3,724 research outputs found

    Quiet Sun Magnetic Field Measurements Based on Lines with Hyperfine Structure

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    The Zeeman pattern of MnI lines is sensitive to hyperfine structure (HFS) and, they respond to hG magnetic field strengths differently from the lines used in solar magnetometry. This peculiarity has been employed to measure magnetic field strengths in quiet Sun regions. However, the methods applied so far assume the magnetic field to be constant in the resolution element. The assumption is clearly insufficient to describe the complex quiet Sun magnetic fields, biasing the results of the measurements. We present the first syntheses of MnI lines in realistic quiet Sun model atmospheres. The syntheses show how the MnI lines weaken with increasing field strength. In particular, kG magnetic concentrations produce NnI 5538 circular polarization signals (Stokes V) which can be up to two orders of magnitude smaller than the weak magnetic field approximation prediction. Consequently, (1) the polarization emerging from an atmosphere having weak and strong fields is biased towards the weak fields, and (2) HFS features characteristic of weak fields show up even when the magnetic flux and energy are dominated by kG fields. For the HFS feature of MnI 5538 to disappear the filling factor of kG fields has to be larger than the filling factor of sub-kG fields. Stokes V depends on magnetic field inclination according to the simple consine law. Atmospheres with unresolved velocities produce asymmetric line profiles, which cannot be reproduced by simple one-component model atmospheres. The uncertainty of the HFS constants do not limit the use of MnI lines for magnetometry.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 10 pages, 14 figure

    Analysis of the conditional mutual information in ballistic and diffusive non-equilibrium steady-states

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    The conditional mutual information (CMI) I(A ⁣: ⁣CB)\mathcal{I}(A\! : \! C|B) quantifies the amount of correlations shared between AA and CC \emph{given} BB. It therefore functions as a more general quantifier of bipartite correlations in multipartite scenarios, playing an important role in the theory of quantum Markov chains. In this paper we carry out a detailed study on the behavior of the CMI in non-equilibrium steady-states (NESS) of a quantum chain placed between two baths at different temperatures. These results are used to shed light on the mechanisms behind ballistic and diffusive transport regimes and how they affect correlations between different parts of a chain. We carry our study for the specific case of a 1D bosonic chain subject to local Lindblad dissipators at the boundaries. In addition, the chain is also subject to self-consistent reservoirs at each site, which are used to tune the transport between ballistic and diffusive. As a result, we find that the CMI is independent of the chain size LL in the ballistic regime, but decays algebraically with LL in the diffusive case. Finally, we also show how this scaling can be used to discuss the notion of local thermalization in non-equilibrium steady-states

    Using X-ray catalogues to find counterparts to unassociated high-energy Fermi/LAT sources

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    The first Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) catalogue of sources (1FHL) emitting at high energies (above 10 GeV) reports the details of 514 objects detected in the first three years of the Fermi mission. Of these, 71 were reported as unidentified in the 1FHL catalogue, although six are likely to be associated with a supernova remnant (SNR), a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) or a combination of both, thereby leaving a list of 65 still unassociated objects. Herein, we report a preliminary analysis on this sample of objects concentrating on nine 1FHL sources, which were found to have a clear optical extragalactic classification. They are all blazar, eight BL Lac and one flat spectrum radio quasar, typically at redshift greater than 0.1.Comment: Proceedings of "Swift: 10 Years of Discovery", December 2-5 2014, Rome, Italy, in Proceedings of Science (SWIFT 10

    Swift/XRT counterparts to unassociated Fermi high-energy LAT sources

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    We report the results from our analysis of a large set of archival data acquired with the X-ray telescope (XRT) onboard Swift, covering the sky region surrounding objects from the first Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) catalogue of high-energy sources (1FHL), which still lack an association. Of the 23 regions analysed, ten did not show any evidence of X-ray emission, but 13 were characterised by the presence of one or more objects emitting in the 0.3-10 keV band. Only in a couple of cases is the X-ray counterpart located outside the Fermi positional uncertainty, while in all other cases the associations found are compatible with the high-energy error ellipses. All counterparts we found have been studied in detail by means of a multi-waveband approach to evaluate their nature or class; in most cases, we have been able to propose a likely or possible association except for one Fermi source whose nature remains doubtful at the moment. The majority of the likely associations are extragalactic in nature, most probably blazars of the BL Lac type.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    RESIK observations of He-like Ar X-ray line emission in solar flares

