25 research outputs found

    Landscape science: a Russian geographical tradition

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    The Russian geographical tradition of landscape science (landshaftovedenie) is analyzed with particular reference to its initiator, Lev Semenovich Berg (1876-1950). The differences between prevailing Russian and Western concepts of landscape in geography are discussed, and their common origins in German geographical thought in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are delineated. It is argued that the principal differences are accounted for by a number of factors, of which Russia's own distinctive tradition in environmental science deriving from the work of V. V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903), the activities of certain key individuals (such as Berg and C. O. Sauer), and the very different social and political circumstances in different parts of the world appear to be the most significant. At the same time it is noted that neither in Russia nor in the West have geographers succeeded in specifying an agreed and unproblematic understanding of landscape, or more broadly in promoting a common geographical conception of human-environment relationships. In light of such uncertainties, the latter part of the article argues for closer international links between the variant landscape traditions in geography as an important contribution to the quest for sustainability

    Using Geographic Information Systems in science classrooms Usando o Sistema de Informação Geográfica (GIS) em salas de aula de ciências

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    This qualitative study examines GIS use in two North Carolina classrooms and illustrates several GIS lessons that span the gamut of worksheet type lessons to independent student research. Using Geographic Information Systems, GIS, in the science classroom has a variety of benefits which the associated literature describes. The teachers in this study report that GIS is a technology that a wide range of students enjoy using. Visual learners find GIS a way to establish and communicate relationships that may be difficult for them to communicate with words and this makes their learning more enjoyable and rewarding. GIS use allows teachers to simplify many science concepts and again appeal to visual learners. Earthquake and volcano location relative to plate boundaries is a good example that is illustrated in a model lesson here. Additionally, GIS technologies allow students to practice and enhance their inquiry and problem solving skills. Students must select appropriate data layers, produce a map that communicates clearly to an audience, and calculate values like perimeter and area. GIS maps can be used to help students generate research questions and then answer those questions. An example student project is also included. GIS is a multi-faceted technology that is ready for use in the science curriculum.<br>Este estudo qualitativo examina o uso do GIS em duas salas de aula da Carolina do Norte, EUA e ilustra uma gama de atividades realizadas para promover pesquisas independentes entre os estudantes. O uso do GIS na sala de aula de ciências possui vários benefícios descritos na literatura. Neste estudo os professores relataram que o GIS é uma tecnologia que os estudantes gostam de usar. Aprendizes visuais acham que o GIS é uma forma de estabelecer relações que podem ser difíceis de explicar com palavras, assim a aprendizagem deles é mais proveitosa e compensadora. O GIS permite ao professor simplificar muitos conceitos científicos. A localização de terremotos, vulcões e a relação com os limites das placas tectônicas é um exemplo do que foi usado em uma aula. Além disso, as tecnologias de GIS permitem que os estudantes pratiquem e melhorem suas habilidades de investigação e de resolução de problemas. Os estudantes selecionam várias camadas de dados para produzir mapas que comuniquem claramente, além de fazer cálculos como os de perímetros de área. Os mapas GIS podem ser vistos como uma tecnologia multifacetada pronta para o uso em currículos e ciências