735 research outputs found

    Interactions of VAM fungi, pesticides and crops

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    V esicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (V AM) are beneficial root symbionts of most crops, including corn and soybeans. These fungi colonize plant roots, facilitating nutrient ex­ change between the plant and the fungus. The plant supplies carbon for fungal growth; in turn, the VAM enhances uptake of relatively immobile nutrients such as phosphorus (P). The network of external fungal filaments, or hyphae (see photos below), extends outside the root up to several centimeters in the soil, allowing the fungus access to soil P otherwise unavailable to the plant

    Climatology of ionospheric slab thickness

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    The ionospheric slab thickness τ defined as a ratio of the total electron content (TEC) to the F-region peak electron density (<i>Nm</i>F2) has been analysed during the solar maximum (1981) and minimum (1985) phases of an intense, the 21st, solar cycle. Hourly values of TEC and <i>Nm</i>F2 collected at Hawaii (low-latitude), Boulder (mid-latitude) and Goosebay (high-latitude) are used in the study. Climatology of the slab thickness is described by the diurnal, seasonal, solar and magnetic activity variations of τ for the different latitude zones. It is found that, for magnetically quiet days of solar maximum, increased ionization of <i>Nm</i>F2 and TEC during the daytime is accompanied by an increased thickness of the ionosphere compared to the night-time for non-auroral latitudes. However, the reverse is found to be true during the solar minimum compensating TEC against a weak night-time ionization of <i>Nm</i>F2. For the high-latitude the night-time slab thickness is higher compared to the daytime for both the solar phases. Ratios of daily peak to minimum values of slab thickness vary from 1.3 to 3.75 with the peaks of τ often observed at pre-sunrise and post-sunset hours. The average night-to-day ratios of τ vary from 0.68 to 2.23. The day-to-day variability of τ, expressed in percentage standard deviation, varies from 10% by day (equinox, high-latitude) to 67% by night (summer, mid-latitude) during solar minimum and from 10% by day (winter and equinox, mid-latitude) to 56% by night (equinox, high-latitude) during solar maximum. A comprehensive review of slab thickness related literature is given in the paper. <br><br><b>Key words.</b> Ionospheric physic

    The Influence of Statistical versus Exemplar Appeals on Indian Adults’ Health Intentions: An Investigation of Direct Effects and Intervening Persuasion Processes

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    In two separate investigations, we examined the persuasive effectiveness of statistical versus exemplar appeals on Indian adults’ smoking cessation and mammography screening intentions. To more comprehensively address persuasion processes, we explored whether message response and perceived message effectiveness functioned as antecedents to persuasive effects. Results showed that statistical appeals led to higher levels of health intentions than exemplar appeals. In addition, findings from both studies indicated that statistical appeals stimulated more attention and were perceived as more effective than anecdotal accounts. Among male smokers, statistical appeals also generated greater cognitive processing than exemplar appeals. Subsequent mediation analyses revealed that message response and perceived message effectiveness fully carried the influence of appeal format on health intentions. Given these findings, future public health initiatives conducted among similar populations should design messages that include substantive factual information while ensuring that this content is perceived as credible and valuable. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER

    Electrodeposition of Sn, Se, SnSe and the material properties of SnSe films

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    Tin sulphide (SnS) films have been electrodeposited and the materials properties are reported, The potential-pH diagram of Sn and S in aqueous medium are superimposed to obtain the common immunity domains which predicts a pH value 1.5 and deposition potential of ·1.0 VseE for the stoichiometric deposition. Films are cathodically deposited on 5002 coated conducting glass substrates at bath temperatures 303-353 K. XRD studies show the polycrystalline nature with orthorhombic structure. The optical band gap of the snS film is 1.1 eV from the absorption studies. ESCA spectrum confirms the presence of Sn and S on the grey black sample. Uniform, smooth and pin hole free surface morphology is observed by SEM


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    Objective: The aim of the study is to investigate and to reveal the antiepileptic activity of fluoro substituted benzothiazole derivatives (FBTDs) in experimental induced epilepsy in mice.Methods: The acute oral toxicity was determined as per OECD guideline 423 and minimum effective dose was also determined for pharmacological screening. The antiepileptic activity of FBTDs was studied against maximal electroshock (MES) and strychnine (1 mg/kg, s. c.) induced seizures in mice.Results: In MES test, the duration of tonic hind limb extension was significantly reduced by all FBTDs at a dose of 100 mg/kg except, P-3, and OX-9 whereas in strychnine induced model, the seizure latency was sustained by all FBTDs at a dose of 100 mg/kg except P-4. P-7 and OX-9.Conclusion: The novels synthesized FBTDs shown very good activity and lead a route for further studies in this particular molecule.Ă‚