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    The Ar XVII X-ray line group principally due to transitions 1s2 - 1s2l (l=s, p) near 4 Anstroms was observed in numerous flares by the RESIK bent crystal spectrometer aboard CORONAS-F between 2001 and 2003. The three line features include the Ar XVII w (resonance line), a blend of x and y (intercombination lines), and z (forbidden line), all of which are blended with Ar XVI dielectronic satellites. The ratio G, equal to [I(x+y) + I(z)]/I(w), varies with electron temperature Te mostly because of unresolved dielectronic satellites. With temperatures estimated from GOES X-ray emission, the observed G ratios agree fairly well with those calculated from CHIANTI and other data. With a two-component emission measure, better agreement is achieved. Some S XV and S XVI lines blend with the Ar lines, the effect of which occurs at temperatures greater than 8MK, allowing the S/Ar abundance ratio to be determined. This is found to agree with coronal values. A nonthermal contribution is indicated for some spectra in the repeating-pulse flare of 2003 February 6.Comment: Latex file and 3 ps files. Astrophysical Journal Letters (accepted, June 2008

    Swift/XRT follow-up observations of unidentified INTEGRAL/IBIS sources

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    Many sources listed in the 4th IBIS/ISGRI survey are still unidentified, i.e. lacking an X-ray counterpart or simply not studied at lower energies (< 10 keV). The cross-correlation between the list of IBIS sources in the 4th catalogue and the Swift/XRT data archive is of key importance to search for the X-ray counterparts; in fact, the positional accuracy of few arcseconds obtained with XRT allows us to perform more efficient and reliable follow-up observations at other wavelengths (optical, UV, radio). In this work, we present the results of the XRT observations for four new gamma-ray sources: IGR J12123-5802, IGR J1248.2-5828, IGR J13107-5626 and IGR J14080-3023. For IGR J12123-5802 we find a likely counterpart, but further information are needed to classified this object, IGR J1248.2-5828 is found to be a Seyfert 1.9, for IGR J13107-5626 we suggest a possible AGN nature, while IGR J14080-3023 is classified as a Seyfert 1.5 galaxy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure and 2 tables. Accepted for publication on PoS (contribution PoS(extremesky2009)018), proceedings of "The Extreme sky: Sampling the Universe above 10 keV", held in Otranto (Italy), 13-17 October 200

    The natural pseudo-distance as a quotient pseudo-metric, and applications

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    The natural pseudo-distance is a similarity measure conceived for the purpose of comparing shapes. In this paper we revisit this pseudo-distance from the point of view of quotients. In particular, we show that the natural pseudo-distance coincides with the quotient pseudo-metric on the space of continuous functions on a compact manifold, endowed with the uniform convergence metric, modulo self-homeomorphisms of the manifold. As applications of this result, the natural pseudo-distance is shown to be actually a metric on a number of function subspaces such as the space of topological embeddings, of isometries, and of simple Morse functions on surfaces

    Spectral Geometry of Heterotic Compactifications

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    The structure of heterotic string target space compactifications is studied using the formalism of the noncommutative geometry associated with lattice vertex operator algebras. The spectral triples of the noncommutative spacetimes are constructed and used to show that the intrinsic gauge field degrees of freedom disappear in the low-energy sectors of these spacetimes. The quantum geometry is thereby determined in much the same way as for ordinary superstring target spaces. In this setting, non-abelian gauge theories on the classical spacetimes arise from the K-theory of the effective target spaces.Comment: 14 pages LaTe