) and 2.87 (95 % CI: 1.75–4.71; P,0.0001), respectively. Similarly, we found that haplotype B which carried LMP7 and TAP1-2 variations significantly increased the susceptibility to TB (OR = 3.674, 95 % CI: 2.254–5.988; P,0.0001). Moreover, it i

    Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags of the Cyclically Parthenogenetic Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis

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    Background. Rotifers are among the most common non-arthropod animals and are the most experimentally tractable members of the basal assemblage of metazoan phyla known as Gnathifera. The monogonont rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is a developing model system for ecotoxicology, aquatic ecology, cryptic speciation, and the evolution of sex, and is an important food source for finfish aquaculture. However, basic knowledge of the genome and transcriptome of any rotifer species has been lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings. We generated and partially sequenced a cDNA library from B. plicatilis and constructed a database of over 2300 expressed sequence tags corresponding to more than 450 transcripts. About 20% of the transcripts had no significant similarity to database sequences by BLAST; most of these contained open reading frames of significant length but few had recognized Pfam motifs. Sixteen transcripts accounted for 25% of the ESTs; four of these had no significant similarity to BLAST or Pfam databases. Putative up- and downstream untranslated regions are relatively short and AT rich. In contrast to bdelloid rotifers, there was no evidence of a conserved trans-spliced leader sequence among the transcripts and most genes were single-copy. Conclusions/Significance. Despite the small size of this EST project it revealed several important features of the rotifer transcriptome and of individual monogonont genes. Because there is little genomic data for Gnathifera, the transcripts we found with no known function may represent genes that are species-, class-, phylum- or even superphylum-specific; the fact that some are among the most highly expressed indicates their importance. The absence of trans-spliced leader exons in this monogonont species contrasts with their abundance in bdelloid rotifers and indicates that the presence of this phenomenon can vary at the subphylum level. Our EST database provides a relatively large quantity of transcript-level data for B. plicatilis, and more generally of rotifers and other gnathiferan phyla, and can be browsed and searched at gmod.mbl.edu