371 research outputs found

    Response to Comment on "Pairing and Phase Separation in a Polarized Fermi Gas"

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    Zwierlein and Ketterle rely on subjective arguments and fail to recognize important differences in physical parameters between our experiment and theirs. We stand by the conclusions of our original report

    Strategija razvoja kontejnerskog terminala u luci Port Saidu

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    Since 1960 there has been a growing trend for utilizing containers in marine shipping due to the growth of global trade, safety of containers, faster handling in ports and door to door services. This trend led to a development of container ships from 1000 TEU to 12000 TEU capacities. Consequently there is a continuous development in all related parties to container shipping such as port authorities, container terminals, cargo handling equipment manufacturers, management of container terminals and information technology. The system of containerization made a revolution at the entire pattern of trade and ports around the world, gearing up to meet trade growth and its requirements. Although there is a development in most of container terminals globally, our Egyptian container terminals still suffer from low performance which leads to losing the competitive capability. The paper is discussing the problems of public sector container terminals in Egypt and pointing particularly to Port Said Container Terminal, focusing on existing problems and suggested solutions for solving and improving the performance and productivity to compete and face the challenges due to the continuous growth in container shipping market.Od 1960. stalno raste trend rabljenja kontejnera u pomorskom brodarstvu. Taj je rast generiran prije svega zbog rasta globalnog prometa, sigurnosti kontejnera, bržeg rukovanja u lukama i servisom „od vrata – do vrata“. Taj trend doveo je do kontejnerskih brodova kapaciteta od 1000 do 12000 TEU. Sukladno tome, došlo je do razvoja svih ostalih subjekata međusobno povezanih s kontejnerskim brodarstvom, kao što su: lučke vlasti, kontejnerski terminali, proizvođači za opremu pri rukovanju teretom, upravom kontejnerskih terminala i tehnologijom informacija. Sustav prijevoza robe u kontejnerima revolucionarno je djelovao na globalnu strukturu prometa i luka, čvrsto se povezujući da bi se zadovoljio zahtjev porast prometa. Na globalnom planu većina se kontejnerskih terminala razvila. Ali, primjerice, egipatski kontejnerski terminali još uvijek pate od niskog stupnja učinkovitosti, što dovodi do nedostatne konkurentske sposobnosti. U ovom se radu raspravlja o problemima javnog sektora kontejnerskih terminala u Egiptu s posebnim osvrtom na kontejnerski terminal Port Saida, fokusirajući se na postojeće probleme i na elaboriranje prijedloga za rješavanje i usavršavanje rada i produktivnosti kako bi se povećala konkurentnost i suočilo s izazovima neprekidnog rasta na tržištu kontejnerskog brodarstva


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    In the recent years, as a result of the economical situation in Egypt, fuel price is rapidly increased. Consequently, the cost of cargo transport is also increased. Therefore, the aim of the present paper is to check the feasibility of a pushed barge convoy system working through Cairo-Aswan waterway as an alternative mean of cargo transport in order to encourage the transport companies to transport their cargoes through river Nile which is considered the cheapest transport mode in Egypt. In this paper, the current situation of the river transport and the characteristics of the Egyptian inland waterways network are reviewed and investigated to identify the navigation problems and constraints which affect the navigation through Cairo-Aswan waterway. The basic concept of ship controllability is reviewed to clarify the maneuver characteristics of a pushed barge convoy system in shallow waterways. Also, different configurations for pushed barge convoy system are proposed and the required power of each configuration is calculated using a specially developed computer program. A technical and operational measure called transport efficiency is used as a criterion to get the most economical configuration of the desired pushed barge convoy system. Finally, a comparison between the pushed barge convoy system and the existing river transport means in Egypt is made to clarify the feasibility of using pushed barge convoy system through Cairo-Aswan waterway

    Pairing and Phase Separation in a Polarized Fermi Gas

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    We report the observation of a pairing in a number polarized two-component gas of atomic fermions. Beyond a critical polarization, the gas separates into a superfluid paired core surrounded by a shell of normal unpaired fermions. The critical polarization diminishes with decreasing attractive interaction. We also measure the parameter \beta = 0.54 (5) describing the universal energy of a strongly interacting Fermi gas, and find good agreement with most recent theory. These results are relevant to predictions of exotic new phases of quark matter and of strongly magnetized superconductors

    Cytomegalovirus Management in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Pre-COVID-19 Survey From the Working Group of the European Society for Organ Transplantation

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    Infections are leading causes of morbidity/mortality following solid organ transplantation (SOT) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) is among the most frequent pathogens, causing a considerable threat to SOT recipients. A survey was conducted 19 July–31 October 2019 to capture clinical practices about CMV in SOT recipients (e.g., how practices aligned with guidelines, how adequately treatments met patients’ needs, and respondents’ expectations for future developments). Transplant professionals completed a ∼30-minute online questionnaire: 224 responses were included, representing 160 hospitals and 197 SOT programs (41 countries; 167[83%] European programs). Findings revealed a heterogenous approach to CMV diagnosis and management and, sometimes, significant divergence from international guidelines. Valganciclovir prophylaxis (of variable duration) was administered by 201/224 (90%) respondents in D+/R− SOT and by 40% in R+ cases, with pre-emptive strategies generally reserved for R+ cases: DNA thresholds to initiate treatment ranged across 10–10,000 copies/ml. Ganciclovir-resistant CMV strains were still perceived as major challenges, and tailored treatment was one of the most important unmet needs for CMV management. These findings may help to design studies to evaluate safety and efficacy of new strategies to prevent CMV disease in SOT recipients, and target specific educational activities to harmonize CMV management in this challenging population

    Hepatitis E virus mixed infection in immunocompetent patient

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    We detected 2 hepatitis E virus (HEV) strains in an acutely infected immunocompetent patient. Two populations of genotype 3 virus were observed in the hypervariable regions and open reading frames 2 and 3, indicating multiple infection with hepatitis E virus. Persons with mixed infections may provide the opportunity for virus recombination