    Initial inflammatory response of skeletal muscle to commonly used suture materials: an animal model study to evaluate muscle healing after surgical repair - histopathological perspective

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    Objectives: To evaluate initial inflammatory response of skeletal muscle to a few commonly used suture materials for muscle repair namely nylon, polydiaxonone (PDS II), plain catgut and polygalactin 910 which in turn determines the scarring of muscle and loss of function. Material and Methods: Inflammation and healing of muscle post repair was evaluated in the lateral thigh muscle (biceps femoris) of 8 adult healthy male Rattus norvegicus. The inflammatory reaction & healing of the skeletal muscle was evaluated histologically at the end of 48 hours, 1 week and 3 weeks. Results: At 48 hours post-surgery, Nylon samples showed severe inflammation followed by Catgut and Polygalactin. At 1 week post-surgery, the catgut group demonstrated increased macrophages infiltration while Nylon demonstrated persistant lymphocytic pro-inflammatory component. PDS sutures elicited minimal inflammatory response all through. Conclusion: In the present study the most desirable suture material was determined to be PDS due to its minimal tissue response and superior handling qualities. However the fact that the presence of macrophages in healing muscle enhances the repair process would be a pointer to create an environment which contains the sustained presence of macrophages to enhance optimal healing of skeletal muscle in the presence of an ideal suture material

    Thermoelectric Properties of (1-x)LaCoO3.x_{3.x}La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 Composite

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    We report the thermoelectric (TE) properties of (1-x)LaCoO3.xLa0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (0 < x < 0.10) composite in a temperature range 320-800 K. Addition of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 to LaCoO3 in small amount (5 weight %) improves the overall Seebeck coefficient ({\alpha}) at higher temperatures. The electrical conductivity, however, decreases due to a decrease in carrier concentration of the composite. The decrease in electrical conductivity of the composite at high temperature may be attributed to the insulating nature of the LSMO above room temperature. Thermal conductivity (\k{appa}) of all the samples increases with an increase in the temperature but decreases with increasing LSMO content. We also report the local variation of the Seebeck coefficient across the composite samples measured using a precision Seebeck measurement system. A maximum value of 0.09 for the figure of merit (ZT) is obtained for 0.95LaCoO3.0.05La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 at 620 K which is significantly higher than the ZT of either of LaCoO3 or La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 at 620 K. This suggests the potential for enhancement of operating temperatures of hitherto well known low-temperature thermoelectric materials through suitable compositing approach.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1807.0556

    Influence of shade regimes on yield and quality of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)

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    The effect of different levels of shade on yield and quality of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) was studied during two seasons at Coconut Research Station, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala. The shade levels 20 and 40 per cent were favourable for obtaining higher dry ginger yield. Volatile oil content showed an increasing trend with increasing levels of shade. Maximum NVEE was recorded in the plants grown under 20 and 40 per cent shade levels. Higher starch content was observed in plants grown under 20 per cent shade level. Crude fibre content gradually reduced as the intensity of shade increased. The results indicate the possibility of utilizing existing shaded situations in coconut gardens and under other perennial crops for the production of ginger. &nbsp

    Mulch requirement of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) under shade

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    Field experiments conducted at Vellayani (Kerala, India) to study the mulch requirement of ginger (Zingiber officinale) under various shade levels indicated that under 25 per cent shade, one-fourth quantity (7.5 t/ha) of green leaf mulch could be saved. &nbsp

    Major nutrient requirement of mango-ginger (Curcuma amada Roxb.)

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    Field trials conducted at Vellayani (Kerala, India) with factorial combinations of three levels each of nitrogen (15, 30 and 45 kg N ha-1), phosphorus (15, 30 and 45 kg P20 5 ha-1) and potassium (30, 60 and 90 kg K2O ha-1) revealed that N, P,05 and K2O @ 30 : 30 : .60 kg ha-1 was optimum for obtaining maximum net returns and benefit-cost ratio in mango-ginger (Curcuma amada). &nbsp
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