3,707 research outputs found

    Role of Vector Mesons in High-Q^2 Lepton-Nucleon Scattering

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    The possible role played by vector mesons in inclusive deep inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering is investigated. In the context of the convolution model, we calculate self-consistently the scaling contribution to the nucleon structure function using the formalism of time-ordered perturbation theory in the infinite momentum frame. Our results indicate potentially significant effects only when the vector meson---nucleon form factor is very hard. Agreement with the experimental antiquark distributions, however, requires relatively soft form factors for the πN\pi N, ρN\rho N and ωN\omega N vertices.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures (available upon request); accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D, ADP-92-197/T12

    Search for the QCD critical point in nuclear collisions at the CERN SPS

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    Pion production in nuclear collisions at the SPS is investigated with the aim to search, in a restricted domain of the phase diagram, for power-laws in the behavior of correlations which are compatible with critical QCD. We have analyzed interactions of nuclei of different size (p+p, C+C, Si+Si, Pb+Pb) at 158AA GeV adopting, as appropriate observables, scaled factorial moments in a search for intermittent fluctuations in transverse dimensions. The analysis is performed for π+π−\pi^+\pi^- pairs with invariant mass very close to the two-pion threshold. In this sector one may capture critical fluctuations of the sigma component in a hadronic medium, even if the σ\sigma-meson has no well defined vacuum state. It turns out that for the Pb+Pb system the proposed analysis technique cannot be applied without entering the invariant mass region with strong Coulomb correlations. As a result the treatment becomes inconclusive in this case. Our results for the other systems indicate the presence of power-law fluctuations in the freeze-out state of Si+Si approaching in size the prediction of critical QCD.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Transverse lattice calculation of the pion light-cone wavefunctions

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    We calculate the light-cone wavefunctions of the pion by solving the meson boundstate problem in a coarse transverse lattice gauge theory using DLCQ. A large-N_c approximation is made and the light-cone Hamiltonian expanded in massive dynamical fields at fixed lattice spacing. In contrast to earlier calculations, we include contributions from states containing many gluonic link-fields between the quarks.The Hamiltonian is renormalised by a combination of covariance conditions on boundstates and fitting the physical masses M_rho and M_pi, decay constant f_pi, and the string tension sigma. Good covariance is obtained for the lightest 0^{-+} state, which we identify with the pion. Many observables can be deduced from its light-cone wavefunctions.After perturbative evolution,the quark valence structure function is found to be consistent with the experimental structure function deduced from Drell-Yan pi-nucleon data in the valence region x > 0.5. In addition, the pion distribution amplitude is consistent with the experimental distribution deduced from the pi gamma^* gamma transition form factor and diffractive dissociation. A new observable we calculate is the probability for quark helicity correlation. We find a 45% probability that the valence-quark helicities are aligned in the pion.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure
